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Interesting 1.7.10 Modpacks for Servers | MyM

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Slind, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    I think that Mystcraft cannot be used on big server environment, because new dimensions might consume a huge amount of server resources (same as with rftools).
    Rotarycraft and other mods from that author are, from what I have heard, problematic for big servers because of strict rules set by the author.
  2. Zimbalza

    Zimbalza Well-Known Member

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    Even in single player, I use mystcraft for 'warp books' and little else. The usual mym system is of no impact. I am well acquainted with Reika's requirements and they are of no material impediment. While perhaps wordy, they are little more than an attempt to prevent pack developers from removing bits from the mods in such a way as the mod ceases to function, a very likely result with mods so deeply balanced. There is only a short list of items one is required to say they understand and accept in order to obtain permission, I've seen it done literally dozens of times as I frequent the very thread such requests are posted. The general jist of the main list is to prevent malicious versions from being distributed or servers using the mods to generate income in less than honorable ways. In the past several devices were disabled for crafting and could only be purchased as a way to force revenue. If mod content is not held hostage then most concerns are taken care of.

    The List Is

    1. Users of the pack may not have permission to reupload and redistribute the pack.
    2. Under no circumstances may you or the users of the pack extract my mods from the pack and rehost them.
    3. The pack must comply with the rules regarding third-party modification discussed below.
    4. The pack may not generate income, either directly from purchases or donations, or indirectly with ad revenue or merchandise, except that which is necessary for maintenance (eg server fees). This includes disabling/banning machines so that users must donate to have access to them or offering packages which include my items. These actions are also explicitly forbidden by the Mojang EULA.
    5. You may not try to claim credit for any of my mods under any circumstance. This includes but is not limited to stating ownership, claiming to have contributed content (beyond merely suggesting an idea), and claiming that you are on part of a modding team with me.
    6. You must use the official release versions of the mods from my official download locations, like Curse or this site. You may not use versions from "copycat" sites like 9minecraft.net, or extract versions from other packs. You may also not use "patched" versions of the mods, either of your own creation or from third-party sources. Deliberate use of unauthorized releases is grounds for permanent denial of pack permission.
    A more complete list for the different versions of servers is found here Pack Permissions and Rules - Reika's Minecraft
    If it is of help, several other packs include Reika's mods if you wish to see them. Two of the better known are Survival Industry (ATLauncher - Survival Industry and Revolution 3 (ATLauncher - Revolution 3
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2018
  3. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    The worry IMO with requiring exploration for progression resources on a server pack is that it requires either a large world or a small playerbase, neither of which are great for a large server.
  4. Zimbalza

    Zimbalza Well-Known Member

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    8:31 AM
    I have not tried these mods personally on a large server, but I believe this can be addressed by having the needed resources spawn in the farm world, as the exploration component is an unlock and need only be done once.

    Exploration Unlocks
    Punch the leaf block of a certain type of tree.
    Punch the leaf block of a different certain type of tree.
    Step into a certain type of biom.
    Find a cave crystal.
    Closely examine a pylon core.
    Discover at least one of each type of the sixteen varieties of pylons.
    Find an underground hidden structure near the surface.
    Find an underground hidden structure in caves or chasm.
    Find an underground hidden structure in a desert.
    Find an underwater hidden structure in an ocean.
    Visit a new layer in the nether above the bedrock.
    Visit the Nether.
    Visit the End.
    Find a large structure on the new layer in the nether.
    Kill the Wither.
    Kill the End Dragon.
    Visit the Chroma Dimension.
    Solve at least one of the sixteen puzzles in the Chroma Dimension.
    Solve all of the sixteen puzzles in the Chroma Dimension.
    Locate and restore the damaged monument in the Chroma Dimension.

    I did this list from memory so I hope it is at least mostly complete. The other unlocks are from a combination of crafting and actual building. One of such buildings can be seen here:

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2018
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Our criteria for hosting packs is normally. Do players show an interest, will it function on a server with forty or more concurrent users, is it stable. You could probably add in there is it properly vetted by the mod authors, but this box is normally checked off when you post it on twitch as they tend to scrutinize things before allowing them into the wild.
  6. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    2:31 PM
    From recent experience, that's very dependent on when the pack is created.
  7. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    10:31 AM
    So true so very true.
  8. Zimbalza

    Zimbalza Well-Known Member

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    A fair number of the mods included are not so well known. Most mods made are not so well known but are also rather small projects focused on one thing or another. Asking around it has become clear on MyM at least that very if any players in the 1.7.10 base have never even heard of Chromaticrft regardless of its massive size (the .jar alone is a bit over 100,000 KB as of current version) and scope, dwarfing the mainstay magic mod Thaumcraft. I have no way of really gauging a general player interest but the consent of mod authors was anticipated and something I would do if there was a plan to make such a plan public. Currently, as stated before, I tend to swap in and out mods nearly weekly and it seems at least a few mod authors prefer a full list of what their mod will be included with. If there is interest enough to finalize then that would be the impetus I would need.
    harryarne and Wise22wise like this.
  9. Zimbalza

    Zimbalza Well-Known Member

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    If it helps to garner interest I recorded some of my game instance featuring Chromaticraft and a visit to the Chroma Dimension with a completion of the Three Dimensional Maze puzzle. A few other tools and content is also included. Perhaps if players hit "like" on this post with its video this could help gauge interest in this mod and the pack it is in.

    Tossing in a few pics of a build using blocks from the mod. Temple of Iris:

    Last edited: Apr 13, 2018
    harryarne and Fireforce like this.
  10. EmyLightsaber

    EmyLightsaber New Member

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    • What do you like the most about the pack? MineFantasy II's way of creating items, weapons, and armor.
    • Why do you think it is a great pack for a multiplayer environment: It has a large number of mods available to play it, and it uses them in the beginning part of the modpack that is quite a bit different than other packs. For starters, it makes the default minecraft tools, weapons, and armors have less durability than the MineFantasy II items, but still has a large number of things to do that most Minecraft players are familiar with.
  11. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    I highly doubt this pack will be considered, because unless it's super popular, chances are slim that it'll get attention from the community. Best of luck to you though!
    [doublepost=1536187216][/doublepost]I say that, because most are looking into 1.12+ modpacks. 1.7 is rather irrelevant at this point.

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