a mushroom What has a bed but never sleeps and a bank that holds no money, and a mouth that cannot eat?
Answer: A River (RiverBED, riverBANK, MOUTH of a River). Riddle: What is always killed, but can never die?
Answer: A Cold Riddle: I make you Weak at the Worst of times, I keep you safe and i keep you fine, I Make your hands sweat, and your arms grown cold, I visit the weak, but seldom the bold. What am I?
silence Riddle: Only one color, but not one size, stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies, swims in the Ocean but always stays dry, doing no harm, and feeling no pain. What am I?
a shadow If a man would carry my burden- He would break his back I am not rich But leave silver in my track
A library Riddle: Many have heard me, but nobody has seen me, and I will not speak back until spoken to. What am I?
I know it! It goes jsvs dkocihevcfejbdnciyvtxjhdvdbdifybdndkcdh You cant google that to find the answer!