Yes but in that 13.7 billion years, everything and everyone would be traveling backwards along a pre set timeline of events with no free will and wouldn't be able to stop it. In addition from their prospective the world would either end right there, or they would live out their lives backwards with no control of their bodies.
They would have an illusion of control without knowing that in fact they are powerless to follow the preset timeline. That's what happens when rules of physics break. It ain't pretty.
It is Chugga, guys. He has enough experience to lag the server so hard, that it moves in slow speed around him while he quickly fills that energy core. But for us outside it appears like everything is running in normal time. Does that make any sense? (I should stop watching The Flash )
Since it is chugga, I assume that no one will be sad if, I don't know... The enegry core and stuff mysteriously vanished?
hmm i cant upload the nexp pic tho. get this error: The following error occurred The uploaded file is too large for the server to process. 2017-06-10_18.51.11.png But im at 251B rf/t now 3552 phantomface
Jesus, this setup is more OP than I even estimated .-. I'm coming on so I can order a few thousand phantom energyfaces and add more to MY setup, maybe make more than 1...