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not so HUNGRY nodes

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by madzdz, Jul 30, 2014.

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  1. madzdz

    madzdz Member

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    12:48 PM
    still all i can see are two haters without serious arguments.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    6:48 AM
    actually, my argument is serious, mostly it's the "no refunds rule" to why they turned it off
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:48 PM
    we never turned it off. there was just one ftb update where we didn't turn it on again.
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    6:48 AM
    ahh right, but thats why you leave it off faced with it (one of many)
  5. madzdz

    madzdz Member

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    12:48 PM
    if You even cared to read topic from start You would know, that they didn't touched it as it is default for FTB monster modpack, as stated by Administrator.

    Stop lying and underdigging my position just because You may not like me. Same applies to Your friend.

    as for mysterious "other dangers of hardmode" i already told that it is big brainy zombies and earie biome from sinister nodes, and infecting other nodes from tainted one. I already confirmed that by decompiling source of thaumcraft.

  6. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    6:48 AM
    LOL the tainted nodes spread, you can look at my nodes for proof, 1, 2, if you actualy decompiled you would know this, 3 you don't know how to decompile this, as you are not in any shape or form a programmer, and lastly your argument is invalid, feeding incorrect information and calling it true makes you uncredible, ergo your argument is invalid
  7. madzdz

    madzdz Member

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    12:48 PM
    	  if ((getNodeType() == NodeType.TAINTED) && (this.count % 50 == 0))
    		if (bg.field_76756_M != ThaumcraftWorldGenerator.biomeTaint.field_76756_M) {
    		  Utils.setBiomeAt(this.field_70331_k, x, z, ThaumcraftWorldGenerator.biomeTaint);
    		if ((Config.hardNode) && (this.field_70331_k.field_73012_v.nextBoolean()))
    		  if (!BlockTaintFibres.spreadFibres(this.field_70331_k, x, y, z)) {}
    	  else if ((getNodeType() != NodeType.PURE) && (getNodeType() != NodeType.TAINTED) && (this.count % 100 == 0))
    		BiomeGenBase bg = this.field_70331_k.func_72807_a(this.field_70329_l, this.field_70327_n);
    		if ((bg.field_76756_M == ThaumcraftWorldGenerator.biomeTaint.field_76756_M) &&
    		  (this.field_70331_k.field_73012_v.nextInt(500) == 0))
    this shortened example show that i wasn't right about tainted node hardmode, in fact they are infected by tainted biome itself, not directly by tainted node so neither You were right. What hard mode really do in this case is spreading fibres. Indeed very dangerous and gamebreaking behaviour.

    else if ((getNodeType() == NodeType.DARK) && (this.count % 50 == 0))
    	  BiomeGenBase bg = this.field_70331_k.func_72807_a(x, z);
    		if (bg.field_76756_M != ThaumcraftWorldGenerator.biomeEerie.field_76756_M) {
    		  Utils.setBiomeAt(this.field_70331_k, x, z, ThaumcraftWorldGenerator.biomeEerie);
    		if ((Config.hardNode) && (this.field_70331_k.field_73012_v.nextBoolean()) && (this.field_70331_k.func_72977_a(this.field_70329_l + 0.5D, this.field_70330_m + 0.5D, this.field_70327_n + 0.5D, 24.0D) != null))
    		  EntityGiantBrainyZombie entity = new EntityGiantBrainyZombie(this.field_70331_k);
    		  if (entity != null)
    // some obfuscated code that create zombie
    there we see, that earie biome should appear as it is, but without HardNodes big zombie will never spawn.

    There is also no code that would set any node to hunger, as some sites stated.
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    6:48 AM
    at least you finally have proof, yes you admit your mistakes, but you're trying to fight something that won't change for a variety of reasons, they went with what the modpack devs did, less work for them
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:48 PM
    nothing has been said yet. We look at the opinions of everyone and try to build us a picture on what is best for the average user. Please stick to the topic.
    madzdz likes this.
  10. TheFafalStudios

    TheFafalStudios Well-Known Member

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    12:48 PM
    I think, that this is a very good idea to enable hungry nodes, being hungry again, because it allows much more advanced machines that can be very usefull for skilled thaumaturd's, which makes it endgame, and that also adds some "adrenaline" to making thos machines. I think there should just be signes warning noobies about them. I am really looking forward to seeing this added again.
  11. Mr_Byer

    Mr_Byer New Member

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    7:48 AM
    I dont know why is that banned there is no reason to be, it's funny and worth to have on our server i'd really enjoy if it gets unbanned
  12. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    6:48 AM
    "machines for skilled thaumoturgiests" machines my FOOT for hungry nodes, there are no machines for them, they are hard to find, and when found, they kill you insanely fast, oh, and void your items
  13. TheFafalStudios

    TheFafalStudios Well-Known Member

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    12:48 PM
    I think you are going way aggressive and you should go and think about yourself, because when madzdz made 1 mistake with a spawner i bet i could point a hundreds of mistakes about your builds, so just go and think about yourself
  14. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    6:48 AM
    GL pointing them out, while your comp is burning i'll be laughing from the fps drops you get *hint* i lived with 11 others *hint* my base is the main reason east had any tps problems
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2014
  15. Doctorfoxwolf

    Doctorfoxwolf Well-Known Member

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    3:48 AM
    I'm surprised you aren't fighting in favor of them so you can unload a dump truck of nether stars onto one for vis.
    madzdz likes this.
  16. TehG00SE

    TehG00SE New Member

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    6:48 AM
    Wow I guess I spent too long putting together my opinion, all this petty bickering has nothing to do with the topic lol

    For someone we see ALL DAY.. and I emphasize ALL DAY bragging about what he has accomplished, what hes doing, and what he has done from the beginning of time, (I am fairly sure he caused the big bang, and created life) even at the expense of other players ability to enjoy the game, I find it amusing and even shocking that you care about any side effects of enabling this. IMO having something that scares Chugga should be MORE incentive for enabling it.

    All in good fun, trolling aside, the game is enjoyable, for reasons I stated in my previous post, I think the "difficult danger" is something the game needs more of.
  17. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    6:48 AM
    in reality, it doesn't scare me -.- i meant that it's hard to deal with, i think that this is true, (it is) and it was meant to be, but the main reason i'm against it is that most players don't do thaumcraft, making the unaware person, VERY likely to die and request a refeund to dying to some random thing they don't know about in the ocean, this is how i found my first hungry node, and it's best part, in my opinion, is getting those etherial essence in bulk, cuz it has ALOT of etherial essence dropped once broken. and i actually care for the server, (somewhat) my AE autocrafting octuple compressed is better than about nine cyclics going on with 5 transfer nodes, i do care (a little) about tps, i want the tps in a mood of, it's playable, but maybe up to 2~ tps fluxuations
  18. Doctorfoxwolf

    Doctorfoxwolf Well-Known Member

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    3:48 AM
    If we were to follow that logic we would also have to ban 90% of the Blood Magic mod.
  19. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    6:48 AM
    not exactly, with BM it's just people not realising how much LP they need, with hungry nodes you have NO idea unless you have a thaumometer or something else that it's a thing to see it, you're screwed over, the ammount of requests for a refund i presume would be too much, someone will use it to greif, so on and so forth
  20. Doctorfoxwolf

    Doctorfoxwolf Well-Known Member

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    3:48 AM
    There are a lot of things that can kill you if messed with, and grief protection does nothing to stop it.
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