Testing Required New Chunk Loader System on Regrowth, Agrarian Skies 2 and Galactic Science

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Slind, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. porkyhog

    porkyhog Patron Tier 1

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    7:28 AM
    im having a issue i have -80 tickets ? and im haveing a a problem with /shop to shen i type it it will not come up
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2015
  2. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    10:28 AM
    How does this vote->token->ticket thing work?

    I had a little over 100 votes un-redeemed (no way to redeem now I guess)
    I have 1100 tokens, but no way to turn them to tickets
    I had over 2000000 tickets I had collected by being very conservitive on keep chunks loaded, I have none now.

    Guess: my 110 votes became 1100 tokens, so I used one in store to buy 10,000 tickets, but cannot actually use the chunckloader get message: You Reached your Chunk Loading limit (-3 available, 0 needed). Removed my three chunk loaders already placed, now get message (0 available, 1 needed).

    What I am I doing wrong?
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2015
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    3:28 PM
    wow and there is another bug, one step later that only occurs after two restarts/reloads.. Well thanks for the info, it has been fixed same as another bug related to reloading. Sorry about the wait for another restart :/
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    every vote on record has been converted to 10 tokens. The tokens you can convert to chunkloader tickets using /shop
  5. Tinnel

    Tinnel Well-Known Member

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    10:28 AM
    the shop and chunk loaders on dw20 are currently not working...
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  7. Bastian_76

    Bastian_76 New Member

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    This is crazy....how about new players get 1x chunks on start and every tier you pay for gets additional 2x chunks. If you pay a lot you get the rewards of being able to use the server.

    I just logged onto Direwolf20 and nothing on my base is working properly. I have to put iron blocks in every 9x9 area and then configure them. The old method was simple, place the chicken chunk loader and move if needes. We have 8 max and if you gave that to everyone maybe thats your issue.

    I got no few weeks notice of the original direwolf20 server being reset as I was lead to believe would happen, I havent gotten my world download after I requested it, I set up my new base in a 2x2 chunk area specifically to deal with chunk loading issues and now the new system screws up everything. The staff on here are ultra friendly as are the players but the MyM organisation as a whole is removing the fun from the game.

    I keep hearing the system is to make things fair....fair is I paid for tier 5 so maybe the freeloaders should get the grief of dealing with the new system.

    The server used to be fun but there are constraint after constraint being introduced. I want to be able to play and not have to worry about if I have enough tokens in my chunk loaders and voting etc. I don't want to have to calculate how many tokens/tickets etc I need just to have my lava gens working for the time I am on. I play here and there and when I log on I expect my machines to work.

    Sorry for my rant but MyM is going to strange places and the fun is going out quickly.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    People gonna hate change. Give it a week and if it is still a hassle make a productive report including optimization suggestions. :)
    PhantomRTW likes this.
  9. Bastian_76

    Bastian_76 New Member

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    I sort of did but i'll expand on it:

    All players (non sponsor) = 1x chicken chunk loader
    Tier 1 = 2x chicken chunk loader (1 additional to non sponsor)
    Tier 2 = 3x chicken chunk loader (2 additional to non sponsor)
    Tier 3 = 5x chicken chunk loader (4 additional to non sponsor)
    Tier 4 = 7x chicken chunk loader (6 additional to non sponsor)
    Tier 5 = 9x chicken chunk loader (8 additional to non sponsor)

    + additional for all is your token/ticket system

    (all chunk loaders do only 1x chunk of loading)

    This means if you donate money to keep the server running your money pays for your chunks. If your a basic player then you can have the issues of tokens/tickets and voting etc but if you pay then you automatically get to use the system. The point of donating is to not only pay for the servers but also to make ones life easier.
  10. porkyhog

    porkyhog Patron Tier 1

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    7:28 AM
    i still have -80 tokens ? i dont understand why
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    we can't limit chicken chunks, as you could place with fake players. We also don't want to use chicken chunks any longer. While we patched quite a few bugs and made it a lot more performance there are still some issues regarding performance and chunk leak.
    On top chicken chunks need to be available on client side, hence it is not a solution which we could use on all servers.

