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Implemented Regrowth 0.8.0 (Now at 0.8.1)

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by BookerTheGeek, Sep 3, 2015.


Which option do you like?

Poll closed Sep 14, 2015.
  1. Continue to have one server on 0.7.4

    0 vote(s)
  2. Have two servers, one on 0.7.4 and one on 0.8.1

    6 vote(s)
  3. Reset the server and have one new one on 0.8.1

    27 vote(s)
  1. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    8:37 PM
    Thought this to but wo4ldgen wouldnt regen
  2. bryan84

    bryan84 Well-Known Member

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    7:37 PM
    Look the writing is obviously on the wall, can we just kill this already if that's the way that this is going to go? I know this is kind of hypocritical with what I'm saying below but 20 is a bigger number than 5 and I don't think anyone else is either aware of the voting or cares enough to do it, its a small server.

    As for taking my build to the new server; IMHO, regrowth has really bad front end balancing, the first half is just sooooo grindy. I don't really care about losing machines but I certainly would prefer to not to grind through all the seeds again. If i could just take a sack of seeds with me I'd be sooo much happier.

    Yeah that's what frustrates me, I didn't find out about this until it was added to the broadcast yesterday. Most people don't really read the forums unless they have a specific reason to do so. How long have you known about this or have you just assumed since regrowth .8 came out that there'd be a reset? I mean seriously, since I've become aware of this, I've been telling everyone on it in chat to come to this thread and nobody had noticed the ticker.

    This is kind of moot since this reset will be for technical reasons but, there needs to be a better way to let players know that there are impending resets being discussed. I get the mods not wanting to scare away new players by announcing it ahead of time but, this strategy is totally blowing up in their face. This is just anecdotal as well but, I can't tell you how many times I've seen players find out they spent a week working on something, only to come by and find the server has reset and bailed on MyM as a result. There's a distinct feeling of being burned when you find out that you just wasted a week working on a server you didn't even know is in limbo. I mean, I travel a lot for work, usually in 3 day stints; *twice* I've logged in after coming back and found out that in a span of the time I've been traveling, a reset has been announced, presumably voted on and carried out without me even knowing. There should be a lot more lead time than this. Seriously, post it in large flashing red letters when people log on that something like this is being considered. You'll probably have new players switch servers but, there's a much better chance that they'll do it internally or come back later if they feel the mods actually respect that their time is valuable.

    Yeah I know it's an intentional addition to Botania, it just seems really brutal for a regrowth pack. I haven't really bothered to look up why Vazkii added that "feature" (notice the misspelling of "bug" ;p) but I'd guess its to force progression through generators. You can't really be ignorant of any of the mods in Regrowth and progress to any measurable degree *but* as I understand it, the flowers are set to wither after 5 in-game days which seems pretty rough to me. Everybody seems to think of dayblooms in the context of altars or something but there are other uses for them. I mean seriously, what if you have some random low tier functional flora scattered around, why cant I can't I passively power it indefinitely without shooting lag all over my base?

    Ultimately this isn't really a problem for me but this falls into the category of things that try to force you to play by a fixed set of rules. It seems to me that you can basically map players between 3 player types Builders, Engineers and Adventurers. Builders are obviously people who just like to build stuff for aesthetic reasons and only bother to make machines so they can make pretty blocks or tons of glass. Adventurers like doing the questing thing and are always out trying to find rares. And lastly, engineers who like to make complex machines from whatever they can rig up to make more machines and min maxing. I fall strongly into the latter camp even though a lot of people prob fall into gradients in between.

    I could care less about dayblooms withering honestly, this is just a philosophical problem for me. I don't get why artificial constraints have to be added to force people to do things "the right way". This is a sandbox game, the whole point is to do whatever you want. These little things, while probably well intended, bias towards certain player types and away from others. From my perspective, this just removes a possible solution for potential problems, like I suggested a few paragraphs above.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  3. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    8:37 PM
    I would love to here from you some examples of this, as MyM rarely has world resets. I think I've seen only the infinity's, Crash Landing, and maybe another since I started playing on MyM.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Now at 0.8.1 ?
  5. Nezraddin

