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Pixelmon Server

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SilentBane, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. Arreme2000

    Arreme2000 New Member

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    "I release this build to the MineYourMind Network, and understand that my build can be altered in any way to suit their needs better."
    This is the Beacon Badge, the thematic is not as original as the Wave Badge that I made but I think is still cool :cat:

    Name of the Traineer: Bacon, The Force Master
    Pokemons LvL: 40-50
    Pokemons: Alakazam, Slowbro, Unow ( Any Letter ), Solrock, Lunatone, Metagross (Last One)
    Explanation of the Map: Battle inside an enormous Beacon and discover how it works with the power of the Nether Stars, carefull with the big laser.
    This map will be really easy to put, and maybe will need a few changes for intruducing it into the nature of the biome.
    Hope you like it ;)
    Also, I'm working now on the Legendary Badge, its giving me a lot of work and I have to wait until tomorrow night to start working hard with my builder tools. Here is the "Beta":
    Mijikai likes this.
  2. Arreme2000

    Arreme2000 New Member

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    "I release this build to the MineYourMind Network, and understand that my build can be altered in any way to suit their needs better."
    THE LEGENDARY BADGE, I think that this map is one of my masterpieces I have ever made, enjoy :D.

    Name of the Traineer: Steve
    Pokemons LvL: 70
    Pokemons: Option 1: ALL LEGENDARIES: Entei, Giratina, Latias, HoHo, Regigigas and the last one, Groudon.
    Option 2: Feraligatr, Camerupt, Groudon (Last one :p), Ryperior, Hydreigon, Salamence.
    Explanation of the Map: Enter into the deeps to beat the Master of Pixelmons, Steve. Watch your steps and go in the mouth of the skeleton.
    Map "Easy" to put, the only difficult is that is MASSIVE (Sorry for that xD).
    Also @Mijikai , ill pass you the download links later of my 3 gyms.
    As always, hope you like it! :D
  3. robrico

    robrico Patron Tier 1

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    4:49 PM
    Ello readers,

    I have a question:

    When Is the pixelmon server finally updating to ''for now 4.1.1''

    It seems that after more then an half year (8 months to be exactly) the pixelmon server has still not been updated
    Isn't this getting time or is there a reason?
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    That is minecraft 1.8 and there is no server software supporting bukkit for it yet.
    robrico likes this.
  5. robrico

    robrico Patron Tier 1

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    4:49 PM

    I see, maybe the will soon , cause feed the beast started to prepare for 1.8

    thx for the quick respone .
    :D[DOUBLEPOST=1449044522,1448987068][/DOUBLEPOST]:eek: Wait, I remember something. . . :

    There has been made an newer version.


    Its an version that has been made cause most servers are still using 3.4

    Pixelmon Mod Pixelmon Core downloads - 3.5.1 - 1.7.10 - Recommended

    Is it possible to update to this version?
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    4:49 PM
    the reason we haven't updated yet is that there is no compatible pixel utility version. Meaning if we update, we need to drop it.

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