    What is the issue with this one click more? That's half a second of extra work.
  12. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    10:28 AM
    Prior to change you got 100 chunks, 60 myms, and 1 item.
    after change you get 10 tokens, each token buys 10 chunks, 10 myms or 3 tokens for 1 random item. or 1 token for will keep chunk loaded for 7.5 hours.

    to get what the vote was before would take 19 tokens and still have to buy tickets to keep your chunks loaded.

    Why the reduction in vote values?

    Don't get me wrong I like the new chunk system. Just I think 1 mym = 1000 tickets would have been better, they way you could earn them other than voting.
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    finally, I was wondering why people would complain about the change but not the reduction.
    To be honest, I did not like reducing it and I want to get to a similar value. The thought of those values were usability. E.g. I need 1000 claim blocks, so those are 100 tokens => easy to calculate. Now if it would be 160 for 10 tokens, it would make the calculation pretty difficult.
    My thought was to up the amount of tokens per vote as those you usually don't need to calculate with, or go to 20 claim-blocks instead of 10. Makes it a little more complicated but still doable.
    Any thoughts, further ideas?
  14. porkyhog

    porkyhog Patron Tier 1

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    7:28 AM
    is the way it works it takes the tickets every min. If thats true some chunks with more stuff in it cost more one of my chunks cost 55 tickets a min insted of 5 like my one with a few items in it
  15. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    yeah that is the case. The amount of tickets you get for each token has been chosen based on the test run on regrowth, galacticscience and agrarian skies 2. They are not set it stone. I already thought about the difference of hqm packs with slow progression and small setups vs heavy packs like infinity and direwolf20.
    I would like everyone to be able to load those 9 chunks (which we had before with chicken chunks) for 5 hours a day from votes. (be aware that you can go pretty cheap if you make use of the redstone signal control, e.g. player detector that disables the loader when you are near by to save cost)
    Further the initial idea to allow chicken chunks was to make outside setups work, not to load the entire base. (hence the increase in cost in those heavy chunks)
  16. Bastian_76

    Bastian_76 New Member

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    A fake player would have to donate to get extra chicken chunks and then they'd only work while player is online but I do understand what you are saying with increasing performance as a goal. I just find that this server customization is getting out of control, imagine you're a new player. You now have to:

    * learn the basic server rules
    * learn about the mym portal system
    * learn about claiming
    * learn about voting
    * learn about shop
    * learn about chunk loading
    * learn about banned items
    * learn about server constraints (mod limits etc)
    * learn about dimension resets
    * learn about some dimensions not accessible (RFTools etc)

    I like to play and help people in trouble and all one does lately is explain to new players how things work and defend the server. I just want to go onto the server and play without every few weeks major changes happening. Back when not much changed we hardly had issues and now every update and change we have a week of bug fixes etc.

    Direwolf20 only had performance issues when certain people did stupid builds/things and I thought the Mods were there to regulate this. The system worked fine so not sure why such a major change had to happen.

    Of course now we have a system where people can chunk load offline as well so I'd imagine that would now use server resources all the time.
  17. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    10:28 AM
    I like the fact with the new system, i can now spread out my base and just activate the chunks I want running at that time. Very seldom I want every live at the same time. But liked making a 7x7 area just long enough for grass to spread. then remove the loader.

    Is there a way to disable the chunk loader to save some tickets. For example I have a HUGE batch of ore processing int eh Smelter, will take about 2 hours loaded. would love to turn off the chunkloader when the batch is done, I could generate a redstone signal many ways to tell I am done.

    Similar: I have a farm that all chests are full in about 6 hours are farming, no reason to have my robot farming creating items that just rot since they will not fit in any chests. (I did have a hopper system to allowed to run 18 hours but that lagged the server bad)
  18. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I do not mean the strain caused by those chunks being loaded. I mean the strain caused by chicken chunks it self. E.g. when the server starts it goes through every player and asks mojang about their uuid. This process took up to 10 minutes before we improved it. While this was the biggest one, there are more and they are not just at the start up of the server.
    Bastian_76 likes this.
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    3:28 PM
    yeah, redstone is your friend.
  20. porkyhog

    porkyhog Patron Tier 1

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    Local Time:
    7:28 AM
    I use 1x1 chunk loders and i use 5 of them for the areas that i have items in it. i use a total 90 tickets a min my tower farm takes 55 of that in one chunk and the other is my automating area
    i like the iron chunk loders alot i play alot and have just enuf to play 9hr a day with them loded or more

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