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Implemented Modsauce- Vote Rewards

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Lawmonark, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    2:55 AM

    Errors were due to my ID's
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    we did add your list ;) (no changes yet)
  3. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I will adjust to server ids, i did it all in single player[DOUBLEPOST=1416681994,1416681172][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Ok i edited the Original Post to use the Server Ids.

    I will ask around what else people may want and adjust over time
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    alright, should be updated with the next restart
    Lawmonark likes this.
  5. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    i just Updated it to remove Charms of Keeping, they seem to not work correctly with Graves.
    Best to just remove the reward[DOUBLEPOST=1416818721,1416686630][/DOUBLEPOST]
    i removed a few things from the list,
    Cobalt, Ardite (there is a lot in Aroma dim)
    Epic Bacone
    Jailer net

    Update when you can @Slind14[DOUBLEPOST=1416858209][/DOUBLEPOST]It Seems Less is more when it comes to voting. Many people requested i remove some items, so i did.
    I agree. With only have 3 votes daily and being what the rewards are.... some needing 10 to fill. i will remove all except the liked ones.

    @Slind14 this will be final... =)
  6. Kinqstone805

    Kinqstone805 Kinqstone

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    what does "epic bacon" do ? have 2 of them :D[DOUBLEPOST=1416923371][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Dust 2 and cobblestone Pl0x[DOUBLEPOST=1416923449][/DOUBLEPOST]
    [1.7.5] Counter-Strike's de_dust2! - Maps - Mapping and Modding - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    @Kinqstone805 if fills your hunger completly and saturation

    Ok i need to really get with the comunity and come up with a list.
    People really need to comment here on items they want.....
  8. hansi132

    hansi132 Well-Known Member

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    10 slates.
    Block of invar
    block of electrium
    32 obsidian
    2 enderium ingots
    PA parts
    Seared bricks
    Cobalt/ardite block
  9. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    The problem with adding ingots and ores.... overtime they become useless and people stop voting...lol.
  10. hansi132

    hansi132 Well-Known Member

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    Most of that isent usless, you can allways have more of everything
  11. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    what about aleviary blocks, or rare forestry trees / bees, basic ender io cables, energy cells, ae 1k cells ae processors.
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    This is the Final List Created by the players, we discussed it in gam and made this
    #Common Items:
      - '41' #Block of Gold
      - '42' #Block of Iron
      - '49' #Obsidian		 (Delete This Comment, 32 obsidian)
      - '57' #Block of Diamond
      - '133' #Block of Emerald
      - '368' #Ender Pearl	 (delete this comment, 8 pearls)
      - '370' #Ghast Tear
      - '369' #Blaze Rod		(delete this comment, 8rods)
      - '4222:1024' #Blizz Rod   (delete This comment, 8 rods)
      - '429' #Copper Block
      - '429:1' #Tin Block
      - '6709:17' #Infinity Orb
      - '6941' #Knowledge Note
    #Medium Items:
      - '429:7' #Electrum Block
      - '429:8' #Invar Block
      - '613:1' #Block of Amethyst
      - '1058' #Block of Cobalt
      - '1058:1' #Block of Ardite
      - '1858:2' #Block of Steel
      - '6709:18' #Infinity Orb
      - '697' #Block of Manasteel
      - '4775:6' #Green Heart Canister
      - '1302:7' #Miner's Tree Sapling
      - '122' #Dragon Egg
      - '399' #Nether Star
      - '322:1' #Golden Apple
      - '429:12' #Enderium Block
      - '1159' #Magnum Torch
      - '1160:1' #Bedrockum Drum
      - '4815' #Angel Ring
      - '4162' #64k ME Storage Cell
      - '6709:19' #Infinity Orb
      - '4440:5' #Gaia Spirit
      - '4830:3' #Watering Can (Reinforced)
      - '4770' #Creative Tool Modifier
    also check inbox when you get a chance, i think i found a pattern to when the timeouts happen
  13. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    Quite a few of those items seem far too overpowered for voting.
    The blocks in the first section should be one ore of that type not a whole block
    And in the rare ones the magnum torch and bedrockuim drum seem to mid game to be gotten by voting as well
    Also the 64k drive in the rare requires a lot of materials so that should be made to a 16k at max I would say
  14. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    do to the rarity and how common the others are, its fine. Common ores are common, processd are medium

    There needs to be a reason for people to vote, to advance on the voting sites. People only vote if its worth them to. Would you rather it be vote to Chunk load like other servers do?
  15. hansi132

    hansi132 Well-Known Member

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    I also tought it was op but after getting 2 netherstars from voting i saw that you cant do much with an netherstar.

    All the items listed are expencive but should be able to get after a day or two playing. I have rushed nethestars and i have both imbued tool and imbued sword. Imbued tool needs 54 netherstars. Just focus on 1 mod and you can get to endgame fast
  16. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    But with the amount of votes you can do per day the chance of getting a rare item is quite high, I would know as well with the amount of voting I have done. I don't know the percentage exactly but from experiences it seems like you get a rare item maybe every 20-30 votes which is just a weeks worth of votes.[DOUBLEPOST=1416953371,1416953193][/DOUBLEPOST]
    It's not the nether stars I'm finding op it's more the other Items
  17. hansi132

    hansi132 Well-Known Member

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    Yeah that is what is intended. Say if i vote and get an block of enderium. I will say that in chat and more people will also vote to get hold of the good items. And the more votes the higher up on the lists, and then we get more players witch we want on the server
    Lawmonark likes this.
  18. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    I know we want people to vote but don't you think that the items shouldn't be as op , yeah we want people to vote but we also don't want them leaving the server because they have progressed faster than some of the other players because they voted and got op items which enabled them to progress super fast
  19. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    they really arnt when you think about them, nothing you cant get in 4hrs of playing. some items you need other items and a factory to use...

    @Bennyboy1695 You can vote 3 type every 24hrs. There are 40 rewards. You have a higher chance to get common then rare. so Even in a month of playing you might not get the Rare rewards you want, and when you do get it you may already have it.

    I understand in Galaxy and Agrarian Skies some one these would be considered "too" good. But not in Modsauce. Modsauce is and Easy pack. your a B-Team mod, you understand "easy" pack. look at the ore gen there.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
  20. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    The bedrockuim drum takes more than 4 hours to make , not sure of the recipe on modsauce but on Galaxy you need 4 quadruple compressed cobble , 4 triple compressed cobble and a diamond block just to make one of the 6 bedrockuim ingots needed.
    Maybe the rest aren't as bad as that but a few of the items in my opinion would take more than 4 hours to craft
    Decnav likes this.

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