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Info Distancing us from another Network

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SirWill, Jul 28, 2020.

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  1. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    11:56 AM
    MyM was the first and only network that I've played modded Minecraft on consistently, and I've been here playing in bursts since 2014, and I still believe the community that's been established here is like none other. While it's unfortunate for our community to lose some long-standing players, the community still feels the same as when I first joined and refused to leave, and I wish this network and it's a community to hopefully continue that way.
  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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  3. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    eh maybe
  4. Elite82pt

    Elite82pt Well-Known Member

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    I am a bit younger than most of you... I only arrived here in early 2019...but until that point I was always jumping servers to start a new modpack... All changed when I arrived here... Back then sir will was still an active staff member. And I remember I was Welcomed really well!! Any time I had an issue there was always a solution... Today I'm very proud of being part of the staff team and give back what once sir will and other staff members gave me... The support, the community, the family feeling!
  5. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    Big W if ya ask me
  6. MrR20

    MrR20 Well-Known Member

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    This decision cant have been a easy one to take. The highest position come rarely with out a cost. It must have take time and hard work to gather all the information needed. And a much harder one to ban this fine players. I suspect many conversation have been held with the banned to change there's ways. Sometimes there is rarely other way when you have try everything. If the banned want to get back to MyM they have of course the possibility to apply for a ban lift and will be fairly looked over.

    I cant agree with all MyM laws say and i cant ignore them ether. They are very clear and few of them can be discussed. Everyone who was banned know this laws very well. Some of them have help with making them. The banned accepted to follow the law. Its not an excuse to continue braking them.

    I lost Roob. I raised him like my own son but he turn to be more like his mother. And Ash. Didn't like him as much as Roob but he was adopted *cough* I lost some good friends with this ban to. Friends that i have play with for long time. But i have to accept they want different directions and MyM maybe wasn't for them in the end, Im sure if they want to get back it should not be impossible. We have to remember its there decision. MyM is very tolerant.

    I wish them good luck where ever they go.

    And i do thanks the staff for a good job to keep MyM for what it is.
  7. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    That explains why i got a couple of random server invites on discord from other MyM players. Thought it was spam so declined and blocked em, but this explains a lot!
    Sandstroem likes this.
  8. FuzzyHarpyBug

    FuzzyHarpyBug A little bit Fuzzy

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    Now I feel left out, no one invited me.:sorry:
  9. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    You are probably not infamous enough or dont have enough bans by SirWill or Console on your ban record xD
    MrR20, Sandstroem, p5k and 1 other person like this.
  10. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    Question: How many bans are sufficient?
  11. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Probably a lot less then the ones ive already had xD
    Sandstroem likes this.
  12. tictacton

    tictacton Well-Known Member

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    I don't think the sole reason was the advertising, but rather the meaning behind the advertisement. If former staff and notable players were making slanderous remarks towards your network, you'd probably want to ban them.
    InsaniumIV and LunaBlossoms like this.
  13. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    If ya ask me. Since they tried to "recriut" people to their group, there would definitely be people telling the staff, ngl they had it coming for em. so idk why they thought there was a possibility of getting away by"leaving mym for a while".
    Tbh other than that we lost some good friends of ours in this Rebellion and I do wish that someday they atleast appeal to their mistake and maybe even come back to MYM
  14. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    The only way im ever gonna leave MyM is when SirWill kicks me out for yet another stupid action of mine (SirWill knows).
  15. amidgitinatruck

    amidgitinatruck Prophet of Rage Patron Tier 3

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    To be honest, I find the whole recruitment thing to be nonsense. The message that I got was from a friend, telling me he was leaving, and inviting me to the discord and game server he could be found on. There was no attempt to get me to leave, and only an invitation in the most basic sense to where I could go to continue to game with him. I get the sense that mods and admins really just wanted an excuse to get rid of him, and I find that sad and disturbing. To turn your back on longstanding members of the community like that, and to treat them that poorly, is a bad reflection on the staff here.
    krewshu11 and Shizucc like this.
  16. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    eh idk tbh i wasnt really a person anyone would want to invite to another server to play with them so like idk the experience
  17. MisterRilik

    MisterRilik Well-Known Member

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    Ive been on this server since 2014 myself, i found mym and have never even looked for another network, as was said before im sure they all had the warnings, but this network has ALWAYS been amazing. Some of the rules are stricter than other networks, sure, but thats what makes the network great. Go to any other network and try to get the results you would on this network for someone tryin to grief your base, you wont period. This happens every once in a while, a couple of people either think they're above the rules, or just whine about the rules and make a big deal out of it, then they get themselves banned. Honestly I dont think the moderators and system admins should have to explain themselves or feel bad. They work their butts off in between real life stuff (which with this pandemic crap is mind blowing) and should be given the respect they DESERVE, and not bad mouthed by childish people throwing a hissy fit.

    Sorry for the rant, but it had to be said!
    cbrozak, FuzzyHarpyBug and InsaniumIV like this.
  18. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    Eyy lets settle this mess and have some poggers for dinner
  19. Hellfrind

    Hellfrind Well-Known Member

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    Im here since 2013 and i love the rules the way willy leads the thing and will stay here as long its posible, will say thanks a lot for all the work and a nice home! Thank you
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  20. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I am going to say something. A lot of the people who are on the other network, were people who I trained as staff. I was here I think before a lot of them. I could be wrong, but I remember training them personally. This was kind of a big blow for me. So believe me when I say, this wasn't something I looked forward to. It just had to be done and I knew this.

    A lot of you guys have said some very nice things about the network and how everything is currently run. I thank you. It encourages me to keep doing what I do. We have some big plans coming up here very soon. We will be releasing more info about these changes in the next couple of weeks. So stay tuned!
    cbrozak, LadyRen13, Shizucc and 8 others like this.
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