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Not Possible Mekanism for direwolf20 1.10

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by TrashGothAoife, Apr 6, 2017.

  1. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    Local Time:
    5:34 PM
    I would like to suggest adding the mekanism mod set to the 1.10 direwolf20 server. Aside from a lack of osmium ore, which could be added via recipe, quantum quarries will probably get it, and when searching further in deep dark and generating new area will spawn them too.

    It is a complete mod, like many of the other tech mods, but will add another solution to the high power gen instead of just using massive extreme reactors, as well as, as far as I know, a way to convert RF to EU. Currently if anyone wants to use IC2 they have to get IC2 power gen, and without the nuclear addons, or advanced solars addon the power gen within that mod isn't great.

    Personally I just like how complete of a mod it is, as well as giving good end game content, and the models of so many of the items are amazing. Best jetpack models ever.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    8:34 PM
    This would require us changing the pack, which is something we are loathe to do. If you can convince Direwolf that he should add it to his pack we'd be happy to, but we normally keep our packs as ehhem vanilla as possible.
  3. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    5:34 PM
    Change the pack how? I have looked into requesting it, but when others have requested he add a mod to his pack his response was to just add it themselves, as he sees his pack as a base, and others can make changes as they want.

    As for changing the pack, shouldn't be needed much aside from just adding the 3 mods (I tested it with mine to see if it caused any obvious conflics) and the only issues I see of just strait adding it is the lack of osmium ore, which could have a simple fix, like with the sky stone and inscriber plates. One thing that is talked about almost daily on the server is how much people look at IC2, then just say screw it due to no more power conversion. There is some good stuff out of that pack, but without a good power gen it is more annoying to do those things, like running the mass fab to get iridium since it has to be replicated, but the power to do that at any reasonable speed is higher than the pack can produce.

    It was just an idea to give more options, for early flight, later game power gen and power storage without limiting you to 1 mod for those.
  4. bigbluu722

    bigbluu722 Well-Known Member

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    8:34 PM
    Adding mods is up to the pack author. Suggesting them to us won't get them added (would dm dw or tweet him on twitter about the suggestion) as we stay as close to the normal style of the pack that's intended as possible.
    ProperChilli likes this.
  5. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    If we added it to the pack, other people couldn't just join without modifying their packs. There are a lot of people who either don't know how to add in a mod or are just too lazy to do it.
    I'm totally just lazy.
    wyndman likes this.
  6. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    8:34 PM
    Aha finally a chance to use one of my all time favorite quotes!
    ContinuedAsh likes this.

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