Hello to all MYM members and Staff. I am curious as to why the reinforced watering can has this countdown that spawns an enderman. It just doesn't make sense to me. If I am advanced enough to have an activated division sigil and bedrockium then I would most likely have a mode of flight. This being said I can just fly off my platform and click the 10th count to spawn the enderman which falls to its death. I just feel that this added feature does not add any more difficulty to this pack; it is just a small annoyance. I just think the countdown feature should be removed or at the very least raised to 20 or so. Just my 2 cents.
As one of our baselines is to stick with the original modpack style as much as possible, I'm going to mark this as decided against.
Yea sorry I had used this mod before and that feature was not there. Since that was all I knew I assumed it was added by the server. My Bad.