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MyM Communi-Craft modpack

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by FoxFire_MC, Feb 5, 2016.


Should a modpack be made to raplace vanilla plus?

Poll closed Feb 8, 2016.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    11:43 PM
    What i was going for is people trading things that the other races couldnt, like elves trading a magical flower(from botania) for some machines from IE. Or humans trading with the dwarves for items that cant be gotten as the other race.
  2. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    11:43 PM
    I have decided to add the races but now the problem is what races should I add? (this is the part where everyone suggests them)
  3. newabcd

    newabcd Well-Known Member

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    a community mudpack is a great idea. My first suggestion would be blood magic. :) And witchery, thaumcraft (including a bunch of addons), big reactors. If this pack is in 1.8, Intangible and psi, ender io...
  4. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    11:43 PM
    Did you read the theme? All of the mods that you have mentioned have been decided against along time ago and bigreactors would have no purpose in this pack as the only tech mod in here is immersive engineering. Also this pack is in 1.7.10 and this is a LIGHT pack not a huge everything pack like infinity.
  5. newabcd

    newabcd Well-Known Member

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    if it's a community pack, I should be able to suggest. :p
    profrags likes this.
  6. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    11:43 PM
    You can suggest all you want, as a matter of a fact I encourage that but please lets not turn this pack into another infinity....The goal is to have as much to do as possible with as little mods as possible that's why I put in HQM so there would be things to unlock and quests to complete. If you are in the mood to suggest stuff them I need suggestions for races for people to become. :)
    p.s pls no racism jokes....
  7. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    12:43 AM
    I tried to have an idea like this go up about a year ago, it never got backing from players enough to be built though.
    I would suggest
    Dwarves- Mining related things
    Elves - Majik related things
    Human- Tech related things
    Orc- Combat related things
    julio1237878 likes this.
  8. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    11:43 PM
    I like that, though nobody would be a dwarf cause who would want to only be good at mining? So how about a hybrid, that being the dwarves would be good a tinkering(immersive engineering) and the elves would be good at Magic(Botania and ars magica) and would also be better with bows and would have increased damage with them. Dwarves would be slower but also take less damage than an Elf and would hit harder but slower. Humans would be better at tinkering than the Elves but not as good as the dwarves,better at magic than the dwarves but not as good as the elves. Also they would be faster than the Dwarves but not as fast as the Elves. Im not sure how to put in the orcs though... They are always put as the plentiful but weaker species..But I guess I could put them as very tough?
    This is subject to change as usual and I would like to hear what people have to say.
  9. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Who said Dwarf are bad they are really skill when it comes to the making of strong and durable tools and weapons also dwarf are pretty good at mining :)
  10. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    Thats what I was saying. They can do more than just mine and if that all that i put them able to do then nobody would pick them. Im working on some custom abilities for the different races. :)
    julio1237878 likes this.
  11. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Like you say Orcs are the weaker lower race they are know for their brutality and their superior strenght they hunt to survive and they will attack anything that they consider food/danger soo they are kind of the monster of the world
  12. Saint_Ceadda

    Saint_Ceadda Well-Known Member

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    As we spoke about yesterday, almost everyone tries to use a four race strategy. I'm not sure why. I suggest a three race strategy, removing orcs from the equation.

    Elves - 100% magical access
    Humans - 50% magical, 50% tech
    Dwarves - 100% tech access

    That would be fairly balanced. Humans could do some of both, but not progress to the endgame items in either tree. Elves could progress to endgame in magic, but do very little to no tech. Dwarves could progress to endgame in tech, but do very little to no magic. That would encourage an economy to develop and players to work together.
  13. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    11:43 PM
    Could work but instead of 50% of tech and magic for humans i was thinking more of like 75% in each? What does everybody think?
  14. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    9:43 PM
    Fox here is a little mod that allows you to control what players are able to do inside minecraft basically its like a knowledge system that allows you to get the knowledge say for example to craft a Thermal pulverizer just a little suggestion i am not sure how much of it you can configure but worth a try
  15. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    I would strongly suggest not restricting players
  16. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    11:43 PM
    Hmm well i already have the mod progression that is like that but thanks for the suggestion! And im not trying to "restrict" players im just trying to encourage trading with others and working together.
    SirStudMuffin and julio1237878 like this.
  17. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    Little late to the show, but I'll slip my piece of paper under the door then slink away...

    Dependant trading only works if you have a large enough role play oriented community. You need a starting base of active players willing to fully follow the classes, work with them.

    You also need an constant flow of new players with this race RPG mindset or it will all fall apart.
    profrags likes this.
  18. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    He has a point, remember after initial launch period your going to start seeing a drop in numbers of players or even spikes and some people may not want to be one thing so it may split 80:10:10
  19. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    11:43 PM
    Yes I can see what you mean, and I agree, I don't know if people will want to play as different races. I have tried making the quest line and for some reason it didn't save and so it got erased 4 times. Maybe it's for the better, should I bring it back to the original idea and just unlock some of the endgame items by killing bosses and totally remove the race/class thing?
    Also I'm sorry this is taking so long, I am juggling my time between school and making the pack and everything else that I have to do IRL.
  20. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    12:43 AM
    you are now at the delima that halted my project a year ago, lack of RPG players XD
    profrags likes this.

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