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Pokemon League Organization

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by ABadHaiku_, Sep 3, 2016.

  1. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    8:15 AM
    You must not know the features.

    You can set NPC trainer to give items/money and limit how many times you can battle them.
    With another mod you can set certain areas to require the badge before it to battle. Also there is an "Equal" feature that can make NPC match the players level.

    There is more to NPC trainers then just money, look into it.

    Also there are features in Pixelmon, with pixelmon scaling... that can make your team on par with the team you are about to go against. Also with the pixelmon that attack you in the Grass
    profrags likes this.
  2. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    Well they must have changed it in beta 6, because in beta 5 you couldn't do any of that.
  3. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    You could in Beta 5.

    When you place the NPC Trainer, you right click it again to edit.
    Then on the Advanced tab you can edit to how you want. You can set it to a Boss of all levels and "Equals".
    Then select their team...ect.

    I have requested a feature in Pixelmon to make the Trainers also have battle requirements. Hoping the devs pick up the idea.
  4. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    But also, how engaging is it to battle an npc over and over versus battling a player? How dry does the game feel if you don't actually get to interact with another player while playing?[DOUBLEPOST=1472991239][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I was focused more on chatting npcs for the towns, so I must have missed that.
    Doesn't change the fact that village gyms are poorly implemented atm.
  5. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Imagine this. You make your way through a map. Which are all NPCs.
    At the end.. where champion road is, you are released to the wild.
    In the wild are the best of the best trainers and gyms.
    Think Prison but Pixelmon.[DOUBLEPOST=1472991310][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Start a convo with me, i would like to share something with you.
  6. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    Imagine this: you're a player new to Pixelmon and you stop by MyM. It seems fun, but as you spend hours leveling up your Pokemon and progressing through the gyms, something about the whole thing kind of brings you down, puts a damper on your experience. You keep going, and eventually you get bored of seeing the same thing over and over, the same gym leaders, the same repetitive AIs, etc. So, you leave.
    It's proven psychology that a long series of tasks without any outside human interaction makes for a depressing and dry experience (think Portal from Chell's PoV but taking weeks or months), and that's what I've been trying to avoid. Towns and cities full of npcs and textured buildings with gradients, all trying desperately to bring color and vibrance to an otherwise flat and dull game. Having NOTHING but npcs throws all that out the window, because it doesn't matter how pretty the world is if it's empty and heartless.
    That's not reassuring.[DOUBLEPOST=1472991843][/DOUBLEPOST]Now, I'm going to sleep. See you in a few hours.
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Why would there not be other players along the way to battle? if you wanted to.

    Again, we have two very different ideas for pixelmon. We will see how your idea works on PX:E server.[DOUBLEPOST=1472993792,1472992018][/DOUBLEPOST]
    @ABadHaiku_ if you are really interested in the organization of gyms
    Get with @johnfg12

    See what you two can brainstorm for PX:E
  8. Necro6300

    Necro6300 Well-Known Member

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    question @ABadHaiku_ why do we need to make it a town i know for a fact some people have build there gyms in sea temples thats gonna be a smidge hard to build a town around haha and from my under standing we were gonna have warps thats why people were building gyms in crazy places
    SirStudMuffin likes this.
  9. filipnielsen0303

    filipnielsen0303 Well-Known Member

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    Im Just A Villain On The Server! A Villain Boss >:) Plus Im just best being a jerk
  10. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Look I think it's best to have a Npc league to get you from 1-100 then have a player champions league where players are level 100 teams, also you would only be able to rebattle that gym after a day has past to stop you from grinding NPC's. This way new players can go from 1-100 in a tiered format and players still get to be gym leaders so everyone is happy[DOUBLEPOST=1473010082][/DOUBLEPOST]Also haiku from what you've said I've never experienced this, you can set gym leaders to not use the same tactics and be much harder so it takes skill. It's sounds more like your personal opinion than anything of you getting bored.
    The_Icy_One and Lawmonark like this.
  11. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Right,, that was a config change i made.
    Makes NPC use tactical moves and switches
    SirStudMuffin likes this.
  12. Furious_2014

    Furious_2014 Well-Known Member

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    i want to be dragon gym then but first i have to get a good base setup and can you make that pokesand , -dirt has a crafting recipe for building?
  13. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    not in Beta 5, but in Beta 7 they have enabled some of the recipes.
  14. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    I was making a series of underwater glass biospheres around an Ocean Monument as the town.
    Speaking of which Stud could you please send me a Skype invite? It's on my profile page.
  15. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    tldr: Is there gonna be an application for gyms? because if not, then ill gladly take the grass gym
  16. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    I could go for being a dark type gym leader if i qualify ;)
    (yes i know there are no dark type gyms in the games for a reason, but this is minecraft, where the gym leaders can be whatever type they like :cat:) also someone already said ice type

    also how many substitue gym leaders would there be for each gym/type?
  17. Furious_2014

    Furious_2014 Well-Known Member

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    Well there are two ICE typ arenas one in pokemon Diamond /Pearl /Platin and one in pokemon xyz
  18. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    true but then I would have to give up my tyranitaur
  19. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Any timescale on this Krhymez as i know its pretty low priority but the tools are there[DOUBLEPOST=1473271619][/DOUBLEPOST]@ABadHaiku_ Just come in TS
  20. Furious_2014

    Furious_2014 Well-Known Member

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    There are at the moment only 11 dragon Type pokemon incl. the legendary and I only can hope that they add soon more dragon pokemons

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