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King of the hill forum game

Discussion in 'Annoying Forum Games' started by tyler489, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    1:29 PM
    Ah but surly it would be "my rill" :p
  2. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

    Likes Received:
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    2:29 PM
    I ignore the last post as it is likely to be removed by the admins. Removed as expected.

    As I am technically an enderman, I teleport after coming in contact with huge amounts of any liquid that contains water. This save'a me from coolgi, causing me to teleport to a lake, and then to plains. I wondering why the asteroid suddenly became Earth for a moment, then realise wyndman resetted the hill a few pages ago.
    With the help of a huge amount of money and some politicians, I stop dictionary use worldwide. Then I give some celebrities money for advertising Wikipedia as a free and legal dictionary alternative. Within two days, the entire world uses Wikipedia for definitions.
    My hill.

    Edit: Sandy just got the #1000th post on the thread btw.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
  3. Coincidence? I think not
    The game requires you to end your comment with 'My Hill'
    :p :p
  4. Monkey_Banana1

    Monkey_Banana1 Well-Known Member

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    2:29 AM
    Its amazing this post has more than 1000 posts xd and almost 16000 views :p
  5. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    9:29 AM
    Hmm good to know that that enderman water thing is a reflex... I’ll keep that in mind.
    I use my giant turtle magic to merge with the planet becoming an immortal world turtle that defies the laws of physics!
    (Artistic interpretation not drawn accurately or to scale)
    Which makes the hill (and the rest of the planet) part of me, which makes it
    My Hill
  6. Your shell starts peeling due to constant exposure to the sun, so I fly past in my ion thruster powered space city, engage the tractor beams and pick up the hill which was floating around in orbit.
    My Hill.
  7. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

    Likes Received:
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    2:29 PM
    I destroy Sandy's city's only power plant with a 100t nuke. This makes it fly to space, ensuring that it does not fall on the hill. The hill however falls to the ground. I claim the hill.
    My hill.
  8. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

    Likes Received:
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    9:29 AM
    The force exerted by the tractor beam to change its velocity also acted to slow down and stop your space city. Due to the nature of ion engines designed to put out an extremely low amount of trust, it is unable to overcome gravity now that it is not technically orbiting anymore. Both the city and the hill fall back down to the ground.
    Edit: Rohen’s nuke disconnecting the power plant caused none of the re-entry failsafes to activate and the city smashed to billions of pieces on impact with my indestructible shell.
    Either way the hill is now back on me
    My Hill
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2018
    HelloKittyPhone likes this.
  9. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    1:29 PM
    Meh tree on hill on the back of turtle or not, im gonna perch on it
  10. Jitrid

    Jitrid Well-Known Member

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    2:29 PM
    Ooooh, this is exciting!! Front paws down!

    My hill:cat:
  11. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    2:29 PM
    I claim the hill by putting a flag in the color of Mountain Dew on it and signing it to avoid confusion.

    My hill.
    [doublepost=1517875815][/doublepost]I claim the hill by putting a flag in the color of Mountain Dew on it and signing it to avoid confusion.

    My hill.

    Edit (fixed typo btw.):
    Also, this post likely has the highest amount of 1's in it's post number on the site.
  12. After hours of research, I successfully create an indistructable artificial body which is composed of microscopic units and imbue it with my soul.
    Then I temporarily turn off my scent detectors and douse the hill in thioacetone, which send everyone running off the edge of the turtle's shell. Then I dangle a jellyfish in front of coolgi and steer him towards my Galactic control centre (Milky Way's black hole).
    Once into the black hole, I, being indistructable, survive with the now atom sized hill in my pocket while coolgi is unfortunately crushed in the singularity.
    My Hill.
  13. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    9:29 AM
    It seems Sanndy didn’t do enough research as my shell, and thus the the rest of me being
    Not to mention that gravity doesn’t even affect me hense the
    Which is why I am able to live at all under my own gravity. All of this meaning that I survive the black hole as well, and easily swim away before I loose too many trees to it. Which is also why I let you lead me into the black hole in the first place (I’m not blind and I didn’t loose any intelligence when I got planet sized). Anyway after the Unfortunate loss of most of the trees on my back, the only living things left are a heavily plot armored bird, and some apple trees for him to perch on.
    I glance back at the black hole to notice that even though Sanndy’s new body is indestructible, it isn’t immune to gravity, and so he is stuck in the gravity of the black hole. I decide to help him out and scoop him out of the event horizon with one of my fins. Once out of the black hole the hill expands back to normal size and begins orbiting around me like a small moon as I swim away. Sanndy in his new body is left sitting on my fin...
    In the mean time brandon and I begin formulating a magic spell together to prevent stuff on my back from being affeced by other masses’ gravity in the future to prevent further tree loss.
    My Hill for the moment.
  14. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    1:29 PM
    "heavy plot armour" aka no one want to kill the nice lil' birb who wants to sit in apple trees and tries to stay out of current hill events :p
    a gravity bubble generator might help keep stuff on the turtles back as well as some sort of gravity negating force field that would nullify opposing gravitational forces, whilst still letting in sun and stuff (plus since it is mostly transparent you can still see the nice space views)
    *eats an apple*
  15. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    2:29 PM
    I teleport to the moon (which, together with the sun, also defies the law of physics) due to the fact that there is a lot of hydrogen and oxygen, aka. water from destroyed stars orbiting the black hole. I then teleport to the hill and claim it as mine.
    My hill.
  16. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    9:29 AM
    I notice rohen on the hill orbiting me but decide I am content to work on making my back habitable again for the time being...
    Hmm a bubble generator may work but it would have to be self sustainable, and hard if not impossible for others to disable, and it would need to allow solid objects to pass through it so that people can still leave the bubble to explore space...
    *magically grows an apple to the size of a small moon and eats it*
  17. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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    Local Time:
    6:29 AM
    Willow runs towards the closest animal shelter and collects all the fluffy kittens. Despite the warnings of an attack from Willows army, Coolgi does not seem to give in and retreat.
    During a cold winter night, Willow and his army uses the closest Warp Portal to teleport into Coolgis base, Willows army swiftly attacks. His kittens pile on top of Coolgi and start clawing his face. coolgi quickly escapes through the nearest warp portal. Willows kitten army starts to build reinforcements prepared for the worst, defying all logic.
    Days later the warp portal has been shutdown and reinforcements have been made, Willow whipsers to his kittens, "This hill shall be impenetrable"
    Little does he know the hill will be taken in probably less a day later

    My Hill, For Now
  18. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    2:29 PM
    However, since coolgi escaped through a portal, the hill goes through the portal too and you are left with a just floating fort in the void.
    Still my hill.
  19. Meanwhile, I realised that I don't have to fight a giant turtle for a hill which is on its back. So, with the 314159265358 qubit quantum computer which is my brain, I devise a warp bubble generator and hide coolgi inside it. As the warp bubble exists in the same dimension as the known universe but technically is a non-space, no one can enter it. A ton of catnip takes care of Willows army.
    My, GT's and Bird's Hill
  20. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    2:29 PM
    I continue to claim the hill.
    My hill.

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