New Divine Journey Patron Server Launch

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Aidoneus, Feb 11, 2018.

  1. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    9:53 AM
    Sure we donated what, 80€ ?
    8 patrons giving 10€ a month will turn into a lot more. over time.
  2. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    The main reason I gave MYM my money (and a fair bit of it as well), was to support it and help to keep the servers running for everyone to play,the perks were obviously nice to have as well, but I just saw those as bonuses. Making a pay-wall server goes against the entire concept of donating/contributing financially to the staff to keep the place running, if they money is just going to gating off parts of the place to those that are willing to pay for it. And of course, there's the whole, not only splitting paying gamers and non-paying ones, but splitting currently-paying, paying and non-paying ones.
    AlphaRue and ProBattles like this.
  3. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    I can guarantee this server can run solely on Patron donations.
  4. Ony_x

    Ony_x Well-Known Member

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    I didn't pay a penny nor will, to be fair (it's been months since I logged in last time but I do have a peek on forums from times to times) I but I fully concur to patron only servers. The thing that concerns me the most is players base decline, so few ppl online nowadays :/
  5. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    You can say all you want, 10€ to access a server is overprice. Also, i am sorry but i don't really care about your opinion, i want an answer of the staff about that.
    AlphaRue, ProBattles and Rekalty like this.
  6. WurgerSD

    WurgerSD Team Shenanigans

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    I agree with the opinions expressed by Kissqt and Rekalty
    Tiered donators from before the Mojang "stoppit!" letter have always been dismissed by the staff.
    Tickets? They say VIP but ask staff and they will say they don't care. Other income such as tokens (I have thousands of those I never use but still donated) again - no thanks? We are supporting your hobby as much as you ours.

    Tiered donators are the ones who paid the bill here early on. I also tried patron for a couple months back when I played some packs that were constantly failing to be stable and received very little staff acknowledgement. That was a lot of nothing for $10.00 a month that did not have to be spent.

    I suggest as if you want a steady income, to break even on hosting, and provide the amount of disdain many staff members have as they move up in rank and get more jaded is to cut both patron levels by 50% and get more quantity out of it or add Patron- for $2.50 - $5 a month.
    Rekalty and ProBattles like this.
  7. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    I would be more then willing to pay $2.50-$5 a month for only server access. (No other bonuses)
    WurgerSD likes this.
  8. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    That's exactly what i was suggesting to staff which is implenting low budget patron.

    I get it that people who pay more and frequently should have compensation and it's normal, but having acces to the modpack than we were all waiting for is a bit too exclusive.

    Anyway, as i said, only staff answer will tell us if they consider this or not.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
  9. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    Id be the same, I would totally pay $5 just to join the server with no other perks patron get.

    But right now with parton being $10 just think of it this way. If you play on average 1 day ontime a week (or around 3.5 hours and yes I know this might be a little high for some people) that would equal to around 100 hours a month (rounding just for math to be easier). That would mean you would be paying 10 cents for every hour of playtime in a month. Or if you only play 50 hours in a month that's only 20 cents. Would a server that only has donators on it, and top priority for the staff to keep running properly worth that 20 cents an hour? Don't get me wrong, I would love to pay only $5 but I most likely gonna get patron for just this pack anyways.
  10. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    We're not abandoning those who have previously donated, we're continuing to provide our other modpacks without a patron subscription. Right now there aren't any current plans to release this as a public pack, but that might change depending on how it runs with the smaller player base.
    Evan317 likes this.
  11. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    I guess I completely missed that. I apologize :p
    I thought you were just complaining about it being patron only, Which im still completly fine with.
    I do agree they could get a lot if they added a lower cost server access only patron tier.
    Kissqt likes this.
  12. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Patron boils down to about thirty-two cents a day. Do you think you'd get thirty-two cents of entertainment from our products?
    Evan317 likes this.
  13. harryarne

    harryarne Well-Known Member

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    I don't mind the patron only philosophy, but it's 120 (to 240) euro per year, which is neither an awful lot or very little. I have a decent enough economy, but I think twice before paying something on par with a spotify/netflix/HBO subscription. I agree with the "cheaper option" sentiment out there. It might, also, lead us to get more permanent subscriptions, the way it is now I recon people will cancel their subscriptions as soon as there is nothing they immediately want to play.
    Xyrik likes this.
  14. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    You can reduce it to cents, to make it seems meaningless. In the end, 10€ a month is still a sum. Especially, when you don't have regular income, or low income.

    Also, just take in consideration that if i am talking about that is because i care about playing on this very server and not just look for somewhereelse, (or making my own with 2-3 friends).

    How i view patron is something you just let it run despite playing or not, cuz you like the server and want to support it, not something you have to cancel and re-activate everytime because it's a charge on your budget.

    Finally, 32 cents might seems low, but you have to compare it on how much one player cost.

    So yeah, i do Not like the current position (as you could guess^^)
    AlphaRue, Rekalty and BanananaBread like this.
  15. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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    I think it is a smart move by MYM to make this server a pay to play situation, since the more servers and the more people playing, they need more funding. By making this move more people are going to go patron. Another thing I don't think they realized, or they may have is that since it is a hardcore server, so people will keep patron longer until they finish the pack.
    So financially this is a great move by MYM.
    I can understand why some people are getting mad as patron does require a good amount of money, but I think we will have to live with that, and we must wait for MYM skies, which I hope is a public server :p.
  16. All_Mighty_POWA

    All_Mighty_POWA Well-Known Member

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    I think what most people are missing (in my humble opinion) is that the patron system is used to give a certain exclusivity. I think it's completely fair that the people who're supporting the network should get something special in return (For example: a server with less people where less lag happens). The MyM networks has a lot more servers you can join and I can see if this server is successful in the parton version the staff might make a new server for everyone :)
  17. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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    I agree with you there, they already get some benefits for supporting the server, but this gives even more to them, showing mym does care about their funding :)
  18. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    Which is understandable and true. I just feel (and this my opinion) that more people will be happy and MyM will earn more with a low-income patron (5€ would be the max, 2,5€ would be the best) that more people will be able to afford.

    It might be false and it might also be harder to make exclusivity for bigger patron too, who deserved them too.
    BanananaBread and Rekalty like this.
  19. harryarne

    harryarne Well-Known Member

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    It is always a question of cost vs supply vs demand. The increased cost of running the server(s) vs how many are willing to pay how much for patron. If you get 3x more ppl paying at 1/2 the price and the increase in server cost does not pass the increased revenue, then it is a good choice. As of now a price has been set and I see quite a few patrons out there, it might very well be that the price is about where it should be (I don't know because I do not have intimate knowledge of the playerbase here).
  20. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    Dont get us wrong we will take all your feedback and see what we do in the future. For now its a test run since we have to compensate the loss we have cause of mojang with their behaviour. we will try out a few different things and also are considering a low budget patron lets see what the future brings
    Evan317, BanananaBread and Kissqt like this.

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