Implemented Connection issues (Cannot Resolve)

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by Gevase, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. Arachnyd

    Arachnyd New Member

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    Local Time:
    3:29 PM
    We run three desktops and two laptops from here. I get a similar problem that usually happens between 2pm and 5pm every day (US, Central Daylight Time). Usually, I don't lose my connection totally, it just starts to lag so badly that I can't play. One time in five, I'll lose my connection and not be able to reconnect (Can't establish connectiom to server....).

    The slowdown happens every day. The disconnect happens about 20% of the time. Either way, the service interruption happens during the same time period every day. It happens to all computers connected to MyM. There is no slowdown to any other game or service we access during the same time period.

    This has been true since the last world reset in Horizons. Before that, I had no issues whatsoever.

    I've done some checking with tracert and ping, both during the slowdown period and during a normal period. From here to the resolved IP for Horizons and the Lobby, responses are similar and consistent during both periods. As an IT guy, this is telling me that possibly MyM's hardware servers and/or their connecting hardware/software are doing something in that time period that is causing a slowdown in their ability to respond timely to requests.

    Just food for thought.

  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:29 PM
    This sounds like the peak time. However I have no issues from Germany, which is kinda odd if the traceroute does not show anything.
  3. KeeperFX

    KeeperFX New Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    3:29 PM
    Id run several full nmap scans on the mym servers during various hours. Zenmap (as root) and use the slow comprehensive scan. Can take well over an hour to complete, but will give huge details about everything thats going on.

    *Edit: I would do this myself and upload the logs, but im at work and dont have access to a linux machine.....or maybe i do....we'll see.

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