Yes, that is because you previously had it installed, it is no longer on the launcher. I was speaking to newcomers specifically
@pndragon65 @chugga_fan 1. if you think ae1/2 is bad dont use it. 2. in my opinion ae2 is waaaaay better if you get to know the mod. You can automate every single thing with it and thats rly great. It also makes it a little bit harder to get to that point where you automatef everything. Tbh ae1 is too eazy too mucj lag producing and boring bcs of the missing channel system. 3. if you are new to ae2 you have to look into thr wikis to understand the mod. It wasnt easy for me to get into it. My systems grew organicly and bad. Now that i learned how everything works i dont have to do anything to get what i want. Ok well the only thing i need to do in sf2 is click on an item in my terminal and then select the amount of items and then start. Ae is at all a great mod but tbh the second one is a little bit nicer. It isnt that boring^^
I'm fairly sure that I said I was done with this topic. Like any argument based upon opinions, it is basically unwinnable... And that is my opinion.
@Slind Any chance there's going to end up being a TolkienCraft 2 server? I can understand if you can't make one.
I would love to, but I can't take the lead on it at this time and probably not during the next 2-4 weeks. Though if someone of the admins would like to, that would be great.
I would like to see a pack with Farming in mind with Pam's, Magical crops, More creatures, horse breeding. There would be selling and trading or auction. We could build race tracks for horse and pig races. Large farming communities. A county fair type area, etc. Just an idea.
Only issue is the "no trading" rule on that server. While TerraFirmaCraft does not have any of those mods. It has all those aspects at its core. Many types of wild animals. Many types of crops Trading encouraged because certain parts of the world can only grow certain crops and inhabited by certain animals.
Any chance that Blightfall might work on a server? It has a really cool custom designed map, so I am not exactly sure how to apply it here. I was talking to an moderator or admin in TS about it 2 days ago, who also liked it. (Not sure who it was exactly, it might have been @Tapercrazy_jay or @_Chetwynd_ or I might have just tagged two people unneccessary)
there's a thread for suggesting packs, this thread is not that, this thread was to vote on a SET of packs, of which the ferret buisness won (cuz tolkien didn't work on servers)