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Discussion in 'Galactic Science' started by caithleen, May 8, 2015.

  1. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Local Time:
    9:51 AM

    Start off with putting on your oxygen gear, then start your island.

    You might want to power on emergency power fast to refill your oxygen tanks. Two large tanks let you breathe for ~30m. As soon as you have other power users, you might want to remove the oxygen collector when its not needed, since its draining power even when full.

    Start with some trees, crook them, infect one with a silkworm for strings. Surplus saplings get composted to dirt.

    Follow the start questline all the way to the end. You cant sieve gravel&co right now but you can sieve all the moon stuff (turf, dirt and rock) for your first ressources. The last quests give you quite usefull rewards and you should be able to make oil lava and cobblestone now. Start with sugarcane production early.

    Once you get the cobble gen and decomposer from the reward, start decomposing cobble. Make a crafter so you can automate compressed cobble and decompose that instead. Early quests in minechem line nearly yield enough iron to make a syntehsizer. With synthesizer you can make cheap gravel which will yield way more when sieved. You can also craft the 3 moonrocks with Si and O in a crafting table. Make a charcoal farm with a chopper. Add power with stirling engines. You can also burn some decomposed stuff you got as a byproduct.

    You cant hammer Cobble, gravel and sand, but you can and should still hammer the orestuff!

    Get some serious gravel production, check your base blocks and questrewards what they could be decomposed too. Then start working on a T2 rocket. It will take quite some resources but once you get there, T2 opens up to you.


    Get some desh in a mining run on the mars. You can now create sagmills, which means easy sand, gravel and you will be wimming in SI. Farmingstation is superior to the chopper and you could even go for a powered spawner+killer joe setup.

    Automation now gets more important and since no AE2 you should rely more on Transferpipes - dont forget rationing pipies, retrievers, filters and even the ender transmitter are to your disposal.

    SI+O -> Crafter -> Moonstuff -> Sieve will produce redstone and glowstone for you since there is no dust.

    You could make some lines for decomposition :

    Crucibles+Cobblegen -> Lava

    Lava+Redstone=Netherrack -> decompose
    Lava+Glowstone=Endstone -> decompose
    Witchwater+Sand=Soulsand -> decompose

    Since all of this requires alot of power, esp. when you upgrade sieves, you will want to go into the moar power line, it shows you to easily buff your RF now.

    The fission and fusion are your goals for T2, you will be able to generate nearly eerything with it when you made the suggested decomposition lines.

    You can also go for a quarry to mine the mars, but it will become more important in T3.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2017
    Meli0 likes this.
  2. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    3:51 AM
    please add a suggestion to hammer all copper as it will be your main constraint
  3. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    9:51 AM
  4. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    9:51 AM
    T2 added
  5. Meli0

    Meli0 Well-Known Member

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    3:51 AM
    is it withwater or witchwater - sorry old thread but useful
  6. frogman79

    frogman79 Well-Known Member

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    2:51 AM
    Should be witch water
    Meli0 likes this.

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