Banned for assuming that I said Greywolf was banned when I never said Greywolf got banned for banning someone else when he was not sure why that player got banned in the first place, even though the player tried to tell him that it's because he banned another player that banned his friend. (You confused yet?)
Banned for arguing like Grey does. Making a long paragraph to make a simple point so no one can rebuttal, often repeating the core of the argument in different wording. Sometimes even resorting to subtle insults to mentally demean the other side into quitting the argument. You also said: Banned for saying that GreyWolf11 was banned which is a false statement, therefore making my original ban of you valid, and also invalidating the second ban you tried to ban me for. Which also means I banned twice in a row so I am now banned for banning 2 times in a row. I just banned myself again which creates an infinite loop of me banning myself constantly until the inevitable heat death of the universe, and the death of all the black holes due to hawking radiation.
Welp. I guess you're gonna get banned by Thanos for things not being equal. Idk I'm working on school and am not in it atm XD
Banned for saying that he was banned for using a trademarked phrase when it's not actually illegal to say the name of a trademarked thing.