wish granted, but it only has 1 bit, I wish wishes wish wish wished wish wish wish wishes wish wish wish wish wish wishes wish wish wish wish wish wish wished wish wishes wishes wish's wish wish wish wish wished with wishes that wished wishes that wish wishes for more wishes with which wishing with wishes wished with a wish
Quantum computers have qubits, not bits Wish granted, but the other wishers lynch you for asking that wish I wish chugga would stop his multiple wish nonsense
Same difference in terms of terminology when in proper reference point Wish granted, but I continue to annoy you in other ways I wish wishing that wishes could be stopped was stopped by wishing in wishes previously wished by wishers who wish maliciously to wish ill's on wishers wishing wishes about wishes
Wish Granted but you have 911 MESSAGES AT THIS TIME CONGRATULATIONS !! Wish granted but it breaks after 69hours of use. I wish 3 wishes
Wish Granted but the wish is going to be granted by a baby genie I wish to have a wallet that has infinite amount of cash.
Your wallet will explode from the infite amount of cash and you realise the cash was fake. I wish to get $10 paysafecard that is valid, usable, full of cash, its usable in my account and I can use it to get Patron rank and it's valid, usable, full of cash, its usable in my account and I can use it to get Patron rank and it's valid, usable, full of cash, its usable in my account and I can use it to get Patron rank and it's valid, usable, full of cash, its usable in my account and I can use it to get Patron rank and it's valid, usable, full of cash, its usable in my account and I can get it now!
Wish granted but you die after going out of a car. I wish to get $10 paysafecard that is valid, usable, full of cash, its usable in my account and I can use it to get Patron rank and it's valid, usable, full of cash, its usable in my account and I can use it to get Patron rank and it's valid, usable, full of cash, its usable in my account and I can use it to get Patron rank and it's valid, usable, full of cash, its usable in my account and I can use it to get Patron rank and it's valid, usable, full of cash, its usable in my account and I can get it now and I will won't be fined for spamming, and the PSC won't get banned and it will always be usable only for getting Patron or Patron + rank!P) XD
wISH GRAnted, but you realise it's uselessful technical goldie I wish a wish that was wasted on a wastey wasty plankish waste.