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not so HUNGRY nodes

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by madzdz, Jul 30, 2014.

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  1. TehG00SE

    TehG00SE New Member

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    I ignored the bottom half of your statement because it was for yourself, not the topic. (<3)

    Whats wrong with hard to deal with? There were mods created that intentionally made things more difficult, because there's a desire for it.

    New players are very likely to die to alot of things, a I died to the taint bees of death when I first logged, because I have not played a version of thaumcraft that had the taint biomes/risk, I was unaware, and quickly learned.. RETREAT. I JUST learned about this option at all with this topic.

    Ignorance is never an active excuse in anything. People that would quit a server for the effect of a working mod included in the mod pack, are probably people better off playing on single player. If you die, learn from it. Ask for help from someone a bit more caring than yourself obviously. (;)) to help solve the issue.
    MBacon15 likes this.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    tehgoose, lemme point something out, i am not ignorant, i didn't even mean new players, i mean ANY player who isn't doing thaumcraft, this should be obvious, if you can't see the node or it's vortex, you don't know it's there, plain and simple. now realise this, you're moving your base and you die to a hungry node, losing EVERY SINGLE one of your endgame items, how fast are you going to demand a refund? pretty fast, now that is what i was talking about, people who don't do thaumcraft moving or doing something else, finding it and losing ALL of their endgame items to it, the requests for refunds would be annoying
  3. madzdz

    madzdz Member

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    I see no reason too swim through ocean without any kind of armor or glider(!), with bags filled with livestock, or jump inside tnt-like hole that try to suck one inside. Not to mention that nodes are visible without any special equipment.
  4. TehG00SE

    TehG00SE New Member

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    Im sure you arnt, you should realize most of the people on this server arnt either. If you are going to move your base, the responsible thing to do would be to scout the area regardless. If you don't, you are really asking for trouble anyways. Furthermore, if you could move your entire base, in 1 trip, your base is either 1) easily recoverable or 2) you saw it as worth the risk.

    Again, I wouldn't shed a tear for you, and Id not expect you to shed one for me.

    Your argument is full of extreme situations. WHO actively moves their entire base enough to risk running into this rare node? And if you do, it was probably meant to be. What if you were a 20 minute walk away, dodged a creeper explosion, survived but jumped into a lava filled cave and died. On your way back, out of frustration carelessly tried fighting the night, just to die to another creeper whilst hungry. What if you died close by, just in time for a ground item wipe. Or a server crash.. all valid possibility's, and most likely more possible then losing your entire base on a trip through the lillipop forest and tripping into a Hungry Node.

    Extreme risk, and extreme situations are always a possibility, just not likely possibilities.


    PLUS I will likely be the first person to die to one of these, and we can all laugh at me together =)
    madzdz likes this.
  5. madzdz

    madzdz Member

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    Oh, and how about 2 creepers exploding one after another killing You and wiping drops? I guess that situation is 100x more common than spotting rare hungry node (majority of players never even spotted one).
  6. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    lol the thing here is that many people did this moving off north, so its not "your entire base" i meant you move you base little by little, i meant all of your endgame items, like quantum or bedrock stuff, or a bunch of other endgame items, and you take the most direct route this time, aaaaaaaannnnnnd your stuff is voided, this is mostly what i meant, their unlikely to find but if you do and you don't know you have you're dead, especialy if you don't know a node is even there, or you have poor eyesight, making dying to a random one really common, really easy, and very trolly, for a creeper you can run away, for a hungry node you CAN'T.[DOUBLEPOST=1406835894,1406835838][/DOUBLEPOST]
    lolololololol barely visible, you most likely can't see them without unless your (as mentioned above) eyesight is good
  7. Doctorfoxwolf

    Doctorfoxwolf Well-Known Member

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    You must be legally blind to not see it's particle effects and large crater it creates. This reminds me of the argument against Tesla motors because there was a crash due to a flaw in them, ignoring the 200,000 gasoline fires that happen annually, but some people put on their monkey suits and flip out about that tiny, rare occurrence. The hungry nodes will become even more rare than normal due to people hunting them down for their uses.
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    and greifers will love them, and over an ocean you can't see it's effects, like i stated before, before it's too late
  9. TehG00SE

