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Info Network-wide Access to Twilight Forest to be permanently removed!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by chaosblad3, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    8:42 PM
    The issue with that is that the normal mode recipes have to be compatible with multiple different modpacks, so it can only use ingredients from mods that are in all of those modpacks.
  2. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    1:42 PM
    Not sure if this was mentioned, but you could add all the allowable Sapplings from TF into the Mutandis random proc's just like when attempting to get Rowan and so on... Same with Liveroot

    And not only could you add the Non-Aggressive mobs as Spawn Eggs but the Aggressive Mobs found in random spawners in TF as well...

    We also would need recipes for the Aurora Block, Aurora Pillar, the Firefly Jar, Firefly, Moonworm, Moonworm Queen, Torchberries, Huge Lily Pads, and other decorative items already mentioned in this thread...

    Aurora Pillar suggestion: (5 Lapis w/ 4 Certus Quartz Blocks = 6 Aurora Pillar)

    Lapis Lazuli - Certus Quarts Block - Lapis Lazuli
    Certus Quartz Block - Lapis Lazuli - Certus Quartz Block
    Lapis Lazuli - Certus Quartz Block - Lapis Lazuli

    Firefly suggestion: (8 String surrounding 1 Blaze Powder in the middle = 1 Firefly)

    Firefly Jar: (4 Glass Panes surrounding 1 Firefly = 1 Firefly Jar)

    blank - Glass Pane - blank
    Glass Pane - Firefly - Glass Pane
    blank - Glass Pane - blank

    Torchberries suggestion: (1 Any Tinker's Oreberry & 1 Glowstone Dust = 1 Torchberry)

    Moonworm suggestion: No need for crafting recipe as they only come from using the Moonworm Queen as normal

    Moonworm Queen suggestion: (1 Vanilla Bow + 1 Energized Glowstone Bucket + 2 Cobwebs + 1 Golden Apple = 1 Moonworm Queen)*

    blank - Bow - blank
    Cobweb - Golden Apple - Cobweb
    blank - Energized Glowstone Bucket - blank

    *returns empty bucket

    Huge Lily Pad suggestion: (9 Lily Pads = 1 Huge Lily Pad)

    Lily Pad - Lily Pad - Lily Pad
    Lily Pad - Lily Pad - Lily Pad
    Lily Pad - Lily Pad - Lily Pad

    Aurora Block suggestion: (1 Lapis Block surrounded by 4 Certus Quartz Crystals = 1 Aurora Block)

    blank - Certus Quartz Crystal - blank
    Certus Quartz Crystal - Lapis Lazuli Block - Certus Quartz Crystal
    blank - Certus Quartz Crystal - blank

    Naga Scale suggestion: (1 Huge Lily Pad + 1 Steel Ingot + 1 Blaze Powder = 1 Naga Scale)

    Huge Lily Pad - Steel Ingot - Blaze Powder
    blank - blank - blank
    blank - blank - blank

    Transformation Powder suggestion: (1 Golden Bag of Holding + 1 Molten Enderium Bucket = 5 Transformation Powder)*

    *returns empty bucket

    Steeleaf suggestion: (1 Steel Ingot + 1 Enchanted Book +2 Oak Leaves + 1 Diamond = 1 Steeleaf)

    blank - Diamond - blank
    Oak Leaves - Steel Ingot - Oak Leaves
    blank - Enchanted Book - blank

    Fiery Blood suggestion: (1 Glass Bottle + Blaze Powder + 1 Bucket o' Blood + 1 Enchanted Book = 1 Fiery Blood)

    blank - Enchanted Book - Blank
    Blaze Powder - Glass Bottle - Bucket o' Blood
    blank - blank - blank

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2015
  3. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    3:42 PM
    My favorite item in TF from the Towerwood. I like the look, explosion proof, yet movable with pistons. Very hard to accidentally break. Hope you can get recipe for it. (8 planks + 1 obsidian = 8 tower wood)

    The tower wood blocks were nice as well, but can make birth look almost the same with chisel. but does not have the toughness = 4 tower wood = 4 tower wood blocks

    Also used the re-appearing blocks often for passages. 2 towerwood blocks + enderpearl + redstone = 2 reapearing blocks

    Also liked the Maze and Naga blocks look but did not use them much in building.