    Nezraddin New Member

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    I think 0.8.1 brings a few bugfixes for things which went wrong in 0.8.0 (like wrong products you got out of a machine, from what I read). So probably best to get the server straight to 0.8.1 .
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    ahh, I looked for changelogs and on the ftb launcher, but couldn't find anything about 8.1
  7. bryan84

    bryan84 Well-Known Member

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    I want to say that they were both on Monster, one was a few months ago when I was in Texas, the other when I was in Nevada, probably around January, maybe even earlier. I'd have to look at expense accounts to get the actual dates which are all buried under loads of paperwork I don't bother to file, you know being a Minecrack addict and all. At any rate, its not the fact that there were resets, its how the resets are handled. In both cases the worlds where pretty saturated and doing the reset wasn't exactly the problem; it's the fact that you can spend a few weeks playing on a server without realizing its even in limbo. I imagine that if it was announced people would just go sideways within MyM as opposed to leaving for other servers. I'm not saying the resets aren't necessary, I just think that it should be super obvious for new players and people that don't really read the forums. I really don't think that most people just browse the forums to look for announcements and stuff, they only tend to go there when they have a ticket or, such as in my case, noticed the ticker about regrowth. I mean look at the ticker title "Regrowth 0.8" is alot different from what it really means which is "Imminent Probable Reset - Cast your lot!!! Oh BTW, if your new check out MyM Crash Landing or Crundee Craft Till its Settled." Obviously I'm being a bit facetious but seriously, if you don't constantly trawl change logs its not immediately obvious what that implies.
    chugga_fan likes this.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    We made a lot worse experiences with announcing resets before they actually happen. That bad that we will probably never try it again without a major reason. < but that's off-topic on this thread.
  9. NickTy

    NickTy Active Member

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    I have certainly been active on the server immediately before and after the announcement of regrowth 8.1 and I have to admit I have never seen Bryan84 on the server, so perhaps he is the inactive player, not me ;>).
    Each of us have different times we are on line, just because you don't see someone online doesn't mean they are not active.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2015
  10. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    I know that all of you started solo with only the quest book to help before you ever were able to grow the first thing on a server. I also know how hard it is to loose months of hard work. That brings me to another point. Trying to port builds...items...ANYTHING from the previous to the new is just asking for trouble. I nearly give up regrowth after a Botiania reset. We were told to back up our worlds, which we did being only single players, only to have the new botiania wipe everything. My vote as a relatively new player on MYM is to start fresh and don't worry about what was. Take plenty of screen-shots, so you know how your build looked. Start NEW!
    I was slow to start so I don't have anything impressive, but if 1 I repeat one item escapes the attention of builders while porting, it could prove a disaster even more drastic than loosing a build to an upgrade.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  11. bryan84

    bryan84 Well-Known Member

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    7:37 PM
    Yeah off topic but out of curiosity can you expand on what happened when you announced it? Maybe doing it with the proper spin would work?
  12. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I created a thread here, Open Discussion around Server Resets | MineYourMind Community I will fill it once I have taken care of the two issues I'm working on.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  13. NickTy

    NickTy Active Member

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    2:37 AM
    OK so we have had a vote, we have a 5 to 1 (nearly) majority for a single new 8.1 server, nobody has added any new votes for the last week, so when is it going to happen? Nobody, (OK very few people), are playing regrowth because of the recent reset of the Quest book of and imminent restart of the server, preferring to wait until the new version is running before committing to the slog of going through all the quests again. So please set the ball in motion, make the announcement of the reset, or better yet just do it! I have been looking in every day to see if it has been reset yet, but I must admit to getting bored, if it is not reset soon, or an announcement made I will just stop bothering, and move on to something else. If an announcement has been made I apologise for this rant, but I have been looking and seen nothing about it!
  14. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    8.1 was just released, so we can get started on it.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  15. caboth

    caboth Well-Known Member

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    Nuke it from orbit that's the only way to be sure!
  16. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    planned launch is around the weekend. (worldgen is tricky with regrowth)
    Nezraddin and BookerTheGeek like this.
  17. NickTy

    NickTy Active Member

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    2:37 AM
    OK thanks!
  18. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    8:37 PM
    :( I work saturday. Thursday and Friday are my weekend.
  19. Desiirea

    Desiirea New Member

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    But think of it this way... you'll have a couple more days to power test your nifty new beast of a 'puter before action time! Mwahaha :p
  20. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    9:37 PM
    Will you get this quote? "So you have wished it, and so it shall be!"

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