[Regrowth] Primordial Pearls and Uses

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Sandian, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    As I said, wip.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I'm all for implementing one if we can create a fair and balanced recipe.
    BookerTheGeek and Mijikai like this.
  3. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    ;) guess that depends on your idea of balanced.

    I'll post my real recipe tonight when I get home for submission along with reasons why I feel it should be that way.
  4. Rexarc

    Rexarc The Alchemist

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    IVE GOT AN IDEA! Give me time to iron out the details.... ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1433439306][/DOUBLEPOST]confirm this for me first please; you can add new recipes, but not new items, right?[DOUBLEPOST=1433439487][/DOUBLEPOST]is it also possible to disable certain recipes?[DOUBLEPOST=1433440628][/DOUBLEPOST]Heres my idea: "Placeholders" basically items that you can't get, (No recipe) and have no uses in this pack.

    my idea is multiple infusions, each for an item that resembles a primal aspect, plus 1 for alienis, vacuous, potentia, auram, preacantatio, and machina. these will be mostly essences from crops not in this pack, such as: Force for potentia, Uranium for machina, Vintium for preacantatio, Dark iron for vacuous, Moonstone for Auram, a forbidden magic Edritch Rod for Alienis. As well as Sunstone for Ignis, Saphire for Aqua, Peridot for terra, and Chimerite for aer. all of these will be put on pedastalls, with 2 full jars of their respective aspect, the instabillity set to dangerous, and a primordial pearl in the middle, which will provide 3 uncharged pearls.

    I have an idea for each of the essences' recipes, and will hapilly tell them, should you be interested in this idea.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
  5. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    There is already a way to get the powerless pearls, from Witching Gadgets. This recipe proposal does nothing more than give one extra powerless pearl compared to the option that can be used currently, but for a harder recipe, both to create, and implement.

    The initial request is to create a recipe to gain the first primordial pearl. Your recipe uses a primordial pearl.

    Furthermore, how do you imagine us implementing these items for the infusion, if I may ask? Installing the several mods from which these items are from, and also updating dartcraft ourselves to 1.7.10?
    Or add a custom mod to the modpack, like this mod, which would allow us to add "fake" versions of these items, with no uses at all, except for the infusion, but having the correct graphics?

    Issue is, first and foremost, that something like this would require permission from thephoenixlodge, the creator of Regrowth, as both scenarios require us to add at least 1 mod to the Regrowth modpack.
    Second, is that players would be required to use the MyM launcher, as they would need the mods/items client-side, and MyM does not want to enforce players to use a specific launcher. Our servers are for all to play on.

    Please re-evaluate your recipe proposal, and use items that are already in the modpack.
  6. Rexarc

    Rexarc The Alchemist

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    9:44 PM

    From Staff:
    Language like this to another staff member will result in a ban !
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    @Rexarc don't use offensive language against other players and especially staff members please
  8. Rexarc

    Rexarc The Alchemist

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    im sorry, im ticked off. Hans dput my stuff in a chest, and wiped the standard invo to make sure it was fixed.....
    not all my stuff was in the chest.. especially the expensive stuff..
  9. Pein_Rikudo

    Pein_Rikudo Well-Known Member

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    That doesn't matter. First off just a game. Second, he mentioned no other mods can be added without thephoenixlodge's consent. And pretty much every item you mentioned is from other mods. Perhaps make your own pack and see what is involved in making them work correctly with no issues with the pack
  10. Rexarc

    Rexarc The Alchemist

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    pein_rikudo, listen to me. ALL these items are in the pack. they have no recipe because their mod isnt in. this will add recipes to them so they can be used for the pearls. look in the NEI dood. type in "essence" all of them are there.
  11. Pein_Rikudo

    Pein_Rikudo Well-Known Member

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    Like you said, the mod isn't in the pack. Adding the mod doesn't mean it will work with the pack. Are magica 2 is infamous for not playing right with other mods in 1.7.10
  12. Rexarc

    Rexarc The Alchemist

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    Who said the mod needed to be added? the essence is in magic crops. use those. thats what im sayin. not to add the mods so we can make them the normal way, but to use much more expensive recipes to create each essence and use those for the pearls.
  13. Pein_Rikudo

    Pein_Rikudo Well-Known Member

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    So you want to add ores from other mods without adding the mods. Yes you can see the item in NEI, but without the mod installed, you can't get the ore. Now to have the admins and owners add a special ore for a recipe is not feasible. Lastly, thephoenixlodge was asked several times to add Ars Magica 2 to the pack and was adamant in saying no. So MyM will never get the go ahead to do so. I'm sure @BookerTheGeek will come up with a workable recipe that fits with the pack and keep it only achievable endgame
  14. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    @Pein_Rikudo Thanks for the vote :)

    @Rexarc yes those items are in NEI. No, they are not going to be used in game, either by the modpack by default or by us. As a general rule we at MyM try to keep the modpack as close to the creators idea of the pack as possible. This includes NOT adding mods that would require players to not use the default launcher. In this case the FTB launcher.

    @Matryoshika Recipe is to turn one normal pearl into three of the uncharged pearls. Those would be rechargeable by mechanics already in game.

    @Everybody_Else the recipe will be balanced, and require items from most of the end game mods. It will be expensive enough to be endgame, yet not so hard as to be prohibited. It will require a pearl as people should not bypass the obelisk. This recipe will just make it so you one need to go once.
  15. Rexarc

    Rexarc The Alchemist

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    yes, but most people who do the arcane sides completely ignore the VERY lmited tech options. the robot is obsolete. almost noone has the RF for that.[DOUBLEPOST=1433600337][/DOUBLEPOST]sorry about that spam. my internet effed up and the post duped XD.
  16. Rexarc

    Rexarc The Alchemist

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    9:44 PM
    yes, but most people who do the arcane sides completely ignore the VERY lmited tech options. the robot is obsolete. almost noone has the RF for that.
  17. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    2:44 AM
    iirc, the primordial pearl is obtainable from thaumcraft loot bags anyway.
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    thats only from rare loot bags and it's about a 1/1000 chance, gl with that strategy
  19. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    2:44 AM
    I got one from an uncommon back on MyG, so unless the loot was changed since then, it's probably still rarely available on Uncommon.
  20. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    9:44 PM
    would be even rarer then

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