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MYM desperately needs some new servers, or content for patrons/ commmunity

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Braun_, Jul 8, 2019.


Does MYM need an overhaul/ more unique content

  1. Yes, im bored af

  2. No, but still bored af

  1. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    3:33 PM
    Being a former patron of the server, I felt like my contribution to MYM was being wasted. As of now patrons get a few fun perks from the old legacy ranks, extra claim blocks, and some extra utility features while in game.

    Somethings that should be offered to our patron players is more impact on what servers are implemented as we are the ones essentially paying for mym to run month to month. (we need to have a patron server we can play on like maybe I dunno Sky factory 4, builders paradise, mod sauce, all the mods, or something to keep being a patron fresh) as of now their really isn't a point to even being a supporter as nothing is given to the patron-player base to keep them interested.

    some cool ideas to freshen up MYM as it is quite boring.

    1) hunger games mode

    2) patron only throw back servers

    3) better use of the patron forums they died after a week. nothing is barely posted in there.

    4) start mass removing servers that do not have any new player base or lack of players on it. IM talking about you crundee ( like why the filet mignon do we still have crundee ) make room for new packs. There is a ton of packs that have mostly zero players on it or 1-2 players.

    5) anarchy server

    6) an actually permanent Pixelmon server

    Please comment any suggestions to spice up MYM.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2019
  2. MadDOGSilver

    MadDOGSilver Well-Known Member

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    1) hunger games mode.

    Will i agree that a mode like that would be fun Hunger games has died out way to fast.
    adding Bed War's or some kind of build and defend game even a Hide and seek or prop hunt would give us some fun.
    ...Anyone miss the old spleef games?

    2) patron only throw back servers.


    3) better use of the patron forums they died after a week. nothing is barely posted in there.

    Neutral since I'm not a patron

    4) start mass removing servers

    I do agree that there are way to many old or almost dead server's.

    5) anarchy server

    i don't think MyM would want to allow hackers/exploiters.

    6) an actually permanent Pixelmon server

    ...Was there not a Nintendo lawsuite. on a lot Pixelmon hosting servers....and i think Nintendo is still filing lawsuit's.
  3. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    The things targeted by Nintendo in the past have been largely fixed afaik @CanadaBunny is probably your best bet for the EXACT facts, but it was resolved well enough for us to launch an event server a month or two ago without issue.
    [doublepost=1562556854,1562556207][/doublepost]My opinions on this
    1. Great idea, adding things like this to one of the Hubs(or having it run on the event server in between events, or its own server) would be great!
    Throwback packs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Absolutely, as one of the people who helped create the idea, it was meant to be an extremely informative section where patrons could converse about BOTH serious and more casual topics- I think this has been more of the patrons not using it as actively as we visualized than Staff actively discouraging it, but it would be nice for the change-logs in the section to be kept up-to-date
    Yes, servers like Crundee and ForeverStranded need to go, sometimes there are servers where the statistics surprise you, (New players joining them, or they have a more active player-count, but its one that isnt online when you are) Crundee and FS arent it. Even a staff invasion couldn't keep Crundee popular
    5. No.
    6. Addressed above, and I timidly agree, while I've been here in the past where Pixelmon has burned us, I think this time there is legitimate demand and if the community gets involved EARLY it could be great.
    Skyscape_ and Braun_ like this.
  4. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    The original pixelmon mod was shutdown yes but after speaking with the dev team of reforged (half of whom where on the original team) they had stated that only the mod could be sued. Not the servers. Since it would fall under the freedom of publically provided program usage nintendo cannot sue individual servers for using a publicly provided mod. They can target the mod yes. However even after being shutdown the pixelmon mod was still available for download and so will reforges if it gets taken down
  5. SenpaiSasha

    SenpaiSasha Member

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    SergiKuro and Braun_ like this.
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    1.) Hunger games wouldn't really attract anyone. We're a modded network, that is merely a mini game slapped on a vanilla base. I'm not sure we'd want to dedicate time and infrastructure to that, just my opinion though.

