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RPG Server Suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Kiiyuka, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Progression would be able to do that, although it is currently on 1.10 and appears unsupported.

    Edit: The mod is being remade for 1.12+, although this will take some months, and a direct 1.12 port is also in progress.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2018
    WinterBornOne likes this.
  2. WinterBornOne

    WinterBornOne Well-Known Member

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    thats actually pretty cool is there any mod pack that uses that currently i can look at?
  3. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    If I remember correctly there was an entire modpack developed (and abandoned) that embraced this mod as it's back bone.
  5. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I'm just going to forewarn y'all, it is very unsupported for 1.10, but as soon as the lovely person porting it to 1.12 stops procrastinating and gets through the 1000+ errors it has, it will have some support there.
  6. WinterBornOne

    WinterBornOne Well-Known Member

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    is there anything else similar or is that our best bet for class building? how hard would it be to from scratch something like that?
  7. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Gamestages actually appears to have all of the functionality that would be needed, and is slightly less esoteric. It also has the advantage of a relatively simple API.
    WinterBornOne likes this.
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I'll have to go peek at it, though I'm not a coder by any stretch of the imagination.
  9. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    It is primarily designed for mods to extend, and from what I can tell at a glance should be quite simple to set up. Really, the hardest part to do will be the additional functionality, for example equip requirements.
  10. WinterBornOne

    WinterBornOne Well-Known Member

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    wow it gives tinkers construct stages thats pretty awesome hey you want to equip that manullyn broadsword better be a level 10 warrior
    [doublepost=1516690210,1516666554][/doublepost]what about the runescape mod. i was watching some videos and it seemed pretty nice i dont know how it interacts with other mods tho.
  11. Jitrid

    Jitrid Well-Known Member

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    The problem with RPG style mods like RuneScape and such is that it tends to get super grind heavy for levels, which in my opinion is a deal-breaker.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2018
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  12. WinterBornOne

    WinterBornOne Well-Known Member

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    yeah but if its too easy like in the video some jerk is going to just breed a crap load of animals and power grind to max level. he hit level 11 with his wepaon skill in the span of 45 seocnds killing a pen of chickens
  13. Jitrid

    Jitrid Well-Known Member

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    Wow... That's lame. I do like myself a challenge...
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  14. WinterBornOne

    WinterBornOne Well-Known Member

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    its about finding a tweaked balance whats difficult without driving players away players are gonna hit end game quickly no matter what you do and with this being a cooperative modpack idea with large groups working together finding that balance is gonna be difficult. if people blow thru the mod pack in a week wheres the fun or staying power. im stupid tho i enjoy a grind that sweet sweet reward at the end is glorious. like a marathon runner corssing that tape.
  15. Jitrid

    Jitrid Well-Known Member

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    In my opinion, the best packs have both the grinding part, but also an easier to achieve "Finish" for people who don't have oodles of time to spend on playing games.
  16. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    Woah, a lot of new comments.
    "Balanced modpack" will always be different for everyone. One will think its too hard, one will say its a breeze. In my head, this server wasnt meant to be extremely hard to complete, I dont want players to struggle for hours and hours to get a stone pickaxe because of levelling requirements or hard recipe, BUT I also dont want it to be a pack where you are pretty much maxed out in an hour. I would say it would be nice to take inspiration from proper mmo games where levelling can take some time, but its time that people are willing and able to spend. And its a game, not a race, I think everyone should do it at their own pace.

    Hm, easier to achieve finish... What do you mean by that, exactly? That might work on a server where you can get everything alone, without help of the npcs/players... while on a server like this... Im not quite sure.


    Also, I slightly changed the first post to keep all the things in one place. One of the things I added is under Custom Map and says "Instead of having the whole map completely done and finished at the launch, it would be cool idea to have main content in there, while everything else could be built and added while the players play. This way, you could announce once in a while that new area and quests had been added. If you think about it, most of mmo games do it that way. While players enjoy the basic content, the devs and so on, work on the new expansions. "
    Any opinions on that?
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2018
  17. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    The issue without gating things and making it somewhat "grindy" is that you end up with a half dozen players who become the overwhelming force on the server and destroy that community feeling. I'm sure the players who indulged in civilization when that was a modpack can throw some ideas in there about such things.
  18. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Civilization didn't really have much grind in the modern sense, it was more that a lot of the easier ways to do things were limited. Flight, for example, was relatively limited, requiring either hatching and growing a dragon, using a witchery broom, making the botania tiara for 30 seconds of flight then fighting the second tier gaia guardian a few times, or later on using AM2 or Mekanism.
  19. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Well, I was thinking, in the runescape style of pvp balance, you have a "wilderness" area, and players have "levels". The farther into the wilderness you go, the more dangerous it becomes. In essense, a low level player won't have to worry about getting murdered by a maxed out player unless they go out far enough. Dunno how plausible that'd be, but it's an idea.
  20. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Preventing players damaging each other could be done based on a tier system, should be pretty easy to implement with Gamestages if it doesn't already exist. I'll take a peek after Modoff finishes.

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