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Pronoun roles for the discord

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by caniplayzz, Jul 24, 2022.



Poll closed Jul 31, 2022.
  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Rancho_Cucamunga

    Rancho_Cucamunga Member

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    But the thing is, the status quo is "forcing" pronouns on people incorrectly. It's not at all like veganism where nobody is forcing vegans to eat meat therefore no vegan should force a carnist to stop murdering animals. When you are actively using pronouns and when the presumed default pronoun for any gamer is he/him, that is excluding and marginalizing women, non-binary people, and gender nonconforming people. So there is already something being "forced" as is.

    Now, if we allow people who do not identify as ether him or her to state their preferred pronouns *if they wish to do so*, that isn't forcing anything upon anyone other than allowing these people to exist and to state their preferences. If you are against that, then either you are against these people existing or you believe they should not be allowed to state their preferences, and either position is morally indefensible.

    Edit: for the record, I'm someone who was assigned the male gender at birth (AMAB) but who is agender and uses they/them pronouns. This is so because I do not find that I "belong" in either the "male" or the "female" category. Sort of like if you have a bin for blue blocks and a bin for pink blocks and you have to figure out what the heck to do with a purple block. We want a nice tidy room, so we need to put the purple blocks somewhere, so why not have a bin for purple blocks rather than try to paint them blue or pink? And how is that forcing anything on anyone? Nobody is forcing you to state your pronouns if you don't want to, and if your pronouns align with your assigned gender, nobody is saying that should be disrespected. I have tons of cisgendered friends and relatives and don't misgender any of them.
  2. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Indefensible... Naa..
    Mym should stay out of politics since the pronoun stuff is politically correct
    And a modern age problem...
    God made 2 genders male female (there's no god btw)
    If they Wana be binary (1s and 0s ) or what ever they want to... Let them...
    I just don't see a use For displaying it...
    If I greet a Fellow pilot in eve online its either Hello pilot or Fellow Capsuleer..
    Or I use Hello or any other kind of neutral greeting...
    Either way il see you in Valhalla or the after life
    Tldr I don't care Much about pronouns or for it....
  3. Rancho_Cucamunga

    Rancho_Cucamunga Member

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    It is kind of a bad look for someone who is part of a normative gender grouping to armchair philosophize from the comfort of not facing discrimination and marginalization about how marginalized groups should just "not be political". Life is political. Governmental nonsense extends to every single aspect of our lives whether we want to admit it or not. And "politically correct" is a nonsense term. What using pronouns appropriately is is RESPECTFUL. You cannot FORCE someone to be respectful because respect is an internal mode of engaging with other people, but if someone insists on being DISrespectful, you can allow them to have the consequences of their crass behavior.

    Moreover, I sing know why you are in the one hand making an appeal to religion about a gender binary but then on the other hand saying there is no god. Human cultures as far back as we have records have engaged with the fact that a subset of humans do not identify with the male/female binary just like a sunset don't identify as heterosexual and a sunset identify as asexual, etc etc.

    Frankly, it is really weird to be up in arms about this if you're a cisgendered person. This didn't effect you at all because you aren't marginalized or discriminated against. It seems like you feel that freedoms are a zero sum game which means if one group gets more freedom, it means someone else has less freedom, but that is nonsense. Having my pronouns displayed and politely requesting the people respect them does not limit another person in any way. They can still choose to ignore my request like a jerk and I can choose not to interact with them because they are rude and trying to erase my existence. That is not any different than what is happening already, it's just with my pronouns publicly visible, everyone else will recognize that the person being a jerk is doing it for "gotcha" points and will raise they are a jerk and will avoid them. This leads to harm reduction for marginalized people who can recognize a bigot from afar and avoid having anything to do with them BEFORE the hurtful bigotry is directed at them. And for the bigot, it means fewer nonbinary and other gender nonconforming people will engage with them which means the igot will be happier because the bigot is able to go on pretending we live in the 1950s... It's win/win. What's the problem here, my guy?
  4. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    I don't Have a problem tho it seems you want to Make one

    This is a waste of mental processing power
  5. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    Bullying can happen with or without this type of option. Unfortunately, it is common, but we try to catch it on our discord/servers and stop it early. We are an inclusive network, and it is becoming common practice in most settings to start listing your pronouns. It's not that you are suddenly adopting something never used before, everyone "has" pronouns, just some people's pronouns might not be understood from just talking to a person.

    Also, we would never force players to do it. How it would be implemented, if it got implemented, would be the same way you can op into the server, pack, event news of the discord, or the german channel. You click a react emoji and it gives you that role. In the case of pronouns, it wouldn't give access to anything except for the role that would show up when you click a player's username.

    I also don't believe this is a type of feature that we need to have a big vote on, since it wouldn't force anyone to do anything they didn't want to do. If you don't want to select your preferred pronouns, that's fine.

    Just because a talking point is making waves in political circles, doesn't mean something is political. Everyone has pronouns, it is the nature of the English Language, and how we use the language to express who we are is constantly evolving, but that is what language does.

    The whole part of 2 genders etc, is a common talking point but is not reflected in human biology. Humans' gender is a bimodal distribution that has peaks at what we call male and female, however, there are a lot of people that fall out of those strict definitions. This is why we have started shifting to using the gender spectrum instead.

    If you go out of your way to not assume genders, then that's good, but a lot of people don't and will use an assumed pronoun for someone, which is often assumed to be he/him online.
    Fireforce likes this.
  6. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Like I said earlier - we are all gamers/players here bc MyM is gaming community for playing Minecraft - that is the FIRST thing that bring us here: to play Minecraft.
    Since we play with each other and chat on discord and/or forum we get know more and more about community members and here where such(P2P) problems are born.
    In my opinion MyM as community should be as neutral as it can be about such topics and not adding such features because those are (again IMO) pure personal matter. Just like i had my doubts about "pride month" celebration on MyM.

    In short, lets say all pronouns/gender/religious/etc. things should be labeled as P2P and staff should not intefere with them till rules are broken.

    We already have in rules
    We are all humans, we all have same blood color, we can feel the same emotions, love, joy, sadness, hate, it doesnt matter in the end.
    Treat your neighbor as yourself
    If someone use the wrong gender/pronoun to you, politely ask them to use the proper ones and if other person is polite too, will be using them. If not, does you really want to talk with such person?
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2022
  7. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    MyM is not neutral when it comes to decency and treating people with respect. We are a network that aims to be inclusive for all people, no matter their race, religion, gender, identity, country of origin etc. That is why we have those rules around hate speech.

    Yes, we are all humans, all gamers etc but that doesn't eliminate the use of pronouns, since they are an integral part of the English language. Giving people a place to have theirs listed on discord just allows other people to see what the user prefers rather than having to ask them, or guessing and using the wrong ones. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but you probably don't get misgendered.
  8. MaraJade2

    MaraJade2 Moderator

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    Hey everyone, I think this discussion has run its course so I'm closing the thread. Thank you OP for bringing up the suggestion, the mod team will be sure to discuss it and let you know what we decide to do! And thank you everyone else for contributing your opinions.
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