New FTB Interactions Server Launch

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Aidoneus, Apr 10, 2019.

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  1. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    If you don't want your perks don't use them. I paid for my tier 5, I would like to keep my tier 5, I pay for tier 3 patron I'd like to keep all my bells and whistles thank you very much. This is not to disparage those who wouldn't use them, or don't like them, it is to ensure that someone remains vigilant on that wall protecting the benefits that donated for, with the idea they would always be there until Microsoft flexes and removes even those abilities.

    You may not want to fly today, but six months from now you might want to use it in a pinch, and by God I will fight to make sure that you have access to those things you paid for. Discussing perkless servers is a slippery slope to having your perks removed in the middle of the night, something none of us agreed to when we donated our money, or continue to donate.
    Cynnimon and Fireforce like this.
  2. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    I'd be all for a kit/perkless server. Whenever there is a hard pack, it barely takes 24 hours before someone has bought 10 kits and brought the server halfway to endgame
  3. Zyrade

    Zyrade Well-Known Member

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    I agree with Wyndman. I would prefer that they weren't removed entirely. I paid/pay for my perks as well. And while I like to not use most of them a lot of the time, there have been situations that I could resolve something without asking for help from my friends/mods because of a Patron perk.
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Nobody has asked to remove everyones perks on a server that has already launched. It was only stated by @knoxz that they ruin the fun on certain packs, especially those that are more challenging on the survival side. I totally agree with that, I played a couple of packs here where at the first sign of danger my discipline failed and I went into God. Once you are in, you basically ruined the survival experience.
    It was stated in discord that individual perks can be disabled for players if they want and I might take advantage of that.

    However a perk free patron server that has a survival focused pack would be a thing worth considering, but I guess that is a discussion worth a poll and definitely another thread.
    Fireforce and Willshaper like this.
  5. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    @Sandstroem always gets me! :kiss:
    I never said you should remove perks on that server. I just said, as its ruining the main aspect of the pack (at least for me), keep an open mind for a perkless one.

    This is a survival Modpack where you cant even craft a furnace because you have to find them in the overworld. Within Minutes, all the villages will be dry, because people with Fly and God, will loot them all.
    Where is the fun for me to go god less and risk dying exploring, when everyone else just clears 10 villages within minutes?

    Exactly. This is what kind of ruined the last modpack for me. I like having people around. I spend months on Infinity Expert Skyblock.
    There you didnt have access to universal kits yet, the server was stable for months before most people reached lategame.
    Also Logistic Pipes :-D

    Now it takes weeks for people to be lategame on packs where they else would have spend months to get to that point.
    Willshaper likes this.
  6. Cynnimon

    Cynnimon Well-Known Member

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    I agree. Perks are something people pay for, no one forces you to use them. Personally, I hate every aspect of fighting in Minecraft. I also dislike the tedium of bringing a million dirt to reach things until I can form flight. My perfect game play is with fly and with god. I play so I can collect and craft. Some people play to fight cool monsters. Someone flying by you shouldn't impact your fun, just as someone fighting a monster doesn't impact my fun. It''s not like theres a leader board to measure yourself against someone else, so don't worry about what others do, and do your thing! People who brag anyway are annoying, and can be ignored outright. :D
    Zippity_Doodah, Zxirl and ggkhs like this.
  7. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    10:25 PM
    Let me quote the first sentence of the modpack description:

    In my opinion, this might not be the modpack for you then. As soon as you entered bronze state and even before, this modpack is all about gearing up and fighting.
    Dont get me wrong, it might still be fun. You are just ignoring a large portion of it.
    madek12 and Willshaper like this.
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