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Interesting 1.7.10 Modpacks for Servers | MyM

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Slind, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    3:02 PM
    Oh it will. Im almost certain "soon"
  2. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    TDT is really good, i'd suggest that one.
  3. AceWD

    AceWD Well-Known Member

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    4:02 PM
    impactflux is a very good one
  4. DeathTheKid192

    DeathTheKid192 Well-Known Member

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    Blast Off-Escape to the unknown
    I think it's only been out a week or two
    Its on the ftb launcher and the pack cod it's blastoff
    It has 74 mods including the 2 that are coming with update
    Pack link: [1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore, HQM][125++Quests] version 1.0.4 BETA | Feed the Beast

    As stated by the maker of the mod pack
    In the year 2120 the earth has been practically drained of all its resources, global warming was at its peak. Technology was power hungry, and hence the BioTNuclear plant was started deep underground. However, soon after a massive earthquake struck the facility and caused the highly unstable fuel rods to meltdown. The meltdown was barely contained, but a single fuel rod was blasted and lodged into the world's largest Nuke and TBioCells facility unnoticed. It was a ticking time-bomb for humanity, fortunately the NASA Space program was completed and most of humanity migrated across the solar system. You were almost on the ship out of earth when the fuel rod exploded and triggered the lock-down, and as per safety procedure after a world wide nuclear catastrophe, you was placed in suspense animation until sensors indicate that the radiation level was safe enough to tolerate. However, it seems that most of the greenery and ores has been corroded to hardened clay, the weather is much more violent with snowstorm and tornadoes. Luckily i have a guide on NASA ships on me, it is time for you to wake and gather materials to join humanity in space!
    That's sounds like a boss modpack
    Plus it is a hardcore questing mod pack with 125++ quest as of now and more will be added

    It's a public modpack
    What I like most about this modpack is that it reminds me of crash landing which I love and it adds a new type of difficulty to Minecraft with add a air quality and a sanity bar that u have to watch out for
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2014
    Slind likes this.
  5. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    how does it play as a multiplayer?
    this pack seems more of s single player pack
  6. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    9:02 AM
    Did you just say "new type of difficulty let me introduce you to D.I.E. that is a new level of difficulty. :)
    chugga_fan and Lawmonark like this.
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    hey guys, FTB ULTIMATE WAS REMADE! ressurection on the FTB launcher is the NEW ULTIMATE PACK, :D.
    AlphaRue and bobthepig2 like this.
  8. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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  9. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    "FTB Resurrection is a 1.7.10 modpack based on the classic FTB Ultimate. With many of your favorite mods, this heavily customised modpack is designed to give you a complete modded experience with something for everyone." - ftb team
    "Modpack Release
    List of mods

    It’s been a fair bit of time since we have had much in the way of news with regards to FTB pack releases for FTB. On the launcher already is the alpha version of both FTB Lite 3 and Mage Quest. However there has been a lot more going on behind the scenes and tonight we see the Public Alpha release of the Next FTB mod pack.

    Codenamed Resurrection, this pack is our recreation of one of our most successful modpacks. In Minecraft 1.4.7 we released FTB Ultimate. With the now infamous Gregtech mod at its core, Ultimate divided the community down the middle. With resurrection Gregtech makes a return to FTB along with many of your other favourite mods from the FTB Ultimate modpack. Whilst the modlist may be similar, you shouldn't however expect the same gameplay. Many of the mods have updated since 1.4.7 and the pack has been modified heavily by the team to help provide a more integrated experience. As we move through to beta and release we have plans to add more new features, however the mod list is pretty much final and those of you wishing to start worlds can do so safely. Unless something major comes up, worlds started with alpha should be playable through to beta and release. However, as always, it must be stated that this release is an alpha release and it should be remembered that changes may be needed between now and release based as always on community feedback.

    We hope to have more news about further modpack releases over the coming weeks as well so keep an eye out for that.

    Finally just in case I don’t get another opportunity. On behalf of the entire FTB team I would like to take a moment to wish each and every one of you all the best as we move through the Holidays and into the New Year." - ftb news on the ftb launcher
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2014
    Slind and Lawmonark like this.
  10. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Pack: Resurrection
    Modpack Release | Feed the Beast

    Im not sure about this pack. It looks very light.
    If i had to choose 1 GT pack right now it would be Beyond reality.
    But if the server had time to wait. i would wait for TPPI 2 untill you decide which to pick[DOUBLEPOST=1418369140,1418368639][/DOUBLEPOST]also this pack is using Forge version being at 1263
    I thought Cauldron discontinued at 1240

