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Lazy staff?!

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by DamoinKing2, Jun 24, 2017.

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  1. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    11:10 PM
    shhh, don't tell anybody
  2. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Let me correct you on something. Yes, it does say in our rules that we don't allow griefing. This will not stop players from doing it. It is like going to a bank with the vault door left open with the security cameras disabled. Wouldn't you be tempted to steal the money from the vault? We punish the players who grief. We are not obligated to return the items. We do this out of common courtesy. We don't spawn items in that were stolen. Potentially, you would have 2 of that same item floating around in the world. This goes more along the lines of what @BookerTheGeek was saying. Why should we return your items when you don't even try to protect yourself? This is just how multiplayer servers have always been. I am not sure what you expected. We give you the tools to make sure your stuff is protected. We on staff do not physically have the time to be here 24/7. As @wyndman has stated, we do this on a volunteer basis. Many of us have been busy with real-life matters. Personally, I have been working 12 shifts almost everyday for the last 2 weeks. So I haven't been able to support the community all that much as of late. When I am on the computer, I spend my time helping you out. I don't really get to play the game anymore. Are you really telling me you don't have 3 minutes out of your day to vote for the server you play on? It doesn't take long at all. This isn't the only way to get claim blocks. You can sell/buy things on the market to get MyMs. This is the currency on our servers. You can by claimblocks with MyMs. So voting is not the only way.
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    From the beginning of MyM we have seen claiming as a requirement, something every player should do. The rule that griefing is not allowed even if unclaimed has two reasons:
    1. There are servers (especially the legacy ones) where you can't claim in the farmworlds, though you might build a quarry or some sort of farm. These items are not fair game as they belong to a player, but the player can't claim those.
    2. Claim blocks are limited and some players like to build big, hence they can't claim all the stuff. But the 100 claim blocks and more from voting are more than enough to protect the valuable stuff as long as one doesn't spread it across the entire region.
    These limitations are the main reason for this rule.

    Regarding grief cases we have quite detailed guidelines, these guidelines state that a grief needs to be investigated and the responsible player banned based on the size of the grief. Further if the area was protected the items need to be returned where possible. If the area was not protected it is up to the staff member to decide on returning the items or not.

    Why? We do not expect from staff to invest their valuable free time without pay to iron out the laziness of players. They are not servants or slaves!!

    The guideline goes further, if this player had been griefed before without claiming, the staff member is not allowed to return the items, instead the items need to be voided from the world.

    A community only works if all sides work together. We do not encourage laziness, ignorance.. we expect from everyone to do his/her share.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2017
  4. In the future, make blood poppies and put them around your base. Then curse the living hell out of the person. This is a tried and tested technique. Just be on the lookout for the guy who is dying/blowing up/burning to death/getting smited etc. Or not, and just wait for him to rage quit.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2017
    ContinuedAsh likes this.
  5. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Taking any kind of vigilante justice usually ends in a PVP bypass which gets you banned, so I am strongly advising against that.
  6. Worth it.
    Also, it's only a bannable offense if someone reports you. Griefers and thieves, as a rule, avoid staff.
    (Writing this may have made me the marked guy on every server, but meh)
    profrags and wyndman like this.
  7. ghoststeam

    ghoststeam Member

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    I know what you mean....Lets just say if you come to crash landing you should never trust me ;) lmfao
    SanndyTheManndy likes this.
  8. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    Actually if we find anything that could be considered a player trap we will also investigate and act on it if needed.
  9. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    So if anyone steps into it and then reports you, they confess that they have done something that is against the rules.
    SanndyTheManndy likes this.
  10. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    We're getting off topic, we're supposed to be debating if staff are lazy or not. I contend we're not. I also offer the additional argument of summer time bringing additional players, some come with ill intent. Summer also increases our responsibility as staff to our families as this is normally when family vacations or holidays are planned and executed.

    Again from my point of view I've added restoring a house I recently purchased during my down time, since this house is rather..in need of tlc. I have yet to add Internet availability to it,so there are times I won't be available to help the community. It's important to remember that staff are people to, we don't take joy in telling anyone we're sorry you lost your items, claim, etc. It is just the unfortunate fact that there are many more of you than there are of us and in order to provide you with the best support we can we have to draw a line somewhere.

    Take for example a player who sees that red text on a storage cell and says... yeah they don't mean me.. and shoves it in a golden bag of holding. Their NBT then explodes, they can no longer join the server. They put a ticket in and someone turns on the big wyndman symbol and I rush to their rescue.

    To the player that seems to be andone should be seamless, what you don't understand is that it can be a long arduous process of extracting those items. I do it because I'd rather use my time to help someone, then delete their bag and say no refunds. With an alchemical bag unfortunately that is what happens,there's no way to fix those.

    Staff isn't lazy, we're trying to help everyone, if we aren't on your favorite server then maybe you should apply. We try to visit every server, just because we aren't on when you are doesn't mean you're forgotten either, time zones play a huge factor.
    lryanle and Xyrik like this.
  11. __CBitt

    __CBitt kek

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    Staff are by any means not lazy, if they were, in all honesty, this server would be a massive cesspool of ignorant, selfish and abusive players. From my own experience as a staff member here, there are an awful lot of tickets that pile up if nothing is done, there are many (emphasis on the many), many things that need doing and it is certainly hats off to the staff members which can handle all these things in order to stop the community from falling apart. I re-iterate the "staff are volunteers", they give up their own free time as wynd has said, they have to manage an awful lot of things, like wynd being the man of the house and the Batman of MyM.