    2.) We're working on it. Throwback servers are great, but they take time to ensure they function and if we are keeping the same IP as the original permission from the owner to use the name so this can also be a road block, we've tossed ideas around internally and development is in progress.

    3.) I agree with you there, the communication between us and patrons is sparse at best, and I say that as a staff member and a patron.

    4.) We do that all the time, and believe me sometimes when you think it is dead the numbers tell us a different story. Some of these odd and funky servers still do drive in new players, We're due for a culling though to make room so stand by.

    5.) We tried, it failed. I thought about doing it again as sort of a one off for 1.14 to just throw it out there as a semi-pure anarchy (raiding yes, racism no) probably should be polled in a different post. Personally I enjoy it, I came from a server where it was a free for all as well as the.. Oldest Anarchy Server in Minecraft..

    6.) No. Nintendo hates it, Game Freak hates it, our players lose interest fast.
  7. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    MORE EVENTS - live that servers up!
  8. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    And no mention of Regrowth in this whole thread, blasphemy !

    ps: Regrowth forever !!!! ........ And Wakanda, that too ...
  9. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    What did else did you expect the throwback to be?
    Timmypwn and Skyscape_ like this.
  10. Cubelex_YT

    Cubelex_YT The steampunker Lord

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    Maybe the Patrons could have a server running a pack made by patrons.
    Maybe they could create packs based on their favourite mods and one pack will be elected to become the server pack.
  11. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    If someone will suggest MyM Skies only for patrons cuz MyM is mainly runnin' thx to patrons i find him and i will kill him after telling him that is a good idea but badly same time cuz i w8 for MyM Skies like world waited for Duke Nuken Forever
  12. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    There are events in the process. The Pixelmon event is over and we have been working on the next one for July.

    I have a post in the patron zone that works as a changelog for the event server, keeping them updated on what is going on both back end and future events. As I stated, we have been working on the July event for a bit. I've posted the next event to this changelog too so they have a sneak peek as to what it will be ;)
  13. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Not interested in Pixelmon(i'm interest how many players took place in that event tho), so for me, none event is takin' place - I mean something multiserver - modpacks have Thaumcraft? Made alchemy setup/decor your altar/army of golems doing stuff etc. make a new creative server/node for builds.

    Tekkit Legends event - pair some ppl(or staff with some dudes or ladies) and order them to make build something(maybe each staff member have something else to build) like real life building into minecraft make town(medieval, modern, asian or spawn for RPG server) Every group gets 1 red matter( for EMC) to spawn build blocks

    Galactic craft(node 2) - Astro Race - which party 1st will make T3 rocket or Tardis

    I dont know what past event have most popularity so I cant tell whats most popular idea - just building or making some weird tech stuff with restrictions
  14. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    The most popular as of May was the Automation based event
    God no, that'd be dishonoring the term throwback. 1.6 and older has to be the only options for throwback ;)
    Braun_ likes this.
  15. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    @GreyWolf11 FTB Monster BABY!!!!!!!
    p5k and GreyWolf11 like this.
  16. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    The pixelmon event ended yesterday lol. Julys server is pretty much ready to go thanks to @tonalom and @Aidoneus
    GreyWolf11 and tonalom like this.
  17. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Belive me or not but I can read - I wanted to say that Pixelmon was not satisfying event for me, so none event WERE going for me lately.

    Saying that, we can see the most trouble about events - how to encourage player to take part of it? Choose wrong modpack(main reason i never take place in any event) or wrong theme of event and *SLAM* we're loosing interest.

    So talking about livin' up the server is neverending debate cuz MyM can never satisfy all its players with any event (or maybe good enough rewards will do ;p)
  18. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    Monster is cool and all, but Ultimate is where it's at.
    GreyWolf11 likes this.
  19. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    TPPI man, TPPI.
    GreyWolf11 and p5k like this.
  20. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    We have an ultimate server. It's not doing so well honestly.

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