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Market Thread again.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by BookerTheGeek, Jun 19, 2015.


Good list or no?

Poll closed Jun 26, 2015.
  1. Great

  2. Terrible

  3. #Chicken

  4. #Potato

  5. #BlameBooker

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    8:53 PM
    Such as? Please post three examples of what you would NOT consider endgame that would not be allowed to be sold?

    The reason is that people, say you, like to push the rules. Having a set a rules that staff can consistently refer to and have a consistent answer to players as to what is allowed to be sold or not. While you might have a perfect understanding of the rules and what can or can't be sold, other do not. This list is for everybody to be able to reference.
    Rednek_Rage likes this.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    9:53 PM
    this list makes it more confusing, and we have here, the autospawner, basically anything from MFR except the plastic tank, i just named an entire mod basically booker, so i think i just won, and this is why it is too much of a blanket, this is a constricting list, i don't like it
  3. Rednek_Rage

    Rednek_Rage Well-Known Member

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    Last edited: Jun 20, 2015
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    i find this rude, as i am trying to get this to be easy to understand and you should especially be worried, this blanket rule would instantly make almost ANYTHING on TDT endgame, so thats why, there are so many items i can name from so many things, this is a constriction, not a opening (except for thaumcraft) the old lists WORK, why change what is running perfectally?
  5. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    8:53 PM
    • Ingredients
      • Sand
      • Cobblestone
      • Redstone
      • Rubber
    • Step One
      • Iron ingots
      • Tin ingots
      • Gold ingots
      • Rubber -> Raw Plastic
      • Cobblestone -> Furnace
      • Sand -> Glass
    • Step Two
      • Enderium, Lumium and Signalum
        • Converting between forms = No step cost
      • Steel
      • Iron -> Iron Bucket
      • Iron -> Iron Gear
      • Tin -> Tin Gear
      • Gold + Redstone -> Redstone Reception Coil
    • Step Three:
      • Nuggets + Raw Plastic -> Plastic Sheets
      • Glass + Steel + Tin Gear -> Machine Frame
    • Step Four: Crafting the Sludge Boiler
      • Plastic Sheets
      • Furnace
      • Iron Gears
      • Bucket
      • Machine Frame
      • Reception Coil
    As you notice that the machine frame, WITH TDT RECIPIES, is the third step. How is it that You cant sell MFR items again?
    Zxirl and mynameisAK like this.
  6. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    3:53 AM
    So you essentially expect every single player to make a detailed listing in his head every time he considers selling something?

    Your either delusional or think that people will put up with way too much stuff. Either have there be an easy, clear, very easy to determine way of knowing what to sell (read: Not what you are saying) or have everything be sellable or nothing.
    chugga_fan likes this.
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    9:53 PM
    the machine frame is the most caring thing, it's what helps push annnny sort of machine item over, you are restricting with this list, and it's been shown, this is also going to confuse players, it's not that clear cut, and it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE, yes impossible to know off hand if the item is now considered "endgame" or not, this will cause problems, as i thought that it worked diffrently than you seemed to think it worked, and i read all the "explainations" (they don't help, just an FYI) you either need to clear cut every single (&)*(&* possiblility or you need to give up trying, this won't work in the end
  8. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    You said no machine from mfr on TDT. I showed you that was incorrect. I'm sorry you find it confusing cugga. Maybe ask for some help with understanding. Because out of almost everybody I've asked to take a look at this over teamspeak, whom I've asked to try and find an item that can be sold today that would be restricted by this list, cant.

    And as you have gracefully shown, not one item yet has been brought up here that would break the list either.

    Nope. Read the first part of the first post again.
  9. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    9:53 PM
    this still will restrict items, as i didn't even know how you meant 4th step would work! and if i couldn't understand it i'm fairly certain a large number of them won't either, hey, again, invar shears, a basic item, presses the boundaries, signalum items, oh hey this is super earlygame according to this, oh hey, look! quintuple compressed cobblestone is endgame even though it's super super easy to make and get
  10. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    3:53 AM
    The entire point of this thread is to make it as clear as possible (not confusing) if even someone who tried to understand it can't then surely all the children you have to account for who barely can be bothered to read up on stuff will not understand it.

    Also your definition of steps is dumb, since many things have more then one recipe, prequisites, etc etc etc.

    Situation is way more complicated then you can account for with such simple a rule.
    chugga_fan likes this.
  11. FranCawl

    FranCawl Well-Known Member

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    For the several recipes, the shortest ones are the ones that count.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I have to agree with Magish here, The rest of the list is fine, but like i said a few post back. That four step rule will confuse a lot of people.
    FranCawl likes this.
  13. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    8:53 PM
    I understand that that rule is going to be confusing. I would love for some constructive criticism on how to make it less confusing yet still cover the end game items.
  14. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    9:53 PM
    thing is, we don't know how, thats the problem
  15. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Im really starting to question why im against this in the first place.
    Originally it was because i played TDT and people want to share tomes of Knowledge and to have it enabled.

    Now it just seems to do more harm then good. Recently i have played on servers with no restrictions.... and to be honest it didnt change what people sold or bought... maybe a few items that this server would consider "end" game.

    I don't think Kitchen Sink packs need to have rules like this... mainly because they are easy and "end game" is only a few hours of any mod. I know you posted the modpack overrides this list. But still its becoming really strict.

    Progression packs like Agraian skies, Regrowth, The Dark Trilogy(semi)...ect should have restrictions.... But what if the Market was a command you had to unlock via certain tasks... like go to certain dimensions like AG1 was. Or crafting certain items to unlock.

    This whole restriction of the market is really getting out of hand. We will be pushing a lot of players away to other servers. I still stand by the only items that Should NOT be sold are High teir power generation items, Flight items, God armors, Thaumcraft knowledge. Almost every thing in between i feel is fine.
    For example.... i can sell any Machine... How will you power it if players cant sell power gen items? This makes people need to make a decent power source... once you have that. You can make anything fast.
  16. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    8:53 PM
    I don't think it needs to be less confusing. Yes, it would help if every single player understood what items should be traded and which shouldn't be traded. However, people will always try to sell "end-game" items no matter what. We can have a list, we can have a 4 step rule it doesn't matter. Thus, putting the job of moderating the trading of items on the shoulders of the staff team.

    So.. having it be a job for the staff team, the 4 step rule makes it a lot easier and more efficient for the staff team to stop people from trading endgame item. It's a lot easier for a staff member to say "hold on, let me check the recipe" vs having to go ask other staff members if X item should or shouldn't be traded, or having to search on the forums.

    Just my opinions on all of this, but I do think the 4 step rule is 1000x better than making lists for every pack/server.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  17. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    Hm, Kr, that sounds almost like what I have been saying since the beginning?

    Like you already have, me for instance since I really cba to deal with this rule nonsense.
  18. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    8:53 PM
    Please watch the language in public forum posts. Foul language is not allowed.

    Friendly reminder from staff.

    And I am sorry you can not be bothered to follow rules. Maybe then you should not have agreed to them before being allowed to play on our servers?[DOUBLEPOST=1434824847,1434824788][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Why can't you?

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