Market question/suggestion

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Nerrid, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    What @BookerTheGeek has said is true. Essentia is not to be sold on the market. While the cauldrons may require research I was able to make the basic wand and right a cauldron to make the crucible. Iron capped wands are allowed to be sold as long as there is no Vis inside.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    vis can be gained from killing mobs, ergo vis is earlygame
  3. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    I did not know of this addition to thaumcraft, I apologize but the statement still stands. Anything requiring little to none research is not to be sold on the market. Being that essentia in vial or even gold capped wands. Research needed? No selling.
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    that technically makes everything from thaumcraft banned, as technically research is needed, it's weird thaumcraft, but it is true, and it's been part of thaumcraft since 1.6.4, so a full iron capped wand is 100% allowable as someone with iron armor and a sword can get it in less than 1/2 an hour
  5. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    An iron capped wand is allowed. Yes. But as for everything being banned that's not true. Obviously items randomly spawned in loot chests are allowed. But items like the before stated iron capped wands, the scribing tools, tables made from the slabs and planks, and finally the crucible may be sold. Apologies for any mistakes 2:30am :)
  6. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    but the crucible (technically) requires research, and ergo cannot be sold, as it does require research to make, sure it's auto researched, but it's technically researched
  7. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    That is a technicality. One that is minor and can be ignored. But as for the other items that actually require you to research them I.E open the thauminomicon and click on the research's, they cannot be sold.
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    so you aren't allowed to sell, say, alumentum, a first tier research, or thaumium, a neccesity to research to progress in thaumcraft?
  9. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    Nope. The person may research them on their own. Unless of course the two players are on a team
  10. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    i would perfer to hear the opinion of a @Senior Moderator in this case because of confusion, and the technicallities involved, or a group discussion from it
  11. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    You know you can't tag a while group. I will ask for a Snr to come along if they have the time but other than that I'm off for the night.
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Can you sell refined iron? or Steel?

    As for the items you asked about. Yes to both, one of the reasons is... They are both dungeon loot, so they are world gen.

    But i would say yes because if a tech person can sell refined iron, steel, or any other Thermal Expansion alloy.... then mages should be able to sell there wears as well.

    I personally feel that majority of base thaumcraft should be able to be sold... The reason is that most of the tools and armors that can be sold from other mods are better. Not sure the server agrees with me here... but i have stated before that i am against the selling of top Teir gear and items. However majority of Thaumcraft is not top teir, most of it is utility. Thaumic Tinker and other addons... well thats a differant story.
    chugga_fan likes this.
  13. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    That's the thing though. You are allowed to sell the items to people who are at the very least 75% of the way to whatever is being sold. But considering this, From what I've been told by other staff members before, majority of items can be sold in private message, anything can be sold via PM, as long as its not on the market
  14. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Which staff told you this?
    I have a strong suspicion they may be wrong. Bypassing the market to sell "end game" items... is still selling those items.
  15. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    THAT is where the rules have been clarified, if a player has made the item before, they are allowed to buy the item from someone else, but if you're too lazy to make said item the first time, and you are able to, then what?
  16. Nerrid

    Nerrid Member

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    I agree with Krhymez. Even if it is just lower teir stuff the current setup isolates thaumaturgists from selling their stuff. You certainly shouldn't be able to sell key items like an infusion alter, or alchemy construct. However something like a golem, or the early tools? I feel it would improve the game experience for everyone if they could have a little taste of thaumcraft and us thaumturgists would be able to participate more in the market. Edit:by tools I mean things like the pickaxe and sword, not wands and such.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2015
    chugga_fan likes this.
  17. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    Take a look at my post - third in the thread for confirmation on this
  18. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Just fyi, and I'm sure that an @Administrator would be willing to back me up here, or correct me if I'm wrong.

    "Anything requiring research from thaumcraft is not allowed to be sold."

    No real room for dicussion there, pretty cut and dry. If you have to open the thauminamamamicon to be able to craft it, it requires research, therfore can not be sold.

    As for private trades,

    "You are not allowed to trade/sell an item to another player privately unless that player can also produce the item."

    Also not any room for wiggle. Seems pretty pointless to continue this as people are arguing on technicalities that don't exist.

    And to answer the o.p.... the answer is no you can't put essencia on the market, but you can private trade it to a player that ALREADY can make it themself, but are just to lazy to do so.
  19. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    Everything @BookerTheGeek has said there is true there is next to no wriggle room on the research stuff for thaumcraft meaning anything requiring research is not allowed on the market or in public chat. Also the only way its allowed to be sold is if the person CAN make that item already or has made it already.
  20. Nerrid

    Nerrid Member

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    10:16 AM
    Any chance the suggestion of opening thaumcraft to make it less isolated will be looked at?

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