    TehG00SE New Member

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    So you are betting on another massive server issue forcing people to move? If any admin spent their time focusing on only allowing what they do based on the worse possibly situation, and playing it safe, there would probably be no MC servers. Lets say I have a bit more faith then that. Ive lost end game items to stupid mistakes from everything from creepers (sometimes the "Sssss" isnt enough warning, when you dont see them first" to block lag ending in me standing in lava, to server crashes that had to start from scratch. Its always possible. I agree, it would absolutely suck, but the appeal to people that are interested in this option, are the more likely people to fall victim to them, and lose alot more. I am fairly sure hungry nodes will not pull you from accross the map to your death, so one way or another, it would be a surprise encounter, these surprise encounters can happen with creepers, and any other harmful situation, just the other day I was blinded by a spider and blown up by a creeper. I could run, but couldn't see where I was running to. (It was actually kinda funny).

    End game already has very few risk, I mean creepers hurt, but do no damage to surroundings, zombies are stopped by doors, and everything else can generally be avoided completely. The unrepresented, unlikely risk factor should be a thing. IMO.

    Damnit chugga, you clearly spend too much time swimming!

    My biggest fear would be the griefing you would do to make this a valid point.
  10. Doctorfoxwolf

    Doctorfoxwolf Well-Known Member

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    Slind has already said in this thread that they would make it so you couldn't place them near claims[DOUBLEPOST=1406837443,1406837313][/DOUBLEPOST]
    You can contain the hungry node's effects with warded blocks, obsidian, reinforced stone etc. But I do agree with you.
  11. TehG00SE

    TehG00SE New Member

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    ^^ Benefit of having competent admins.

    And Ah cool. Like I said, this post is the first I've heard of these, and I'm very intrigued, dangerous or not :p Good to know though!
  12. madzdz

    madzdz Member

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    since You cant use wand near claim, there is basically no way to put it at someone home, also they already devour blocks, and i doesnt see anyone griefing with it.
  13. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    no if you're endgame it doesn't see you know the node is there, i've done testing and it throws you around alot, kills you quickly, and voids your items, basicly you get nothing from it, and doc you're not always safe, there are glitches someone will eventually do and break that, so i think that it's still a good thing that you can't, but the range on this would need to be about liek 20 blocks around the claim, and how will they detect if the node is a hungry node? nbt data? their going to spend their time digging through nbt data just for that? i doubt it[DOUBLEPOST=1406837611,1406837581][/DOUBLEPOST]
    it's called put it outside of the wand range, it isn't that big
    and remember guys, the main reason i'm against it is not me, but the fact that people will pester the already busy admins for "can i have a refund because i died to idk and i was in the overworld and it said i died to the void"
  14. madzdz

    madzdz Member

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    Can somebody translate it for me?
  15. TehG00SE

    TehG00SE New Member

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    Again, you are relying on extreme situations, someone discovering and abusing a bug, that can happen NOW if it was "a thing" there are plenty of things in game you could grief with if they could "find a bug" with it.

    Also, I do not buy that you care about the admins being pestered, I do not a see a rare...rare.. node causing that much extra request. Furthermore, a good admin can deal with request, and likely have a sure fire copy and paste response to those "pesky" constant questions.

    I don't think that's going to be an issue, and not a viable excuse to cancel out the option in my opinion. If you cant handle the worse type of clients, you probably shouldn't be administrating. Again, I have confidence in the team here.

    EDIT: I'm not going to continue the back and forth, its just going to be me repeating the same response to your same argument. We disagree, Ill leave it at that. I have made my points very clear, Ill leave it in the hands of the big guys.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2014
    madzdz likes this.
  16. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    as you are drifting far away from the topic I will close it. If you want to continue your discussion create a topic under community talk.
  17. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:40 PM
    hard-mode-nodes have been turned on
    madzdz likes this.
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