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Introducing the Patron Subscription Rank

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SirWill, May 12, 2017.

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  1. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    True "Virtual Reality" gaming will not be a thing unless we truly make huge progress in the field of nanotechnology. Though I would be interested to know when gaming will come out where you may control the character with a simple thought of your mind. Only then would the majority of people truly "start" to enjoy the VR Experience.
  2. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    I understand the idea is to have patreon and tiers not clash although I am wondering if there would be a bit more incentive to purchace the patreon rank in the future because the money does add up and dare I say the perks are a bit limited although supporting mym is rewarding enough a few things would be great as a thank you. I know this was suggested before but a patreon only server would be great or even something like fly (yes ik its a tier perk but the insetive of buying the tier is still there as the perk is perminate where as patreons will only have it the duration of their subscription). Idk just a few ideas although I am still intrested currently.
  3. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    There is always something better out there, just waiting to come out. Sometime you just have to jump. Should of heard me talking about how BBS's in the early 80's were gonna change the world once FIDOnet or some other service could link them all together. The "online" experience of a 300 baud acoustic decoupled modem is nothing like the internet of today. VR of today will be nothing like VR/AR in 20 years, but I will be along for the ride playing with the toys instead of waiting on the perfect iteration of the toy to come out.

    I bring my setup out to lan parties, and I know of about a dozen people who went and got a VR setup after playing mine. No video or wall of text will let you understand how awesome the current tech with VR is.

    I will be telling my grandkids to "take that thing off and go experience the real world".

    Side note, when VR is indistinguishable from the real world, will anyone want to live in the real world when in VR they are a HERO, and in the real world just another corporate drone?
  4. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    Sorry, I like the community, but if you start imposing restrictions and calling them "features", like locking out players from joining new servers unless they pay, I'm afraid I'll just go play on an open server instead, as many others I'm sure will. I realize you need revenue, but the whole point of new servers should be to draw in new players, and THEN once they are hooked, offer them incentives to pay. Put simply, the only people you will get with that patreon setup are a small portion of your existing player base, and the community will continue to dwindle. Just my two cents.
  5. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    They never said anything about locking people out of servers patrons will only get a two day head start on any "NEW" servers that are introduced.

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  6. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    All you are doing is rewording a restriction to sound like a feature. When a server opens to the public, it's opened. If you only allow paid members for a few days, and then the rest can get in, that is called a restriction hidden as a feature.
  7. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    We are not doing that. We only implemented a system to allow Patrons to join 1 or 2 days before everyone else can.
  8. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    Again, it's about perspective. Sure, from the staff's point of view you can make it sound like a feature, but from a players point of view, we were allowed access to the servers all at the same time up until now. With this new payment scheme, you are either allowed in because you pay, or denied access because you don't. That's a restriction that wasn't there before, no matter how you want to fluff it up.

    Edit: For an example, the "Forever Stranded" server just launched, and I'm locked out because I haven't paid. The server page here makes no mention of it being "early launch" for patreon members only, it merely says "launch".
  9. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    So you are telling me that you will never play a game if they give founders a 2 day grace period to get a head start before the game goes public??

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    Not even relevant to the topic. If you really want to compare it, it would be like me buying the game, getting to play for free on tons of servers, and then one of the servers I like suddenly says, "pay us or you have to wait two days to play on our server". The fact is, I'll just go elsewhere to any of the other multitudes of free servers out there and play now. This is what you will encounter with this type of setup. It's your funeral, but I just think it's a bad idea to try and monetize server (pre)access the way you have it set up. You want more potential customers, not less.
  11. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    I will do the respectful thing of stopping my argument here and let the staff members give out an explanation just in case my further replies cause unneeded confusion.

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  12. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    Alright heres my opinion @Delerium76. Your making a fuss about people who use their hard earned money to support the community getting a maximum of 2 days on a server that launched. 90% if they made a post that ONLY patreons could see about the launch two days early than the post the public can see you wouldnt be here complaining. The patreon subscribers are basicly paying for the server in a way and you couldnt be gratefull enough to let them in 2 days earlier? At the end of the day its your job to deside to leave or not but im sure you wont quite find another place like mym. Keep in mind this is my honest opinion but its your choice :)
    Sandstroem and iStarlightz like this.
  13. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    You must have not read the entire thread, as I started this discussion about perks long before the new server was posted, so it's not about how it was posted. I merely linked it as an example of what the public will see and experience, and the impact it will have on potential customers. This has nothing to do with me as a player, because I'm not new to the MyM community, AND I don't really mind waiting two days because I like this community. Well, that's not completely true, because it will impact me by reducing the amount of players I would be playing along with, as new players drawn to a server opening will hit the pay wall and go somewhere else. That is exactly what I don't want to happen.
  14. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    Man... your making a big deal about nothing. Its like OMG GUYS mym is dead now because we have to wait 2 extra days to play on one out of a dozen somewhat mym servers. Its like if a game was in closed beta you would need to pay to beta-test. Idk man there really needs to be an insentive to subscribe as a patreon and this was a big one. Possibly help out a bit and suggest some perks to replace early access idk. As I said your not going to find a place like mym.
  15. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    I was just thinking to myself.

    A cup of water will always be a cup of water but does not mean it will contain the same water it had as when it first came to be.

    Basically meaning MineYourMind will always be MineYourMind but things are always constantly changing. If it's for the better or for the worse we will never know unless we try. Impurities may occur or that "water" may become holy and pure.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Blizzix_ likes this.
  16. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    If you are one who has been expecting nothing to ever change then I am to feel sorry for you.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    I never said it was dead, and please stop using over-exaggeration and strawman arguments to try and make me sound crazy. There are alot of ways to add perks, and plenty of the ones listed for patreon are fine, but server openings are where you will draw alot of new players, and if they hit a pay wall without ever playing on these servers before, you think they will stick around or go find another server to play on that is open? It's common sense if you ask me. That said, I think I've made my point well enough for the server owners and don't need to keep defending it to the die-hards. It's their choice to make.

    Please stop unless you wish to contribute, because these past few double posts are just being insulting without even discussing the topic. I don't need you to feel sorry for me, and this isn't about change for the sake of it. Not all change is good, and there's nothing wrong with giving player feedback on upcoming and new changes.
  18. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Players with less playtime then 24 hours will be able to join new servers, this is not yet implemented as I forgot about it but I will implement this soon.
    Blizzix_ likes this.
  19. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    Problem solved thanks to SirWill lol. Btw the exaggeration was on purpose to prove how I thought you were making a big deal over something this small.
  20. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    That's a perfect solution!
    Perhaps, but it was insulting nonetheless. In the initial post, SirWill stated "But with some research we noticed that the amount of "old" MyM players increased while the amount of new player heavily decreased." as a means to explain the need for the new system, but I doubt he wanted to implement it in such a way that further decreased new players, which is why I mentioned it.
    Blizzix_ likes this.
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