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Implemented Regrowth Resource scarcity. (Nether/Farmworld/Spirit World/End? Reset request)

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by uberwookie, May 13, 2015.

  1. uberwookie

    uberwookie New Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    8:05 AM
    Ok, not to interrupt the public spirit farm suggestion (which I like, also you could have wandering NPCs in the spirit world that trade it for something or even NPCs in the real world that trade it for something you need that level of progression for, but those are more long term suggestions...) BUT....

    Resetting a world is not that hard. It takes at most 15 minutes. I've run several servers before, it is simple as pie, and you can Google it and learn how in minutes. Given that there are auto-backups every 30ish minutes on the server I think, (At least thats how often I notice them) you just need to ftp into the saves folder, delete the DIM-# folders corresponding to the dimensions in the minecraft saves folder, OR alternatively, change the seed number in the config.yml for the server properties for the alternate dimensions depending on what plugins you have installed. I think honestly, you could reset the Spirit world right now with no backlash since it saves player inventory for there in individual player.dat files I believe, the Nether and even farmworld though, maybe give a few days to a week notice.

    The only thing that may make it take longer is if there are several gigs in the DIM folder(s) which may be possible, in which case deleting it would take longer. This, however, can even be bypassed by simply renaming the DIM-# folders to like old-DIM# while the server is stopped, and on reset, will be recreated based on the seed #.

    If you REALLY want to care, you could create a backup for all player files accessed in the last X amount of days, but honestly, I can't see there being a hassle for the Spirit world because of how it is already partitioned by way of the mod.

    In addition it takes very little CPU to do, about the same amount as a backup and restart, but maybe + a few minutes of lag to generate the new dimension when someone goes into it.
  2. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    11:05 AM
    I'm sorry but I respectively disagree. To just let the dim gen when players are in it brings any CPU to it's knees. Thanks for your suggestion to google it though. I'm sure google has the details on the spec of servers, plugins in use, mods in the modpack and how they interact with each other. I came here to discuss positive solutions toward a shared goal, not learn how to google. We'll announce a reset and try to work it in within the week.

    Look forward to seeing you on the servers. Have a nice night.
  3. Pein_Rikudo

    Pein_Rikudo Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    11:05 AM
    Unfortunately there is no way I could come up with a way to protect the parent wispy cottons and flowing spirit from being taken. Also it is extremely slow to grow even being in the same loaded chunk
  4. neonbacon

    neonbacon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    3:05 PM
    Reset has been announced ingame. This thread is to be marked done. Enjoy the new farmworlds.
    uberwookie likes this.

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