Wish granted, but the crafting table requieres 3x3 crafting grid, there is no villages on the map and all 2x2 grid recipes craft either machines that requiere energy (while engines need a 3x3 grid) or trash. I wish MyM had an Ascension of the Technomancer server.
Wish granted, but you're only allowed to be in spectator mode when on the server. I wish I've found a way to automate dragons in Skyfactory 3.
Wish granted, but you automated duping dragon heads and get banned. I wish Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed luctus a nisi id condimentum. Nulla sapien turpis, commodo id lacus ut, tempor faucibus mi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc sodales augue velit, sed lacinia augue tincidunt ac. Praesent quis vehicula lorem.
Wish granted but you are arrested for stealing a billion dollars. I wish I could look at the sun without hurting my eyes.
Wish granted but your eyes will start to disintegrate when your not looking at the sun. I wish I had a McLaren p1.
Wish granted but the world is now devoid of oxygen, causing you to suffocate and die. I wish I had a good wish to put here.
Wish granted but you can only spectate what happened in the past, and only things you yourself have seen. When you do go back the memory of it also gets erased. I wish the sun had a on/off switch.