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Donator Server - The Dark Trilogy

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Stuartdavidevett, Dec 22, 2014.


Who wants a system similar to monster?

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    12 vote(s)
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  1. Stuartdavidevett

    Stuartdavidevett Afro guy

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    5:38 AM
    Good idea hansi, maybe limit the amount of mobs per chunk or something
  2. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    6:38 AM
    This mob issue is confusing me...lol
    I haven't seen this issues anywhere else
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    6:38 AM
    I did write a mod for this a few days ago, it didn't help as the mobs seem to be spread across the whole world. Sometime I don't even think that there enough chunks loaded as it is about 30 chunks with +10 mobs, another 100 chunks with +1 mob and the last 80% with 1 mob per chunk.

    	# max amount of animals (passive mobs)
    	# max amount of living entities (mobs and animals within a 3x3 chunk area)
    	# max amount of mobs (hostile mobs)
    all in a 3x3 chunk area. So on spawn it checks the responsible chunk and all the 8 chunks around. If the ents sum up above it cancels the spawn.
    This did half the amount of mobs/animals.
  4. MC_Arthemis

    MC_Arthemis ~Alicia

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    6:38 AM
    I like the idea of dissabling all the mobs, and only be able to spawn them with Spawners and SpawnEggs, make a server shop where u can buy different kind of spawners, this way u can get rid of the overflow in the iConomy
  5. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    6:38 AM
    This this could be "good"

    I think its better to sell single use safari nets with the mob in them. My reason is spawn eggs can change any vanilla spawn to that mob when right clicked. while with a safari net, you can release then catch them in a reusable one to auto spawn with MFR.
  6. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    5:38 AM
    I don't currently play TDT, but I'm looking to in the future, and I dislike the idea of a donor server.
    It definitely favors the donors more, and creates more access for them rather than the other players.
    It's very unfair and separates the two apart, very unhealthy for the community imo.

    - Maybe instead of another server, open up another server for normal players to play on also, but creating a server just for Donors is a bad move imo.
    I understand there is instability currently, but I don't think opening up a donor server is the correct way to solving this issue.

    > Could create too much drama
    > Shows who has the cash and who doesn't

    It basically sounds like -
    Upper Class > Lower Class
    BookerTheGeek and privilegue like this.
  7. JavaBond

    JavaBond Well-Known Member

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    2:38 AM
    Totally agree
  8. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    Thats what every Server is doing. And maybe you dont see it, but here it is also existent. The server has kits, then special kits you can buy for credits, which you can buy for money. You can buy claimblocks and tiers. The idea of having a donor Server is not a new idea. It already existed on Monster. And it was definitely not the worst idea. Its one way we can go, but we dont have to walk that way.

    The Dark Trilogy needs another Server. And there are many ways to go. But i wouldn't think of classes. We already have the tier ranks. Is that a class system too?

    A User on TDT said once, he might gonna sponsor a second Server. I forgot his name.
    But whatever helps the tps of tdt is fine for me (more or less).
  9. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    12:38 AM
    My thoughts exactly.
  10. privilegue

    privilegue Well-Known Member

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    Agree w Ben here completely and I am a Donor who spent considerable amounts of cash on MYM. No Upper / Lower Class please. Instead lets try and attempt to fix the root cause of the problem. And if disabling certain entities is the solution, then so be it.

    I'd also support the idea of selling 1 time use entities on the market / shop. This way, people who want spawners can make them. Or via suggested shared inventories and go that route. Whatever works best for performance, I am all for it.

    @SilentStar: that was Lucid and myself who had offered such possibility
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2014
  11. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    I've also offered up resources in the US as well.
    privilegue likes this.
  12. privilegue

    privilegue Well-Known Member

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    5:38 AM
    Wasn't aware Lucid :) Let's throw together?
  13. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    1:38 AM
    the entire reason the TPS was bad on TDT is gone, feliz navidad!
    hansi132 likes this.
  14. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I think we should decide for a path and not do something in the middle. As an example a minute ago captured by sirwilli:
    (normal amount of mobs of one kind = 5% at ~10tps => so that would be 10% at 20 tps.. 5 players with a few mobs and we have half of the resources spent for mobs again. I know I took the numbers at their limit but it doesn't make such a big difference as even the half wouldn't change much -> point being, disabling the normal spawn probably won't give more than 10-20% which is not a solution as a week later these 10-20% are used up again)
  15. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    12:38 AM
    I think the idea of selling one time use safari nets in the shop is the best bet for now... until we can identify the other root causes of lag.
  16. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    in which way would it help? It seems like one of us understanding something wrong.
  17. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Probably me.
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    1:38 AM
    my team has gotten rid of our cause of slowdown, cuz well, we no longer need alot of witches
  19. pays

    pays Well-Known Member

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    7:38 AM
    should not necessarily divide comunity into two parts but more educate Players
  20. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Could we get mob spawn back online until a solution is found? Some of my production chains are halted because the auto spawner just spent 5k buckets mob essence for spawning air.

    And the poor server performance. Well. If one person spawns so many of them that tps really drops low, why not look at that person instead of making such a harsh change that affects all players? If mob farms are done right they shouldnt each much ressources. On the other hand, if a player believes the server ressources are just there for him alone, he can also abuse it in other ways (excessive redstone timers and the like ..)
    chugga_fan and BookerTheGeek like this.
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