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Implemented Interdiction Matrix

Discussion in 'CrackPack' started by _sivi, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    10:52 PM
    The point why we avoided to ban it in the first place is that it is kinda hard, maybe even impossible to protect your base for actions from the inside. So a player could just walk in and place a nuke. If you consider this and still want it banned, please let us know.
  2. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    10:52 PM
    I think there is a module that prevents block placements

    Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone
  3. 888leoj

    888leoj Well-Known Member

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    11:52 PM
    yeah theres an anti block placement module and an anti opening of stuff module so you shouldnt be able to place down a nuke and you can also use forcefields...
  4. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    10:52 PM
    there are also grenades of mass destruction. travel light. dont take any items with you, you cant afford to lose.
    worked fine for me.
  5. AlexisRoger

    AlexisRoger Well-Known Member

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    9:52 PM
    It occurs to me that if it was removed, you can still disarm opponents with "pick up drops" module and "expeliarmus" witchery, which is far less unbalanced. Just in case people were worried they'd loose their defenses. Having a warning though is a huge improvement.

    P.S. of course it worked fine for you, you have the genetic imprint for your own shield so you havent lost your powersuit, food or spell book yet.
  6. 888leoj

    888leoj Well-Known Member

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    11:52 PM
    yeah true
  7. minecraft9111101

    minecraft9111101 Modpack Maker

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    5:52 PM
    :( Yeah this item is too op I went down into the mine, and when I came up I saw a player and he ran. I went over to the force field projecter he had placed down, and poof! like every item in my inventory (including my op pick (the on that made the real crackpack server go coukoo when docm mined with it). I rage quitted when I realized that and have stopped playing crack pack UNTIL it is removed and there is proof that it is removed. I also raged when I realized the items were exported into a me interface. I ran the way the cable was going and there was nothing connected to the cable, though the items weren't in the interface, first, that was a hacker ( I didn't catch the name cause I was too far from it) because me cable with nothing connected to it like a me system, would just leave the items in the interface. Otherwise, itwould be dumped into the system. The thing was connected to a piece of dirt, which wouldn't be the interface. Where did my items go? BAN THAT ITEM. If you want to use the module that takes items but with a filter and filter it to like nukes, grenades, that stuff, be my guest! But NO Confensation modules.[DOUBLEPOST=1405096779,1405096741][/DOUBLEPOST]There wasent even a beam, a capacter. or a energy cell connected to it! What!?
  8. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:52 PM
    Because of the many complains about the module it got banned too.
  9. Padson

    Padson Well-Known Member

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    So, since the 2 OP modules are banned now (Kill and Confiscate) could u turn on the silencer module again?
    The only argument why those silencer modules should be banned, was that u could'nt know if u are near an interdiction matrix or not. Now, that those 2 Modules are out of the game, the silencer module would be nice.
    So it doesnt tell anyone nearby>Hey, there is a base! :D
  10. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:52 PM
  11. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    10:52 PM
    i dont like it.
    people posting in this thread demanding the matrix to be banned were either banned for duping or didnt play for like a week on crackpack.
    just saying. ;)
  12. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    5:52 PM
    Honestly I think the silencer should be banned as well as confiscate but not kill as you can still get your stuff back[DOUBLEPOST=1405273789,1405273730][/DOUBLEPOST]But pad does have a point in that it gives away base locations
  13. NchemIcaLS

    NchemIcaLS New Member

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    10:52 PM
    I agree with the decision to ban the confiscation module. It would be fine if it was limited to 10-20 blocks but the ability to extended it over a several hundred block radius is game breaking. The power requirements don't scale hard enough either for these large radii. It's dumb to be exploring and randomly loose all your work over something you can't control.
  14. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    5:52 PM
    Why I suggested banning conf but not kill (kill gives you a waypoint and a method of more easily getting your items back: turtles) not threats of nuking :)
  15. NchemIcaLS

    NchemIcaLS New Member

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    10:52 PM
    But the kill module has the same issue. It puts your items in an area that you can't access without dying. Using a turtle to get your stuff back shouldn't be a required skill.
  16. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    10:52 PM
    my base which was secure for weeks. gets blown up 2 day after the change.
    good thing we changed it! :-D
    lucky me I dont have time to play anyways ;-(
  17. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    10:52 PM
    Was the reason it got blow up the module being banned? I can't see that being the cause as I heard there's even missiles that you can launch from an distance. So the confiscate module would not do much then. Anyways I feel your pain, lost my base to a nuke or two in my days too.

    Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone

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