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King of the hill forum game

Discussion in 'Annoying Forum Games' started by tyler489, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:28 AM
    It seems I have temporally gained the fabled plot armour of the non-participant just like brandon :D
  2. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    4:28 AM
    The server crashes and theres a large rollback.

    My Hill
  3. I recover the corrupted files and reload the server, but I blacklist you.
    My Hill.
  4. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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    Local Time:
    4:28 AM
    I tell the admins, and they add me back to the server, I then walk up to the hill, and plant a sign

    The sign reads : “My Hill”
  5. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:28 AM
    But how did you get inside Sanndy’s warp bubble?
    *I plant more trees on my back to start regrowing*
  6. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    11:28 AM
    *falls asleep in a small nest made in a tree*
  7. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    12:28 PM
    Sanndy and SirWillow are deleted by our alien overlords for getting out of the simulation.
    I claim the hill.
    My hill.
  8. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    4:28 AM
    I sit in null, as i sit there, floating through the endless void after being deleted, i see a portal in the distance. I “swim” through null, as i get closer to the portal, it dissapears with a sudden *poof.* I sit there alone, i let out a heavy sigh. I hear a voice im the distance, “is that sanndy” i think curiously. A figure seems to be getting bigger, and the voice louder. My god, that is sanndy. Sanndy explained how he was also deleted, i could hear the hatred in his voice. While sitting there, floating weightlessly, a loud *thump* and *screech* is heard. Suddenly everything goes darker, the visabilty has obviously decreased dramatically. Sanndy murmurs under his breath, but so quietly i could not seem to understand what he said. Less then seconds later, *thudump* the sound came from below us yet it sounded further. The air almost becomes foggy and damp. Another sound is heard, this time the sound seems to surround us, the air getting damper. *Woosh* we see part of null fall, quickly replaced by another black fabric. WHAM! A piercing sound is heard from below us as the piece slams into an unknown object. Ours bodies get heavier, then heavier, then heavier. We start falling, more parts of null suddenly crash into something. More sounds are heard like a humming engine. We fall for what seems like years until what seems like the ground is visible. “Could this be the end,”we both say. The ground gets closer. WOOSH. As we hit the ground no impact is made. We see lights, as we keep falling. Brighter, brighter, dark, then bright. The tunnel we fell in is getting more narrow. *Poof* We go rolling through high grass, burning our skin on the ground. “Where are we?” We both say. We lay there in the tall grass, aching bones. We stand up, mesmorized by what we see. There we stand in front of a clean hill. A man stands on this unrecognized hill, building a wooden house with a bed. We then realised, we somehow time traveled into the past. We stand there for an hour confused. We decide to build our own house next to the hill to see what power this hill may hold.

    Tylers Hill
    The plot thickens
    CatArcher, Rohen and SanndyTheManndy like this.
  9. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    12:28 PM
    Some endrman with extensive knowledge of magic walks up to the hill and uses axe on the house only to build a mansion with this houses remains. You realize you are also in an alternate dimension, where I discover the hill earlier!
    My hill.
  10. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    7:28 AM
    Did someone say alternate dimension? I can do alternate dimensions :p
    (Also I’m assuming you meant universe not dimension)

    An alternate me walks to Rohen’s hill and uses gasoline to burn down his mansion only to make a house with a pool
    Alternate me’s Hill

    Meanwhile in our own universe I receive word from my infinity empire that they have detected something traveling from our universe to another. I set up precautions to prevent any unintended sidefects of this travel between universes. Then I take a nap and let Sanndy’s warp bubble do the steering for a bit.
  11. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    12:28 PM
    I break down coolgis's mansion with amegaton bomb, the hill doesn't exist anymore...
    MY HILL (rekt)
  12. Using the energy from my antimatter drive (kinda like an arc reactor, but wayy better), focusing it into a point and thus creating a kugelblitz, through which I slip into the 11th dimension and attain god-hood. But mercy stays my hand and instead of obliterating rohen and his pseudo dimension, I transfer myself into the original universe. Then, by quantum entanglement between my artificial cells, I teleport myself to coolgi's back, as i had left a cache of cells on it which i used as a seed to regrow my body. Then i use the knowledge i gained when i was in the 11th dimension to move our universe away from rohen's, making it impossible for him to reach it.
    Hill is on Turtle's shell
    BanananaBread likes this.
  13. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    7:28 AM
    The Infinite empire map keepers get mad about the unauthorized universal shift, I am able to calm them down, but they make me promise to warn them before any future shifts in this universes’ position.

    Meanwhile in the new alternate universe ...

    Alternate me Rebuilds the hill as an extreme hill.
    And builds an obsidian castle with a lava moat..
    Alternate Me’s Hill

    Meanwhile in our universe, I begin writing a book about the interesting politics of the infinite empire. (Don’t ask how I’m writing with fins, just accept it)
  14. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    11:28 AM
    after being woken up by the annoying noise of a new dimension being created, i decide to check out what is happening in the new dimension via a bird ghost apparition, i appear in the new dimension to see it has already been cucked by multiple people, i sigh and hope that this dimension is unstable and will only last a short while because i dont want to have to deal with multiple dimensions. just before i leave my apparition i notice there is one major difference about the hill in this dimension, instead of apple trees nearby there is pear trees, as i goto pick up a pear to plant on coolgi's back, i realise that my apparition cannot effect any physical objects in this dimension. sad, i *poof* my apparition and sit down on a lower branch of my tree thinking about how nice a alternate pear tree would be next to my apple tree
  15. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    7:28 AM
    I, being unaware of the silent wish for alternate pears on my back, finish work on a device to monitor potential shifts in this universes position so that I can avoid upsetting the employees of my alternate selves again. Then I go back to writing my book as I think to myself “hmm not fighting over the hill is kinda boring, but it’s a nice break”
    I believe this universes hill is still orbiting me, or is it on my back now?
  16. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM
    I reject your reality and insert my own in the spirit of Adam Savage and claim this as My Hill
    BanananaBread likes this.
  17. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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    Local Time:
    4:28 AM
    I kidnap a manager and use their powers to delete all alternate dimensions and only leave one hill. I then walk up to the hill and build a beacon.

    My real Hill
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2018
  18. 2BradyBoys

    2BradyBoys Enthusiastic Automator

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    Local Time:
    5:28 AM
    I walk up the hill and then use your beacon to finish my tier 5 blood altar, with which I make an archmage's blood orb to summon a winged fire demon. I defeat it in a great battle, and tame it to watch over the hill for me.
    MY HILL!
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2018
    BanananaBread likes this.
  19. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Local Time:
    12:28 PM
    I reject wyndman's reality and insert the previous one. Then Willow realizes that he's deleting papers that contain alternate versions of the string theory instead of universes. Then I get to the hill which is now on coolgis moon and watch as the apple forest burns down on the ground.
    My hill.
  20. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    Local Time:
    7:28 AM
    In a fit of rage over my apple trees I blast everybody to random corners of the galaxy with a giant wave of turtle magic, however the wave also accidentally launched the hill to an unknown spot in the galaxy, and even brandon got caught in it. Now everyone is scattered throughout the galaxy, and I am left sad and alone, nursing the apple forest back to health.
    Lost Hill
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2018

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