oh nice good thing i just started with thaumcraft will make things easier xD is there any way to get much aspects ? something like that deconstruction table or whatever its called but automated ? ar any other method than just scanning random stuff ?
well, it didn't really make it hard i think... for me it was just annoying. If you play thaumcraft for the first time (but also just in the beginning) it may was a bit fun and something new to me... but over time, or if you do thaumcraft a second time, it was just purely annoying. But everyone has their own opinion on that ^^
I like the mini game but i did it at least 20 times hahaha...its no problem to finish it in one day if i have the aspects, but yeah i dont want to waste so much time
Thaumcraft 4 is my fav mod right now, I think that is really, reay complex but if you can dominate it you can get really cool things and very expensive. Also Thaumcraft have objects that you can easy trade, as fuel of the magic jetpack or a sesion in the magic water. Also farmins essences in this mod is really cool. Feel free to ask me questions if you have about this