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Interesting 1.7.10 Modpacks for Servers | MyM

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Slind, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    4:13 AM
    channel link?
  2. custopper30

    custopper30 Well-Known Member

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    Just thought this might be a cool new server that people could play! I have been looking into getting on it but just don't have the server to play with other folks. It is like crash landing but a newer, better version. I think we should get the Material Energy 4 for a server!!!

    • Launcher (Publisher e.g. FTB, Technic, ATLauncher) - FTB launcher has it in their 3rd party packs
    • SemiPublic (you have special teams to run the mission) Like crash landing
    • Type (magic, technic, exploration, mixed) Mixed
    • Size (number of mods) 46 or so
    • What makes the pack special? It is like crash landing but a different variation and would be great to have another server like that with mym.
    • What do you like the most about the pack? The fact that it is different from almost every other type of server. I think it would bring a ton of new people to the servers.
    • Why do you think it is a great pack for a multiplayer environment? This utilizes teamwork more than any other type of server. This is something I pride myself on as I know it brings people (communities) together.
  3. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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      • Name + Link: Regrowth [1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack | Feed the Beast
      • Age? 1 year if i am not wrong
      • Launcher (Publisher e.g. FTB, Technic, ATLauncher) FTB Launcher
      • Public/SemiPublic/Private : Not sure think Public
      • Type (magic, technic, exploration, mixed) Nature,Magic and some Tech
      • Size (number of mods) A total of 62 mods
      • What makes the pack special? It actually make a good use of some farming mobs and other collaborating together to make something good out of it and also a actual feeling of what would you do if there was nothing left on our planet but a wasteland with dead trees
      • What do you like the most about the pack? you find yourself in a desolate wasteland, lacking in natural growth and sparse of materials except for a few boulders and dead, charred trees. You'll quickly discover the depths of the earth to be barren as well, devoid of any form of ore. You will need to find a way to start restoring the presence of nature back to the world, and in doing so find yourself a way to start producing the materials you'll need to produce a thriving industry
      • Why do you think it is a great pack for a multiplayer environment: Would be fun for some people as it also a challenge and patience game since the core mod is agricraft that force you to cross breed plants to get other and the actual feeling of trying to make the best seed with the best Speed, Gain and Strength careful with those bad weed
    Even if it has some tech mods the pack force you to go with nature mods for a while which its good and interesting at least to take a break from those things hehe but also the feeling and wonders it makes you think off

    Would love to see this as one of our many and great servers :p
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2015
    19e8 and Jeppe0701 like this.
  4. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I personally would wait for Magic Farm 3, it should be out soon and will be very simalar to this except its not a barren wasteland. I was watching Jadedcat while she was in "dev" mode, she plans to use agriculture this same way. Im not saying this pack is bad but i think i would stick to official packs since they bring more players.[DOUBLEPOST=1425080721,1425080636][/DOUBLEPOST]
    ME4 is not a multiplayer pack... there is a reason you wont find any servers... its because at its core its ment to be played alone
    chugga_fan likes this.
  5. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Sad face but :( wathever xD if it has the same concept ok
  6. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    I would definitely play Regrowth if it came to MYM. Just tried it and its loads of fun and forces players (like myself) to do magic mods without the tech infrastructure that they are used to. +100 from me :D
    Jeppe0701 and julio1237878 like this.
  7. Twilight_Dreamz

    Twilight_Dreamz New Member

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    I tried Regrowth out in single player too, I'd love to play it on a server.
    Jeppe0701 likes this.
  8. MayuraSakai

    MayuraSakai Well-Known Member

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    Regrowth, regrowth, regrowth, I cant say it enough, for once its a pack that steps away from the norm. I would love playing it on a server. And since I think MyM is one of the best I'm waiting on a server from you guys :happy: So gimme, gimme, gimme :woot:
    Greets Mayura
    Asapps, Jeppe0701 and bobthepig2 like this.
  9. Jeppe0701

    Jeppe0701 Active Member

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    Woud love to play this modpack on a server!
    Really good idea!
  10. Kalilak

    Kalilak Well-Known Member

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    I would totally play a modpack like Infinity (which I'm currently playing and I love it) with Reika's mods (Especially Chromaticraft) and Ars Magica 2.
    But it's just an idea.

    Didn't try Regrowth yet, I will have a look at it.
  11. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    Tolkiencraft is needed, another good adventure modpack is just what the server needs in my opinion.
    RaZzorShine and SilentBane like this.
  12. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    i think that modpack is singleplayer more than multiplayer
  13. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    How about Pathfinder then?
    Age: Less than a month
    Launcher: Ftb 3rd party modpacks
    Technic type of pack
    100+ Mods
    It seems like a fine and fresh kind of pack: "Pathfinder is a pack about exploration, about seeing the stars, and about seeing what makes those stars work. In this technologically-based pack, you'll be tasked with creating your own dimensions, building them from pieces of code. You'll be tasked with manipulating time and energy, and, most importantly, discovering how the world works."
  14. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    I don't want to be the party crusher here but imagine what each players creating dimension could do to the server :(
    chugga_fan likes this.
  15. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    No mystcraft in it, so it's most likely a mod that fixed the issues that mystcraft gave including a way to make dimension with a lot less lag.
  16. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Yea ik you use RFtools but thats why it is banned in infinity along with mystcraft
  17. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    D: TolkienCraft II and Pathfinder Sounded the coolest too...I'll just go for regrowth then. It was the least cool of the 3, but still interesting.
    sk_ likes this.
  18. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    TPPI 2. Nuff said.
    sk_ likes this.
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    what issues? the once that are an issue are the worldgen and amount of worlds, there is no way to avoid this with new worlds. Pathfinder won't work due to the pure amount of dimension, :(
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  20. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    FTB Trident HYPE!
    sk_ likes this.

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