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Project Ozone 2 Normal

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by GGothicRide, Mar 31, 2017.

  1. GGothicRide

    GGothicRide The Destroyer

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:31 PM
    This list is to be best explained and give a clear indication of what is considered end game (How hard an item is to get when first starting)

    ======= Anything that comes from a quest loot chest or Chance Cube

    ====== Vanilla
    - Nether Stars
    - Wither Skulls
    - Blaze Rods
    - Music Disc (excluding Cat <-- best disc)

    ==== Mods ======
    AE2 + ALL ADDONS ------> ALL ITEMS
    Aether -----> Gravatite items, and anything that comes from dungeons
    Agricraft seeds ----> 10/10/10 seeds
    Artifacts Structure Generators
    Avaritia --> ALL ITEMS
    Big Reactors ----> ALL ITEMS
    Botania ----> ALL ITEMS (Floral Fertalizer is excluded only)
    Buildcraft ----> ALL ITEMS (pipes and basic redstone engine are excluded only)
    Computer Craft ----> ALL ITEMS (Basic Computer and monitor Excluded Only)
    Cooking for Blockheads -----> ALL ITEMS
    Custom Things -----> ALL ITEMS
    Ender IO ---> ALL ITEMS (Stirling Generator and basic Capacitors are excluded only)
    Erebus ----- ALL ITEMS
    Extra Cells 2 ----> ALL ITEMS
    Extra Planets ------> ALL ITEMS
    Extra Utilities ----> ALL ITEMS (Angel Blocks, Redstone Clocks, Thickened Glass are Excluded Only)
    Ex Astris Rebirth ----> Auto Sieve, Crusher
    Defense Tech ----> ALL ITEMS
    Draconic Evolution ---> ALL ITEMS
    Galacticraft -----> ALL ITEMS
    Immersive Engineering ----> Anything that requires a multiblock structe to create and shader grab bags
    Magical Crops ------> ALL ITEMS
    Magical Crops Seeds ----> ALL ITEMS (minicio seed is excluded only)
    Magneticraft ----> ALL ITEMS
    Mekanism ----> ALL ITEMS
    Minefactory Reloaded ----> ALL ITEMS ( Rubber Tree Saplings and rubber itself are Excluded only)
    MrCrayFish's Furniture Mod ----> ALL ITEMS (excluding loot chest applicances, serously why is this a thing?)
    Open Blocks ----> All Auto enchanters, anvils and block placers/breakers
    Open Modular Turrets -----> ALL ITEMS (Potato Turret Excluded Only)
    PneumaticCraft ----> ALL ITEMS
    Portal Guns ----> ALL ITEMS
    ProjectE ----> ALL ITEMS
    Project Red + addons ----> ALL ITEMS
    Quantum Flux ----> ALL ITEMS
    Random Things -----> ALL ITEMS
    RFTools ----> ALL ITEMS
    Reliquary ----> ALL ITEMS
    Redstone Arsenal -----> ALL ITEMS
    Simply Jetpacks ----> ALL ITEMS
    Solar Flux -----> ALL ITEMS
    Storage Drawers ----> All storage Upgrades past iron I.E gold, diamond, emerald
    Thermal Dynamics, Expansion, Foundation, Smeltery ------> ALL ITEMS
    Tinkers Construct ----> ALL CROSSBOWS OR TOOLS THAT REQUIRE A FORGE And Heart Canisters
    Universal Singularities -----> ALL ITEMS
    Ztones -- Anything that requires diamond, emerald or large amounts of glowstone to craft
  2. ArkaneDragon

    ArkaneDragon Kappa Pride Forever

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:31 PM
    Thank you sir for taking your time to write this up :D
  3. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    12:31 AM
    Moved this thread to appropriate section in forums as "Endgame Items" is for verified and approved endgame item lists.

  4. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:31 PM
    Basically the rule of thumb I go by is that if the person you are trading items with cannot make the item themself at their current progression stage, then it's illegal to trade it

    (Ex: I want a bucket of lava from you,
    You come to my island and see that I have a crucible set up and making lava already, in that case by most people's account it would be fine to trade a bucket or two as long as you aernt giving a rediculous ammount
    But if I didn't have a crucible and so didn't have a way to make lava without trading it, then you cannot give me some)
    Obviously lava isn't on the list in this thread as you can make a crucible within 5 mins or so of starting but if it were it would make a good example.

    Note that this technically only applies to private trading so be sure that you are doing your negotiating over private message ;)

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