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D.I.E.(An MyM Original)

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by SilentBane, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  2. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    7:57 AM
    haha. grimbug reporting bug. lol. yeah that needs to be fixed, you were right, it is cheaty.

    Question, about mobs. I thought mobs despawned unless holding an ingot or metal item. I thought if they were holding rotten flesh or a bone they would despawn. So, do mobs not despawn if they are holding anything at all?
  3. grimbug

    grimbug New Member

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    12:57 PM
    thx charles!
  4. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    No thank you for reporting it.
    LucidTheStick likes this.
  5. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    As of right now they won't despawn at all. I'm still working on the issues with passive mobs despawning when they shouldn't so I temporarily turned off all 'natural' mob despawning.

    As far as bug reporting, please feel free to message me as well as the other outlets on here, messages to me always get top priority when I log on. I gotta say, good find on that fruit thing.

    As far as the kicked for flying Demo, what does it say when that happens? I thought I removed the plugins that would do that and since there is actual flying in late game, I'd like to figure out the cause of that false positive.
  6. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    I went through the portal, then it said Flying is not permitted, and I was back to main log in screen. It may have said that because the portal put me way up in the air over the vast deep ocean, so when I came through it may have made me hover a second before dropping me. So I may have registered as someone who had no way of flying and yet was for a second. lol

    Thanks, I wondered, all other mobs disappear when I rt from base except for those holding flesh and bones. So I found a way to get out back way. Just thought I was going nuts. Haha.

    Although there are 2 mobs that could you pretty please remove from the island if you come on. They roam it and the water, both infernals, They were roaming all yesterday afternoon, 1 throws fireballs, 1 gives you slowness and decay. Thanks.
  7. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Haha sure thing, that's pretty funny
  8. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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  9. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I recently really want to start playing TFC after watching the B-Team's 1.7.10 pack that is focused on TFC called B-Team's: Sticks and stones (cant wait for the release)

    Saying that i really like the time you put into this pack, it really shows, But sadly i am looking for a "true" TFC experiance...lol

    i will play more to see if it grows on me though
    Demonica6666 likes this.
  10. grimbug

    grimbug New Member

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    QB hand-in bug. Black Steel quest chain will not recognise the final stage, can't hand in our shiney Black Steel Ingot![DOUBLEPOST=1421036013,1420876576][/DOUBLEPOST]EDIT Don't know if "as intended" but the meteor mobs are unbalanced at the moment, vanilla health values etc, so every mob is one shot, alien creeper, replicators, blazes etc. Can you tweak the mob to bring thier health values up inline with TFC mobs?

    EDIT i seem to recall some mention in one of our chats about bringing the crafting recipe for boats back? could we? id really like that!
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2015
    cbrozak likes this.
  11. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Hmmm, boats should be craftable again, I must have forgot to revert that script with the newest update, I'll solve that today.

    Yeah, we have the JSON files for the mobs written, we are currently working on finding on that is throwing the server and client into an annoying crash when they are put in. Once we have those stabilized we'll definitely bring them up to par.
  12. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    I do not know about the mobs elsewhere, but on out island, there seem to be number of infernal mobs here that do not despawn. After making a suicide run a couple of times, I remembered we had a vanilla bucket and was able to lava it. I was one the hits you back when you hit it and it had more health than I did. lol. The Decay infernal is still bobbing next to shore. Salted did a suicide run and killed about 4-5 of them. After that it was kind of funny, Salted said he cleared them out for my 2nd suicide run, we went out and started to go up, Surprise, there were 2 more waiting on us. I think we finally killed all but the 1 decay mob now.

    I will say that I have not seen any of the 25+K health super mobs lately. Those usually show up after Blood Moons. And I only saw 1 Blood Moon and no imminent meteor showers incoming bulletins lately.
  13. grimbug

    grimbug New Member

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    Can't for the life of me get the slimey sapling to grow. I've had it planted on TFC dirt for days, way past the TFC sapling growth time, which was at max 11-12 days on certain sapling types ( don't know if this has been tweaked on ver 79 tho). Just incase ive tried growing it on vanilla dirt too, Wiki Info on the slime Sapling itself indicates that it should grow on vanilla dirt as well as tinkers slimey dirt, which i will make and test as a last resort. Have you customised the sapling for the modpack? Or am i wasting time? I think it was one of the "pick one" quest rewards and im worried its broken and i made a bad choice!
  14. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    I planted 1 on a mix of different dirt with a light level of 12+, it grew as did the second 1. I just plopped down a square 6x6, putting some of each dirt. I tried it on 2 of the dirt types and they grew. Check your light level, make sure it has plenty of room, put down several types of dirt and wait. Mine grew in about 2-3 minecraft days.
  15. grimbug

    grimbug New Member

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    testing in single player may not yeild same results as multiplayer, my slimey sapling on server is 100% exposed to sky, has very clear area for growth around it and has been planted for over a month!
  16. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    I don't test in single player. I mined a large area out and did this inside our base. No sky access whatsoever. I was experimenting on what would grow in our base and what would not. Crops = no, slimy saplings = yes. Try it underground in a large area with a mix of dirts. The sapling is technically a tinker's plant and not a TFC plant so I thought, what the heck, and tried it. I know a lot of people go to single player to try stuff, I prefer to do it on the server, after all, the mechanics might be different. You know, I just realized that I have never tried any of the packs on single, huh, oh well. lol. Try it Grim and it should grow.
    cbrozak likes this.
  17. grimbug

    grimbug New Member

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    well glad to hear you got it working on multi.. im just nothaving any luck yet! persistance!![DOUBLEPOST=1421176742,1421164971][/DOUBLEPOST]EDIT Worth looking into chaning the crafting recipe for TFC rope, currently only uses vanilla string, would make sense if it also used jute fibers/hemp![DOUBLEPOST=1421212299][/DOUBLEPOST]EDIT Progresive Automation miners, require vanilla tools as a fuel/tool for them to work! is this "as intended" some end game way of making/getting vanilla tools already in game? or oversight and we need to tweak mod to accept TFC tools?[DOUBLEPOST=1421216132][/DOUBLEPOST]EDIT finally got my slimey sapling to grow, and on a side note bouncing on the slime trunk blocks can give you a jump boost buff, which for some reason became infinite duration if the block was broken at exactly the right moment by another player, repeatable with just basic slime blocks! infinite buff was lost on relog![DOUBLEPOST=1421220383][/DOUBLEPOST]EDIT did we fix the milk bucket hand in quest? or is that a QB manual update by admin dealio? inwhich case can i please get mine completed?[DOUBLEPOST=1421227623][/DOUBLEPOST]EDIT well that just happened! icebergs?
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2015
  18. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    Haha, epic event. That was funny to watch. I have had them go flying just past me, but never been hit directly yet. That was kool
  19. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    That may be the greatest thing I have seen in a long time.
    Demonica6666 and LucidTheStick like this.
  20. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Haha that meteor was awesome! Those progressive miners can use other picks as well, but it's a progression thing (whoda thunk?), the lowest one can only use wooden, but as you go up in quality of miner you can use better picks, Enter Stage Left; Tinker's Construct. It uses the modifiers too. Milk bucket quest needs fixed with an update. I'll push that this week sometime with more quests as well.

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