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Crash server rant

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by egons_ghost, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    3:51 PM
    THIS is what makes mym my favorite community, the staff are friendly, honest, and do their utmost to serve us as a community while, as i have poked at above, miscomunication is bound to happen, its not their fault, they're doing a job voluntaraly and doing it damn well in my opinion
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    3:51 AM
    this was more directed towards @gotbadgermilk whos message sounded to me like being used to a free butler - no offense
  3. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    3:51 PM
    I've tried but the ever vigilant directors spotted all inconsistencies in my applications ;)
  4. metalobism

    metalobism Well-Known Member

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    8:51 PM
    We as staff members recommend the /ticket system for two main reasons.
    1. It provides a "paper" trail for us to review in the case of a dispute (IE for evidence, continuity, ect)
    2. to prevent your issue from getting lost in the shuffle (IE if the investigating staff member was unable to finish the job due to a number of reasons, or if there doesn't happen to be anyone available at the time)

    sometimes it may seem like the responses are slow. time zone differences, level of training, and personal life all factor into how quickly a staff member can and will respond to an issue. While voice chat may sometimes get a faster response sometime you catch us at a bad time. I myself can think of a number of time i went afk and came back to find i had missed someone trying to get help cause i went to the bathroom. There have also been times where i have been in the middle of helping another player when i am asked for help.

    so when a staff member asks you to report the problem, before you get upset about it keep in mind that we aren't dismissing your issue we are trying to make sure it gets dealt with as quickly as we can, and that in case for some reason there is a dispute of what happened we at least have some documented explanation for what went on.
    JacaRoe likes this.
  5. DarkHeated666

    DarkHeated666 Well-Known Member

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    8:51 PM
    Tldr: Staff responds as fast as they can. Please consider staff are players, like you. If you want to help/think you can do better. APPLY FOR STAFF!

    Sorry if this is perhaps a little too blunt, but the argument feels slightly redundant. The staff are trying to point out proper procedure to ensure that proper accountability is documented, and the members involved are arguing that response needs sped up.

    (tldr means too long didn't read. this tends to happen with larger forums, someone will skim and miss important points.)
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  6. Mining_Canadian

    Mining_Canadian Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:51 PM
    Staff members are almost ALWAYS on either our private slack channel wich notifies us (or at-least used to when I was staff) of when a server crashes and the entire crash log. The higher staff members are almost always working on fixing, upgrading, and developing our servers and doing fancy server stuff! trust me ;) thanks for the concern though!

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