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Introducing the Patron Subscription Rank

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SirWill, May 12, 2017.

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  1. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    11:50 AM
    The initial hit might be bad but not terrible. Only as people leave and then come back will they understand why this Paton thing is what it is.

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  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    IMO it's the way to earn money to run the network - it MUST have good features or none will buy it but still I dont like feature where patrons can join server earlier than no-pay players, it is perfect example of discrimination or less harsh - Patrons are "more equal" than others.

    As I said - it's the way to earn money to run the network but I always thought MyM is network where WE - the players, are equal to each other, but society proofs equality is a lie and sadly MyM do the same nowdays.

    Last edited: May 18, 2017
  3. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    I like your argument lol. I think that things will pass. I mean ive always been jellous of donors that were able to fly and have more homes then I but I guess like you said society proves diffrent people who are able to benifit something in someway more than others get extra privileges. Thats just how things work. SirWill was brilliant in allowing players with less than 24 hours of playtime join in with the patreons but I can see your point.
  4. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Donor have kits and few features like more homes, /heal, /fly, thay are not essential to gameplay because you can make items that allow you to fly, etc., they make game slighlty easier but Patrons broke balance - ability to play 1-2 days before all others it affect gameplay as much as possible

    I know new servers dont start everyday but as you said @_JakeZ_ it will pass although it will leave bad impression for some players.
  5. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    What do you think about what SirWill said about allowing players with less than 24 hours playtime to join the server on launch?
  6. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    It's only to lure new players, maybe older player will be offended by that - "why random dude that registered on MyM 15 mins ago can join and i cant? I play on MyM ....... time, @($..*@ staff!" but imo it's better to have new players in network cuz players are network not the servers or hardware we play on.

    BTW. why since 1.10 amount of players drops? Cuz 1.10 is worst ver. of MC of all time imo - all 1.10 packs are so buggy and glitchy...
  7. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    Lol. Dude 1.10 was a solid half-a** itl get better
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    One question. How does early access affect Gameplay?
    Let's take forever stranded as an example.

    You start with the same base. There is no PvP. The quests are not made in a way of who gets them done first. I do not see how a later start affects the Gameplay it self. Besides that there will be more players and thereby more lag.

    We could also run two servers one with cheap hardware, limited maintenance and ads (watch a video ad every 10 minutes like you might know it from free mobile games which are not running of their paying members) and one with performance hardware and regular maintenance.

    The long existing tiers do have more content of Gameplay concern in my opinion.

    Those that are supporting MyM with money are still the ones that finance it and are paying for the others. Therefor we have some sort of sponsorship from the members who pay for those who don't. Ultimately equality would mean same cost and service for everyone, which would mean no access without pay because we don't get the servers for free.
    Edit: This is how equality would look from the perspective of the server, not the environmental/family one, because the servers do cost the same, no matter who plays on them. Please don't get it wrong.
    If it would be feasible to have a system where the cost is 0.n% of the income, I would be totally for it, but unfortunately that is not the case.
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
    iStarlightz, Mouro and Blizzix_ like this.
  9. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Im not likely to back this. I would have re-purchased my rank for 1.10, but have no desires for this
  10. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    Its like I said the patrons are basicly the ones who made the server possible by funding it. Guys it literally 2 days.
    Last edited: May 19, 2017
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    We sold those with "permanent/lifetime/for all servers", therefor we can't do that :(
  12. roobarb2

    roobarb2 Bah, life is over rated

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    [​IMG]also WHAT? Can I not buy patron+ in bulk? so like 1000 euros for 100 months?
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
    iStarlightz likes this.
  13. Italy08

    Italy08 Well-Known Member

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    I have been a member since May 29, 2014 and have donated when I can to support the community. I gotta say I honestly don't agree with this at all. A server opening should be an exciting time for us to try something new. Now I can't because I have played more than 24hrs or I have to purchase patron for $9.99/month? So instead of playing on a new server possible meeting new people I have to wait 2 days....

    Way to reward your members that have supported you over the years... Probably spent more than $9.99 a month on different kits and so on. I donated because I wanted to support this community not because I wanted access to a server a few days early...

    Ill wait the two days and accept the punishment for being a loyal member.
  14. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    How early access affect gameplay? Don't you think early access is HUGE affect on gameplay? Non-patrons doesnt have 2 days of gameplay at all! If not being possible to even experience gameplay isn't huge affect on it, so idk what it is in your opinion.

    And Forever Stranded is a worst example you can bring on because it's a HQM modpack so bringing this as argument misses its purpose, but it's only available example and 1st server affected by new rank, so every mistakes and opinions will be tesetd on it.

    PVP? I dont know any pack on MyM where PVP is ESSENTIAL part of gameplay so causes of PVP is mostly limited to inside of protection between co-op players so another argument send to trash.

    " Besides that there will be more players and thereby more lag." - did you forgot about Hype-train? Every new pack is overflowing with players that wants to play in in. EVERY NEW PACK! Dont you remember lags on Ozone 2? Beyond? Direwolf's 1.10 when they came up?

    And another argument against early access to patrons - that your lag argument above - so you just want to say you(staff) wants to give Patrons and fresh-new players ability to play on limited player amount server(i mean only they can join) just to keep them in buying Patron and new players to stay? If not, okay, but that's how it looks.
  15. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    I think theres a missunderstanding somewhere. I think from the way I see it Slind was arguing the fact that beside having to wait untill full release it doesnt effect gameplay. Meaning the ones who get in a bit earlier then full release are not ahead of you or anyone else that gets in at full release. And as its a hqm pack it doesnt matter when you start. You were basicly reinforcing his opinion about pvp because he brought up that pvp is not essential to the pack and you argued the same side. Your right about the hype train but this acually prevents lag as theres not a burst of players at the start therefor lags at moderation. This also insures we get a premium server for the pack as it has more money backing it rather as Slind mentioned a min spec cheap server with adds and have lag. Beside if patrons was not a thing thereticly you would still get in on the current dated release and not the 2 days early (I.E early-access)
    Slind likes this.
  16. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Patron and Patron+ access is similar to purchasing a game on Steam with early access options, you aren't obligated to, but if you want a head start, a retaliative term in this case, then you can donate towards the costs of running the server. If you cannot, or chose not to the server and all the sand will still be there when it goes public.
    bigbluu722 likes this.
  17. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    Unless someone veinminers it xD that is if that option is in the pack

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  18. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    I better start getting busy

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  19. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    no veinminer is not in the pack
  20. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    Unless it's a pvp oriented server I see only two reason that early access would make any gameplay difference at all. One is if you are having a race with one of your friends in which case you should just both agree to start at the same time anyway. And two if it's that invasion modpack (which MYM doesn't have a server for because it would make a difference). Otherwise there's no reason to be mad that there's someone who is a bit further then you when you join. That happens anyway every time you join a pre-existing server (like if I were to go join the PO2 kappa server right now.) why do you care if there's others in the server that are further then you? Is it really that important to be number one?
    Blizzix_ likes this.
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