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D.I.E.(An MyM Original)

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by SilentBane, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. skraginator

    skraginator Well-Known Member

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    12:17 PM
    Seeing some crashes when I'm cutting down trees with 'branches' most recently a birch with a few small branches. When it comes back up most of the logs are usually down but I still have to finish most of the trunk.[DOUBLEPOST=1418862725,1418862232][/DOUBLEPOST]Actually I think its just trees that share leaves/canopy.
  2. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, unfortunately, it's all attached leaves that get the update that crashes the server. If possible avoid hitting up the trees with a lot of attached leaves, unless it's that red wooded tree that starts with an A, brain fart. That one was programmed differently for some reason.
  3. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    lolz. I also have a question. Does anyone know how to support caves. The supports do not work (I had a wall of 4 high, cave in crushed em), If you place chiseled smooth stone or planks, they fall. So you cannot roof your house (as Death found out). Oh, if you go to cut a cobweb off a Greatwood, leaves fall and kill you ( as someone else discovered today). Don't know if that is actually intended. :rolleyes: lolz
  4. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    It is intended ;) Greatwood is supposed to be difficult to get. Supports go horizontal too, make sure you use them both vertical from a solid block to the ceiling on both sides then place them across the ceiling horizontally. Check spawn to see that in action. I have found 4x4 on center is best, but maybe 3x3 to learn it would be safer.
  5. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    I will try, whenever I tried to do the horizontal, it was uncraftable and I couldn't get verticals to go horizontal. I will try again. :shifty:
  6. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    just take the verticals and click the top, make sure they line up and they will go, they aren't crafted ;)
  7. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks a ton. Had a million cave in. Luckily no deaths by it. :cat:
  8. skraginator

    skraginator Well-Known Member

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    12:17 PM
    Oh yeah I got wrecked by a greatwood earlier, if you break the supports to leaves they all fall and will smash you. but you can cut those logs without an axe and place/break them like normal vanilla logs so they're nice for an early shelter. still cant make planks with them though.
    cbrozak likes this.
  9. GhostRiderrr

    GhostRiderrr Well-Known Member

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    Whenever I sign on, the server seems to crash. I really don't know what's wrong since I just signed out sitting in a little hole in the ground to hide from mobs at night. Any ideas on what could be wrong?
  10. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    You should be good, was just an arrow entity o_O
  11. GhostRiderrr

    GhostRiderrr Well-Known Member

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  12. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    mmm, we froze. it shows all 3 of us on, but im off. A creeper exploded and we dropped to 0 fps
  13. Psilord

    Psilord Well-Known Member

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    rain is crashing the server
  14. skraginator

    skraginator Well-Known Member

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    I saw some snow then it went down hard :( This pack is pretty unstable. Are you guys going to try to integrate TIC and AE? Doesn't seem like you can do ae at all unless there is certus quartz somewhere.. ive yet to see any. And TIC tools cause crashes and don't work on the trees, havent tried picks and the weapons still have the vanilla damage values so they're worthless.
  15. Psilord

    Psilord Well-Known Member

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    the picks work, and there is a recipe for making certus quartz
    cbrozak likes this.
  16. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    The entire pack was combed, there are reasons for everything and ways to get everything, as I've said, forget all you know about minecraft when playing this pack. Just because you can mine certus quartz in another pack doens't mean that is how you do it here, just like everything else in this pack, that's not how you do it here. The stability is a lot better than 99% of the beta packs released on FTB and we are constantly working on the ways to make it more stable. This pack is also still beta. I am almost complete with the next beta release that will, once again, make it significantly more stable with an emphasis on SP stability. Every single crash that happens we are aware of the exact cause and a couple of them we are unable to fix due to it being a mod issue (both of which are fixed in their next release).
    Demonica6666 likes this.
  17. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    Yeah guys, have patience. I just post when we get bugs or crashes so they will know and be able to check them. This pack is hard and great. I love it. It is not meant for us to get to the end of it quickly or easily. You want to go to farmworld, mine some obsidian, to mine obsidian you must have higher tier TFC tools, to get those you gotta grind. That's why some of us are forming larger community type groups, so we can help one another and get more resources. On Bteam, I could mine out a mountain in a week, here, it takes a week to mine out one smallish room. Makes it more interesting, frustrating, and fulfilling when I get done. So, if you see a bug, glitch, possible crash cause, just let em know.
    They get on stuff fast and do their best to work things out.. They all do a great job. Love y'all (cannot be said enough).
  18. skraginator

    skraginator Well-Known Member

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    Oh.. another question about TIC then, how do you actually smelt the grout blocks to get the seared bricks without vanilla furnaces? Will the forge or bloomery work?
  19. Psilord

    Psilord Well-Known Member

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    electrical age has an electric furnace, it requires a blast furnace, so lots of iron
  20. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    No, TFC doesn't work for that, an it's intended. Gotta be clever! ;)

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