Implemented How to get to the end?

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by Leglerm, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. vecmor

    vecmor New Member

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    1:22 AM
    Hi Leglerm --

    The conversation originated as whether or not the End should be a PvP dimension or not. It then grew into a casual conversation around PvP vs non-PvP and strategies for having both on a server.

    I've been playing Minecraft for longer than I can recall and this is the first server that I've been on where PvP was the norm as opposed to the exception. To be fair, I tend to skip PvP servers but this one was hosting Agrarian Skies and the primary dimension is non-PvP.

    In any case, your suggestions have been discussed before (except for the bag of holding -- which is what I use on AG2) and your argument about the small number of people makes some sense.

    As for me, I've been treating this thread as a thought experiment and as such:

    If the chance of running into someone is so small within those dimensions, why have PvP at all? My assumption is that it's there for those who want to participate -- to go hunting for those other players with like interests. Works for me, except I don't have a choice in the matter. If I want to go to those zones (for quests, or just for fun), I have to be prepared for PvP -- or take my chances of course.

    As far as protection goes, I'm sure that those skilled at PvP have ways to get around them.

    * nods * I agree with this 100% -- for those who PvP. I, of course, take the opposite perspective. If you want to participate in PvP, it's an added feature, and it should have an associated cost.

    It's all a matter of perspective. :)
  2. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    9:22 AM
    I see what you mean, but in this case PVP is on in all dimensions except for the world that has all islands on it. And being able to remove the PVP from all other dimensions should be seen as a protection, as tier 4 donators can toggle the PVP.
    The_Icy_One likes this.
  3. minecraft9111101

    minecraft9111101 Modpack Maker

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    To get to the end in a more fashinobale way LOL you craft a ender cake and place it down. It will be almost eaten. Then feed it eyes of ender. Each eye of ender will be 1 trip to the end/ back to the overworld. You can do this trick in the end also, to get back.
  4. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    9:22 AM
    In a for the hording quest you need to submit 1000 or 10000 end stone (can't remember). You get an spawn ender dragon egg as a reward from that quest. Kill the dragon in the nether and it will spawn a portal.

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  5. minecraft9111101

    minecraft9111101 Modpack Maker

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    4:22 AM
    or just eat ender cake LOL
  6. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    9:22 AM
    Or that haha

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  7. minecraft9111101

    minecraft9111101 Modpack Maker

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    4:22 AM
    yeah lol

    cant wait to see who uses that as a quest idea for ag+

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