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Departed - PvP yes/no

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Slind, May 28, 2015.


PvP rule on Departed

Poll closed May 30, 2015.
  1. yes, I want PvP to be allowed (still no raiding/griefing)

    34 vote(s)
  2. no, I want it to be pure PvE

    20 vote(s)
  1. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    12:13 PM
    I would like to see who voted where.
    Also to see if some of the voters were "alt" accounts.

    I originally thought PvP was the way forward. But i changed my Vote. I would like to see PvE over world with PvP in all other dimensions.

    With the vote being close to 60/40, and there being 18 dimensions. I think its only fair to have at least 1 PvE dimension. Or a second overworld.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:13 PM
    PvP is such a tough topic. I hope some of you do know understand why I always try to avoid it and to make a PvP server. (well creating it I don't mind but keeping it up and fair..)

    I have to say the specific world pvp thing worked quite well on agrarian skies and it could work here, too. For those that think there are too many worlds and it is too hard to find someone. The crackpack people had a nice trick: /cofh tps With some research you know how much performance the world is requiring if empty and how much if someone is inside.

    Btw. the few players that played crackpack enjoyed it quite well. But that was mainly the case because you only had to hide your me drives and wouldn't had to start over once someone replaced your entire base with a single bomb. :D

    Another thing I could think of would be to restrict PvP to specific days. So for example, from Friday till Saturday PvP is enabled and allowed. The only restriction being, no spawn killing (server spawn and player bed) and no camping. So those that totally hate it either wouldn't log in or try to stay invisible.

    As this topic turned towards 50/50, I think we should go with something like this. What are your thoughts on those?
    Lawmonark and Mijikai like this.
  3. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    If that's what its down too, then all the other realms have pvp turned on and over world not. My opinion, also leads to the question what about looting the corpses?
  4. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    12:13 PM
    Ultimately its the servers decision to make this pack PvP or not. If it does become PvP, i think at least the overworld should be PvE. This way you explore at your own risk in the dimensions.
    I originally thought this pack would make a good pvp pack, but after playing it for a few hours, i quickly changed my mind.
    This feels more of a builder, farmer and adventurer pack then a pvp pack.

    I still feel Trident would make for the best PvP pack and could possibly succeed as so(if set up correctly). Another option would be Crackpack 1.7.10 but that pack has no balance and would be a lop sided pvp experience.
    jackripper0987 likes this.
  5. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    I like the idea of the overworld being PvE and everywhere else total pvp. This would include the looting of courpse. Their are enough ways to make your gear soulbound.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  6. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I really hope they incorporate this. PvE overworld, PvP all other.

    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  7. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I would love to see a MyM Trident server :3
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  9. tommypoints

    tommypoints Well-Known Member

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    I am with booker and said the same thing in message #25. The follow up argument about there are ways to bypass PVP are true but could be handled like any other rule violation on other mym servers. PVP deaths are in the log...if someone complains about a kill against the rules it could be handled with a temp ban/ban just like other infractions on the other servers.

    Lack of plugins makes it tough. Personally one of the primary reasons I donated to tier 4 was to be able to set the PVP flag. Being forced to play PVP on a pack that I really am enjoying in a PVE fashion is not ideal when I was hoping the tier 4 was a way to put dollars down for my preference of playstyle.

    Another option would be to just offer it both ways if it is possible resource wise. Many other mym servers have multiple servers and doesn't regrowth a UHC mode as an alternative? Splitting it would let the PVE folks be happy. The PVP folks would be happy too (well maybe since they won't have PVE folks to get easy kills against). Now that the vote is closer then perhaps this could be an alternative to satisfy both groups.
  10. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    10:13 PM
    Yes there is soulbound but it takes a bit to get to, making only endgame players safe in that....
    Even if it was easier to get at the start it would negate the function of corpses all together and would work as if looting was banned

    As regards to over world pve I think that would work well, as most dimensions is just for mining but there is a higher risk of spawn camping through portals so if possible (without adding plugins) adding a invincible cool down when you travel through one

    This could work great, if implemented I think the world as it is should be made into pve with a reset for pvp server

    I still think trident would work best for this too, another option could be the custom pack that was talked about but it could go both ways easily

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