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Done My base has been griefed

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by ORANG4, Jan 28, 2023.

  1. ORANG4

    ORANG4 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:39 AM
    My base has been griefed. It happend in the last ~40 days. Recently it was unclaimed to use spare blocks for my and my friend's new base.
    I spent more then 600 hours building, decorating and automating this base, so I hope someone could help.

    Coords of my base: 2792 384 64

    Btw, a few month ago someone also griefed the base of my other friend hammycon (1761 -784 107), but he is not playing anymore.


    1. Griefer destroyed the main house

    2. He destroyed some of the tech rooms (probably by removing blast-proof fused quartz shell from the reactor room and blowing one of the reactors)

    3. Damaged the magic room

    4. Damaged the laser setup

    5. Stolen some of the deep storage units

    6. Damaged the energy storage core

    7. Damaged surronding buildings
  2. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    2:39 AM
    Hello ORANG4,

    I'll ping a @Moderator to look into this.
  3. ORANG4

    ORANG4 Well-Known Member

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    2:39 AM
    Hello. Thanks.
  4. korncover

    korncover Well-Known Member

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    5:39 AM
    Hello ORANG4,

    Unfortunatly I was not able to find anything about your issue. However I found someone that stole few things after the fact and I returned them. I would highly suggest that you claim the area to prevent anything else in the future. I'm sorry that I was not able to help you in this regard, I wish you a great day/night

    ORANG4 likes this.
  5. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    Hello ORANGE4:

    I have no way of assisting anyone, except with a couple of examples. 1. Are your friends able to come and go at their leisure? I hate to say this but perhaps you need to (VERY Discretely) ask if they have been in your base without you being on the server. A lot of the time you will find that a co-mate just borrowed something ans forgot to put it back. Second example: Make sure that your protection field is at least 10 blocks away from your build. People have been known (myself included) in placing things on the border of protection while purchasing claim blocks, and have the item gone when I get back to it.
    There are even more ways that stuff can disappear, but these are the more popular. I am not accusing anyone,and these are some of the more popular ways.
    ORANG4 likes this.
  6. ORANG4

    ORANG4 Well-Known Member

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    2:39 AM
    Can I ask you to restore my griefed base, please? I could buy an “Inactive Base Restoration“, if needed. I’m sorry, for asking, but I dedicated several years and hundreds of hours to building and automating this base. And now I don’t even know what and where exactly was stolen/broken, not to mention the crater in the center of my ME system, completely destroyed house, and a lot of other damage.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2023
  7. korncover

    korncover Well-Known Member

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    Unfortunatly, since it was not claimed, there's no restoration possible. The Inactive Base Restoration will restore your base if your claim is inactive and get deleted.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2023
  8. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    I wish I had of been a little more explicit: Unclaimed territory is free for anyone that has no scruples. I will not even go beyond the door of an unclaimed property unless I have to. I used to be a mod back in the more uncivilized days of 1.05 and 1.07. Yours is recoverable. I have seen builds that were very impressive before the looters got to it. Yours is at least recoverable. One multi-story I went to was empty, from 100 to a minus 55. Nothing but a dew wires and a transfer pipe here and there. Remember to cancel all helper perm status once built or this may happen again.

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