Wish granted but sine0ce you were thinking about pumpkins you grt turned into one I wish chugga coule only post one post per day on any forum for the rest of his life
Wish granted but all your spells seemed to backfire and ended up killing you I wish my wishes wont get corrupted Yup I did just do that
Wish granted, but since your wishes don't get corrupted, you do instead and you die I wish for wishes wishes' great grandwishes wishes' wishes wishes
Not again D: Wish granted, now there are a hundred generations of wishes who want freedom from chugga, so he can't wish anymore. I wish that chugga would loose his ability to type 'w' or say it for ever.
\/\/ish granted, but i do this now I \/\/ish for \/\/ishes \/\/ishes' \/\/ishes to be \/\/ished a\/\/ay from \/\/ishes \/\/ishes' \/\/ishes
Wish granted but now you have wished for too many wishes and can no longer type the word wish or \/\/ish I wish I could use telekinesis
vvish granted, but you hear peoples unthinkable thoughts and no longer vvish you could I VVish vvishing vvasn't this easy, as vvishing vvishes vvishes's makes you vvish i couldn't vvish vvishes, and you try to stop me from vvishing, but i can alvvays find a vvay around this
vvish granted, but I use a proxy vvisher vvho happens to use this account I vvish for no more vvishes
Wish granted. Your wish backfires. Everyone is able to wish except you. I wish for chugga to shut up already
Wish granted... Seems like my corruption powers don't work anymore so your wish is left exactly like you said it. I wish dead island 2 would release soon!
VVish granted, but since the previous vvish being granted is still being avoided using proxy, i can still corrupt this, and as such, the game just plain o'l sucks I vvish for vvish
WIsh granted but that wish can only end badly and plays Tralalala every time I wish chugga would stop with the MArio/Undertale/Jondertale
wish granted im not sure i could corrupt that... i wish that all the wishs that wish for wishes wishes that wish would be wishing for things that i want to wish for.
Wish granted but the wishes that wish for wishes gain sentience and rebel against humanity. I wish infinity had projectE in it
Granted but that would be the only mod on that pack and it wouldn't work. I wish i was Mark Zuckerberg and owner of Facebook post #200