    I loved the tower golems, once you captured one of those in a safari net and put in an autospawner. you had all the tower wood and iron you wanted. The mini-ghasts were nice too, dropped ghast tears without the massive size of a Ghast.
  4. Ackross

    Ackross SpudWhacker

    Likes Received:
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    8:42 PM
    yeah good idea

    Ackros Gliceas
    Irish Patron Saint of snipers and Tactical Manuvers
    Play Qui Audet Vincit - Who Dares To Play Wins

    22sas.net, bigclan.co.uk, mikesrevenge.net

    @Ackros, fb/ackros.gliceas , player.me/Ackros

  5. fieldwedel

    fieldwedel Well-Known Member

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    9:42 PM
    Would it maybe be possible to extend the effects of transformation powder to plants as well? So using it on vanilla lilypads would create huge lilypads, using it on oak wood would create twilight oak wood etc. Of course that would require either the powder to be craftable or buyable using the market.
  6. Kutao217

    Kutao217 New Member

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    3:42 PM
    I think it would be great to have recipies for all items needed. I also believe that it's killing Infinity as it stays up longer lol
    LunaBlossoms and bigbluu722 like this.
  7. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    8:42 PM
    also could we not craft the mob eggs and only use them in the nether/runic dungon/storage cell that would allow new players to fight the bosses whilst still dealing with the badly optimised land genertation in the twilight forest its self as the main problem is the generation not mobs so much.

    another idea for dealing with this problem is taking copys of the boss spawn areas and force them to spawn in farm world or even better would be a all biomes to spawn in the farm world this would mean that mod progression can still remain intacked and players can enjoy one of the few exploration mods in the game.[DOUBLEPOST=1450199495,1450198972][/DOUBLEPOST]also when is this going to be implemented?
  8. lmclark

    lmclark Well-Known Member

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    12:42 PM
    Suggestion ... remove the access to the Twilight now so that people can play on the servers w/o having issues. Alternate solutions and/or recipes can be implemented later.

    My 2 cents ... Rather be able to play w/o crashing and performance issues and not have access to twilight and a few recipes. Crashing and the resulting rollbacks are going to turn people off ...
  9. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    8:42 PM
    i have to agree with imclark just disable it for now and we can talk about how to deal with the items later constant sever roll backs are driving me mad and im tempted to not play till this is sorted as it is making it praticly unplayble
  10. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    8:42 PM
    Apologies but this will be slightly delayed now as apparently I am a massive derpface who shift-deletes the wrong directory by mistake...... *sigh*

    Time to go and write more than half of my recipes again I guess.
  11. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    2:42 PM

  12. Kutao217

    Kutao217 New Member

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    3:42 PM
    NNNNUUUUUUUUUUUUUU chaos ruined holiday :( j/k
  13. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    8:42 PM
    um chaos as im an it student i have some advice BACKUP EVERYTHING all the time never dont backup in at least 3 places ondrive if free back everything up or this happens lol
  14. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    8:42 PM
    Or if you use notepad++ it saves a temporary copy locally ;)
  15. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    8:42 PM
    in it were still taught to backup everything because "computer are stupid" our tutor tells us and in collage they crash alot :p
  16. K1ngAtlas

    K1ngAtlas New Member

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    3:42 PM
    i am thankful for the delay! :)
  17. dementedreality

    dementedreality New Member

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    12:42 PM
    I am willing to help you finish the rest of the recipes. Let me know which ones still need done.
  18. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    9:42 AM
    Hmmm, sorry if this has been asked before, but are we allowed to edit the twilight forest mod, I have a friend who could probably make a version of the dimension with chunk loading identical to the overworlds
  19. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    8:42 PM
    no as the mod is copyrighted this would not be allowed by the mod author and as the mod author has stated it uses the same system as the overworld the issue is all the things in the world that requires complex algrithms to calculate lighing the trees and towers whitch are genrally bigger that normal minecraft so no matter who did it it will still lag
  20. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    9:42 AM
    I see, I assumed it was a problem with the dimension itself, but it's like 12pm here, so can't really brain right now, also aren't some mods not subject to copyright? I guess this is not one of those then

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