    In all fairness, I have seen more "Staff are lazy" posts or anything related to that than "Staff are amazing" posts or anything like that. Now I'm not saying everyone is wrong for posting these, I mean, we all have our own opinions and we learn from our mistakes. Nor am I saying by these statistics are staff bad, by no shape or form in any way what so ever. Staff members work behind the scenes 24/7 to make sure that the community remains the well-working clockwork machine it is today and at some point we have all had some silent appreciation for staff whether it be big or small.
    Xyrik likes this.
  12. technically it isnt a trap, not actively harming the player.
    I love technicalities
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I would argue against that, since there is more than physical harm.
  14. Harm to a player's sanity isn't more than physical harm. It's far less violent and far more fun(unless you are wolverine)
  15. ghoststeam

    ghoststeam Member

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  16. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    I agree with the above. I've played a lot on this server, though not recently, and have been close friends with a couple different staff members. They work very hard and have a very good system in place for dealing with Staff who don't perform their duties, or who abuse their powers.

    In my experience this is honestly the only good Modded Minecraft community out there, none of the rest I've ever been on have kept me around as long as this one. There are a couple I used to play on that WERE great, but they've all since shut down, MyM is still going strong.
  17. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    I'm only going to reply here because I sometimes see people complaining about server rollbacks/lost items a lot.
    Let me tell you, the no refunds policy is probably the reason I'm here. I've seen servers where refunds are spawned in, and the economy goes to literal *censored* within a few weeks.
    Once the staff start spawning in items for one person, we get corruption. There's favoritism for friends. Staff are tempted to cheat and they often do. Even assuming an incorruptible staff, items are doubled every few days as people get stolen from. And players can't hold the staff accountable by reporting the abuse to a higher authority (since it's within the rules to spawn in items). So players don't trust and even resent the staff.
    And you know what? I'd rather lose my all of my items (claimed or otherwise) to a griefer than have to deal with staff abuse or even just the knowledge that my hard work is being duplicated somewhere else through cheating. Especially if I screwed up by not claiming my land, I'd just restart.
    What impresses me most about MyM is the strict expectations set for staff conduct. Staff must document all punishments with evidence; item spawning is expressly prohibited; new staff members are strictly vetted. Players can appeal actions and staff must produce documentation for the player to see. It's really quite refreshing, since here, players are actually innocent until proven guilty, unlike the kangaroo courts other servers have.
    There are things I'd like to change about the process, but MyM so far has the most effective and fair system I've seen. You see, the very fact that this thread has not been deleted instantly is a testament the core principles that have made MyM a great place:
    • No refunds
    • Player respect and consideration for others
    • Staff accountability and transparency
    • No cheating
    That said, I do regret that you lost so much. I was quite annoyed when my IN6 base (RIP to my music ship) was wiped off due to inactivity, but starting over isn't so bad.
  18. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Hooo buddy, if you think losing a witchery setup and a meh ME system is bad, then you don't know what a bad grief is. It happened on a server I used to love, then all my stuff was gone. why? I found out some staff member on said server abused their powers to rob me. So I left. eventually, I stumbled across MYM. It's a great server, I found, and had respectable rules. thus, my next statement.
    I love MYM and the staff, The staff are amazing people and work very hard, without any physical reward (for example, money) so to say the staff are lazy is quite, shall I say, "So rude of you," especially coming from someone who was previously HELPED by a staff member. Of whom, took their own time they could've spent building a statue or something helping retrieve your items. I, myself have been in a few situations of grief, one unclaimed because I, too, was being quite dumb. But the staff helped me, took THEIR time to help out. I thanked them dearly because they saved me the painstaking beginning hours of a modpack.

    To end this comment, would you go up to your mom and tell her she's being lazy because she didn't help you with your project, even though she was CLEARLY busy with other things? No? Didn't think so. Because you're expected to have respect for your parents. Can't you say the same for the staff who help keep this server afloat? Think of it this way: You have a company. Employees, the whole shabang. Then one day, you decide to FIRE them all. What happens to the company? with no workers, you have no income. Nobody running your things. Your company dies. the same goes with a server. an un-regulated server with lazy and/or corrupt staff would sink like the titanic on fast-forward.

    So, please, respect the staff. Is respect, really a difficult thing to give?

    Just my 10 cents.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2017
  19. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    Thanks Community for all the Feeback and the respect we get from you.
    It's really refreshing to read all this and see that there are players who like what we are doing. This gives us motivation to keep up the work and improve step by step.
    constructive criticism is always appreciated and we take everything you write seriously and if we have time we try to better our network.

    @DamoinKing2: I hope you got an idea what we are doing and what we try to achieve with certain rules etc. We dont want to shut you down with the comments and our responses but we want to give you feedback how our side is looking like.
    Most times threads/tickets like this gets written in a heat, you lost all your items and all the time you invested in the modpack. We know that sucks and we try to help the best we can, we try to return the items from the griefer or even help as a player and not as staff if its possible. Sadly sometimes things happen we are not able to undo or solve. Modded minecraft is known to be tricky and having bugs, sad things happen and i can bet everyone on this network (including myself) lost alot of valuable items but we keep playing and building.

    I wish you the best for the future :)
  20. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    TL;DR for the entire thread:
    - staff have lives too
    - no refund policy is a good thing overall for the community.
    - don't set traps around your base for trespassers
    - claim your stuff (it's not that hard)
    - MYM gets defensive about its staff (we <3 our staff)
    - since when did rules existing ever keep people from breaking them?
    - thank you. Your opinion is valued. (Well, by some atleast)
    GreyWolf11, Mouro and Peace7904 like this.
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