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RPG Server Suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Kiiyuka, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    This is true, but a strong public involvement helps with the community feel of a pack like this. A small dev team with regular community polling on major changes i.e. major mod additions/removals, similar to how Civilizations was maintained, would be imo the ideal.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Community involvement is key, especially in an undertaking like this one. We've kept MyM Skies more secretive just keep the plot from being spoiled. With this one, where my vision at least is to make this look like some sort of towny esque environment, players form their own villages etc grow to towns and then to Castles/Keeps. We see towns already in existing packs, so why not a pack designed with the central idea being something like that. Now instead of being player #26 in town three, but have a more fleshed out role within a community.
  3. WinterBornOne

    WinterBornOne Well-Known Member

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    would there be a way to have the towns change and evolve say if you have someone at the right level in a job and the right things are built it would maybe get larger and look better from a rural town to say a village that would be cool or is that asking to much that would give you such a feeling of accomplishment
  4. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Well, if players are the ones building, that would certainly happen. It would be interesting to see more modern building materials gated later though, for example steel and concrete going from impossible to obtain early on, to rare and expensive, used for very small or difficult projects, then finally becoming basically incredibly abundant later.
  5. WinterBornOne

    WinterBornOne Well-Known Member

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    what kind of automation would be on the server it doenst seme to attribute itself well to this kind of modpack..i just started using progressive automation and it got me wondering
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Putting the cart before the horse.. I like that jump in with both feet! While PA is simple automation, it boils down to a box doing something and lacks and visual appeal, most of the time they're just grey boxes shoved underground with boring upgrades, there is also the inherent you really never need to move past wooden versions unless you are really feeling the need for speed.

    If I was to think this far ahead with mods I'd go for something more visually appealing like better with mods. Plus it tends to make the game make slightly more realistic where you can see what the machines are doing, or at least resemble something out of our own universe. Though I've not given it a lot of thought yet, we're at the drawing board here throwing out ideas about structure and world gen, so it is nice that someone is thinking down the road more.
  7. WinterBornOne

    WinterBornOne Well-Known Member

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    its because i love the idea its not a type of pack i have played before and i love team based games where everybody has a role. dibs on farmer heh. ive been jumping thru mod packs just to get an idea of stuff that might work with this tho when it comes to building modpacks and understanding how they go together im a complete luddite. i just love to play and this would be a version i can play with my kids on i think so that would be cool move em from vanilla to modded with a little dndminecraft lol.
    [doublepost=1516140407,1516126155][/doublepost]heh think of the donator goals for the kingdoms

    more mine axcess
    better npc guards
    better forges better enchanting
    id like to see maybe tcon for progressive upgrading of tools and equipment
  8. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    Hmm, the more mine access perk could work quite nicely, I guess.
    As I mentioned on the discord, I'm not exactly sure how you could implement guards as such... They could maybe work if a "siege" was added, which could be like event set up by admins or whatever. Maybe... pets instead of guards? And they could be cosmetic but also a class-specific ones.
    I know Mojang has some problem with things like that, so to make it fair, pets could also be very rarely in random loot chests or auctions or something.
    You also have to make sure that not everything is pay 2 get.
  9. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    Well i am really late to this party, kingdom based rpg style modpack.... All Hail King dragon87tamer XD "this land shall be know as tamercity XD i could so see myself roleplaying this... HAHA...on a serious note, i know that as a community people do tend to lean towards each other in large builds, but if people were to actually have kingdoms inside a modpack already, i think they would be more inclined to join each other, specially guild factors...maybe not so pvp intensive style but more like scoreboard intensive.. example: kingdom size, kingdom wealth, mcmmo levels. I would see myself playing this a lot. XD
  10. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    *pokes* I guess we can make you a king of some little, unknown village somewhere in a deep, deep, DEEP forest...
    On the other note, welcome to the party. Pvp would be(at least in my original idea...) mostly in arenas so it wouldnt be something you absolutely have to do... but it would have nice rewards. xD
  11. WinterBornOne

    WinterBornOne Well-Known Member

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    well i think its doable with the custome npc mod and witcheyr adds guards that spawn in villages so its been done

    yeah the pack idea not only incentivises team play but dang near makes it a requirement
  12. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    Well yeah definitely doable ive seen videos on youtube where pvp is inaccessible until in a arena of somekind. And a countdown timer to start the match, so yeah that would make it a bit more friendly even if people dont want to do pvp they can still roam around world map. Rewards would be a good idea specially for some kind of leader board system as i stated in my last post as well, once every so often the top so many will be given a reward for being in that spot, and also a reward system for pvping as well. whether it be kingdom vs kingdom royal battle, or a 1 vs 1 battle. there should be a scoreboard for that too and reward system. Tho it sounds great on paper, implementing this kinda thing on a large scale specially if this got a lot of hype would be a lot of work setting this up.
  13. tractoid

    tractoid Ex-Staff

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    Maybe have a main town for people to start in and live in, but eventually make enough money to buy their own plot of land somewhere? The downside of having your own land is having to deal with bandits (special mobs or something). Something along those lines might work.
  14. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    Wow, all the staff commenting, whee.

    I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was. Ekhem. It sounds like a fun system with all the scoreboards. I guess they would be view-able on the website? Or do you imagine some sort of screen in the game? I would say it has to be looked at by one of the Devs.

    In my original idea, I kinda wanted to avoid players scattering around the map just so they wouldnt see each other ever again. Thats why I was hoping to have much smaller villages around the map of, idk 4-5 houses that would be there for players to claim... and pay rent for them, ofc. All them royal bodies have to get their money from somewhere, dont they?
    But yep! Having bandits attack smaller villages sound like a good idea!
  15. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Cutting out early teleportation methods and easy item transport would probably work for this, combined with a reason to trade and explore from the regenerating resources and class system people should end up clustering together early on to work together, and likely staying in their established villages and towns over time.
  16. WinterBornOne

    WinterBornOne Well-Known Member

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    the trick is encouraging an even division of players and not have everybody clump up in one town
  17. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    Well, what I was thinking is that each town will only have set amount of plots that are for renting. So if a small farming village has 4 plots, that is exactly how many players can live there. I guess it all depends on the player. If you want to live close to everyone, cut down on the travelling distance and you dont mind small plots then living riiiight in the middle of the kingdom is the way to go. But! If you absolutely hate other people, dont mind travelling and want a big plot, then random plots(or small villages) scattered around the map are for you.
    So yeah, you are not absolutely stuck in one way or the other, but you have to have your priorities figured out, I guess.
  18. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    There will likely be people who would prefer to be able to build their homes freely outside of constrained plots, for example those wishing to start their own villages. That system doesn't really seem to support that.
  19. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    Because I wasnt exactly considering player-built villages, cities or kingdoms, but they can have a guild which would, essentially, look similar as a little keep/or whatever. The idea behind it is that I dont want thousand of little claims and villages all around the map... IF there was an instance where someone REALLY wanted to make their own village, had good idea and so on, then that could be discussed with the admins...
  20. WinterBornOne

    WinterBornOne Well-Known Member

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    7:10 AM
    or the claims could reset when purchased and let people free build in thier own plots then its up to the kingdom leader to enforce prettiness lol. also is there a mod that makes classes already or would that have to be custom because i want to look at it
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2018

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