This list is to be best explained and give a clear indication of what is considered end game (How hard an item is to get when first starting) ======= Anything that comes from a quest loot chest or Chance Cube ====== Vanilla - Nether Stars - Wither Skulls - Blaze Rods - Music Disc (excluding Cat <-- best disc) ==== Mods ====== AE2 + ALL ADDONS ------> ALL ITEMS Aether -----> Gravatite items, and anything that comes from dungeons Agricraft seeds ----> 10/10/10 seeds Artifacts Structure Generators Avaritia --> ALL ITEMS Big Reactors ----> ALL ITEMS Botania ----> ALL ITEMS (Floral Fertalizer is excluded only) Buildcraft ----> ALL ITEMS (pipes and basic redstone engine are excluded only) Computer Craft ----> ALL ITEMS (Basic Computer and monitor Excluded Only) Cooking for Blockheads -----> ALL ITEMS Custom Things -----> ALL ITEMS Ender IO ---> ALL ITEMS (Stirling Generator and basic Capacitors are excluded only) Erebus ----- ALL ITEMS Extra Cells 2 ----> ALL ITEMS Extra Planets ------> ALL ITEMS Extra Utilities ----> ALL ITEMS (Angel Blocks, Redstone Clocks, Thickened Glass are Excluded Only) Ex Astris Rebirth ----> Auto Sieve, Crusher Defense Tech ----> ALL ITEMS Draconic Evolution ---> ALL ITEMS Galacticraft -----> ALL ITEMS Immersive Engineering ----> Anything that requires a multiblock structe to create and shader grab bags Magical Crops ------> ALL ITEMS Magical Crops Seeds ----> ALL ITEMS (minicio seed is excluded only) Magneticraft ----> ALL ITEMS Mekanism ----> ALL ITEMS Minefactory Reloaded ----> ALL ITEMS ( Rubber Tree Saplings and rubber itself are Excluded only) MrCrayFish's Furniture Mod ----> ALL ITEMS (excluding loot chest applicances, serously why is this a thing?) Open Blocks ----> All Auto enchanters, anvils and block placers/breakers Open Modular Turrets -----> ALL ITEMS (Potato Turret Excluded Only) Pam's Harvest Craft ----> ALL MULTI-STEP FOODS I.E BACON CHEESEBURGER PneumaticCraft ----> ALL ITEMS Portal Guns ----> ALL ITEMS ProjectE ----> ALL ITEMS Project Red + addons ----> ALL ITEMS Quantum Flux ----> ALL ITEMS Random Things -----> ALL ITEMS RFTools ----> ALL ITEMS Reliquary ----> ALL ITEMS Redstone Arsenal -----> ALL ITEMS Simply Jetpacks ----> ALL ITEMS Solar Flux -----> ALL ITEMS Storage Drawers ----> All storage Upgrades past iron I.E gold, diamond, emerald Thermal Dynamics, Expansion, Foundation, Smeltery ------> ALL ITEMS Tinkers Construct ----> ALL CROSSBOWS OR TOOLS THAT REQUIRE A FORGE And Heart Canisters Universal Singularities -----> ALL ITEMS Ztones -- Anything that requires diamond, emerald or large amounts of glowstone to craft
Moved this thread to appropriate section in forums as "Endgame Items" is for verified and approved endgame item lists. Owen
Basically the rule of thumb I go by is that if the person you are trading items with cannot make the item themself at their current progression stage, then it's illegal to trade it (Ex: I want a bucket of lava from you, You come to my island and see that I have a crucible set up and making lava already, in that case by most people's account it would be fine to trade a bucket or two as long as you aernt giving a rediculous ammount But if I didn't have a crucible and so didn't have a way to make lava without trading it, then you cannot give me some) Obviously lava isn't on the list in this thread as you can make a crucible within 5 mins or so of starting but if it were it would make a good example. Note that this technically only applies to private trading so be sure that you are doing your negotiating over private message