    Would that be an issue?
    Or would the server run a forge based server?
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2014
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    We will see if one of the mods did set it as requirement. If so we might be able to runtime patch it. The main concern is if one of the mod uses code of forge that isn't included in cauldrons forge.
  12. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    10:02 AM
    afaik it's becoming a server (i saw the forum slot slind) muahahahahahaha i get my knowledge!
  13. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Are we getting a cool countdown timer for that one too?
    chugga_fan likes this.
  14. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    • Name + Link TolkienCraft II [1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.3.7[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE] | Page 70 | Feed the Beast
    • Age? This is a pack that has been in the works since 1.6.4, the 1.7 version is about 5 months old
    • Launcher (Publisher e.g. FTB, Technic, ATLauncher) FTB
    • Public/SemiPublic/Private Public 3rd party
    • Type (magic, technic, exploration, mixed) Mixed, quest and Exploration Heavy
    • Size (number of mods) 150+ (medium)
    • What makes the pack special? This is a one of a kind pack. It bring LoR into minecraft with Quests like a MMO
    • What do you like the most about the pack? The time the maker put in this pack is amazing, he recently got reconized by FTB for his quality in pack making.
    • Why do you think it is a great pack for a multiplayer environment It bring Questing and adventure to a whole new level. The way you pick sides in the Fight for middle earth is amazing.
    Discripion here
    One ring to build them all….

    Draconis is in danger. You arrive just as the call for help is sent across the land by the king looking for able-bodied citizens to join the guard to help with monster attacks that are on the rise!

    Journey through a town that is thriving and interactive. Help the merchants out with tasks and slowly uncover the darker side of what is happening here and ultimately try to bring peace back to this troubled land.

    Combining CustomNPC's and HQM for a true MMO experience, you will talk to npc's, kill bosses and adventure in the land of draconis in ways you have not yet experienced in a modpack!
    Currently the only modpack to utilize the customnpc mod AND HQM together and featured on the customnpc website!

    In an homage to the world’s of Tolkien(no ic2 here!) I have put together this modpack to bring back adventure to minecraft. Centered around a magic and low-tech theme, you can choose to become a farming magnate or travel to middle-earth and strive to be a powerful warrior or mage or even get married!

    There is variety in the overworld as well! With Biome’s ‘O Plenty you will not only have a wide range of lands to visit and explore, but you will also have variety with Ars Magica, Roguelike Dungeons, and MineCraft Comes Alive. The adventuring has just begun!

    Still not enough? Not only will you have access to all the overworld biomes and features but with Witchery and Extra Utilities you will have access to exotic dimensions to explore as well!

    So have fun and enjoy the Fantasy world of Middle-Earth!

    ….and in the darkness mine them.
    • Name + Link Resonant Rise ATLauncher - Resonant Rise
    • Age? since 1.6.4, recently updated to 1.7
    • Launcher (Publisher e.g. FTB, Technic, ATLauncher) ATLaunhcer
    • Public/SemiPublic/Private Public
    • Type (magic, technic, exploration, mixed) "All the things"
    • Size (number of mods) HUGE
    • What makes the pack special? This is the MONSTER pack of 1.7.10. it has all the mods.
    • What do you like the most about the pack? I personally am not a fan of the pack, BUT many are, it has alot of mods. Its the "all the mods" pack of 1.7
    • Why do you think it is a great pack for a multiplayer environment The amount of items and mods in the pack.... it would be very hard to do all the things before 1.8
  15. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    I agree with this modpack. It's quite similar to crash landing as in the need for water, air, and sanity, as well as the same kind of setting and a rather similar story as well as some of the same mods. Crash Landing has fewer mods and less quests than Blast Off does. Blast Off is more of an improved Crash Landing pack it seems. I think that Blast Off should replace the Crash Landing modpack.
  16. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    10:02 AM
    the sanity in blast off is so bugged it's insane, after a while i had 0 insanity right after sleeping 2 times, had cleared all mobs, and set the world to peaceful, and tried having flowers and the like around, NOPE, 0 sanity
  17. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    I've seen people play it and they never had any problems with it. Are you sure it isn't an issue with your files?
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    10:02 AM
    on the newest update, i tried it, and other people have been reporting this issue, on other modpacks aswell, so it's the mod :p
  19. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    A mod probably. Still if bugged it'd be better than Crash landing. :p Once the bug is fixed it should be added and replace crash landing.
  20. DirtyDave30

    DirtyDave30 Well-Known Member

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    12:32 AM
    Just curious, and throwing it out there, what about Pixelmon Mod? Like on the bottom of the MYM launcher I see:

    Pixelmon+ v. 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT WIP

    So I am guessing MYM have had one in the past? just wondering thoughts on it?

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