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Disable hardcore (minigame driven) Thaumcraft research.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by mrminesheeps, Jun 22, 2016.


Do you want less grindy Thaumcraft research? (you can click 2)

  1. Yes!

    18 vote(s)
  2. No.

    25 vote(s)
  3. You gave me potato, so i shall click it.

    25 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:40 AM
    I do understand both sides here.

    For a multitude of reasons we will not be switching the mode of Thaumcraft. If you truly believe that it should be change you are more then welcome to proposition the mod pack devs over at FTB to switch it.

    Some of the reasons we won't switch, in no particular order;
    • Not a clear majority of players want it switched
    • The mod pack creator set it this way from default. We only change what we have to.
    johnfg10 likes this.
  2. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    7:40 PM
    For anyone who doesn't know about this (apologies if already posted), there is a website that finds you a nice path to finish the minigame. You just need to change the minimum number of paths, thaumcraft version and addons and choose what aspect to what. This has made my life so much easier and I hope it does for the rest
    Thaumcraft 4.x-5.x Research Helper
    kamild_ likes this.
  3. TTV_W3lshman

    TTV_W3lshman Patron Tier 3

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    11:40 AM
    In all of my times with Thaumcraft, Thaum 4 has been my all out favourite.
    Whilst I understand going through it is tough (Hell I've done all Thaum research in total around 15 times within different modpacks in SMP)
    it is as intended. Nobody here would want to shortcut mods like Witchery, Blood Magic, Draconic Evolution, etc. as the toughness of it first hand is what draws people in, Thaumcraft has a very dense lore driven backing from Thaumonomicon entries which as one of the biggest nerds I know, I absolutely love.
    I mean, you learn how to manipulate sources of magic in an area and start to aid yourself with discoveries via research conducted and you get to a point of no return, an Eldritch trope, where you've learnt too much and it changes how you see the world but also how you interact with it. The later entries refer to a complete revelation driven, euphoric madness in which you resort to creating things that appeared in a dream.
    Like many lore driven game aspects, there's not a lot of emphasis on specific details so in some respects you are left to interpret what you read yourselves, shortcutting that in my opinion would detriment that effect and decrease the enjoyment and fulfillment from achieving all of the knowledge you can acquire.
    The reason, the literal only hint towards easy mode is as follows: People who don't know about Thaumcraft 4, tend to destroy Eldritch Obelisks as they produce the zombies, I suppose it's second nature. This limits severely the amount of endgame pearls people on a server can attain.
    On Crundee, I've been in three obelisks and not seen a single other intact obelisk searching for hours with a Sinister Lodestone so i'm hoping the dimensions reset, though i'm unsure what this means for endgame rules if i'm one of the only people who can attain them.

    TL;DR version: Easy Mode kills immersion and lore, some players kill a load of obelisks.
    Kazeodori likes this.
  4. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    12:40 PM
    I personally think that easy research just kills all the fun and lets a player do things too easilly. I understand people that are annoyed with problems with researching due to having not enough aer aspect research, but with easy mode the same thing happens, just with ordo instead of aer.
    Also, in normal (or higher) in most cases there are multiple ways to do the research, so you can do it using less of one aspect, but more of the other one. I do not understand people that think this is making their brains tired because, after remembering a few simple tricks research becomes quite easy.

    (Sorry for grammar, English is not my main language)

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